Adjika - benefits and harm to the health of the body

Burning-spicy and loved by many adjika has a number of useful qualities that are not known to all. This popular seasoning is prepared on natural products, therefore it is capable of harming the human body only in extremely rare cases.

 The benefits and harm adzhika

Composition adzhika

The composition of adzhika is represented only by natural components, this is its value. A mixture of hot chili peppers, garlic, salt and various herbs gives a burning, pleasant taste. It should be noted that the seasoning is low-calorie, 100 grams of the product contains only 50-60 kcal, so lovers of slim figure and various diets will appreciate it. The same amount of adzhika contains 1-2 grams of protein, 7-8 grams of carbohydrates, 2-3 grams of fat.

Adzhika benefits

There are plenty of lovers of a valuable product in the world, but there are also those who don’t like spicy seasoning.However, both in the first and in the second case, people only think about taste preferences, and no one thought about how this product is useful for a person.

Adjika has a number of effective useful qualities that can have a positive effect on the human body, improve health. All this is due to the valuable health properties that endow the natural ingredients that make up the seasoning.

So, adjika is capable of:

  • stimulate appetite;
  • have a positive effect on digestive processes;
  • regulate metabolic processes;
  • impact warming;
  • strengthen the immune system, increase the body's defenses;
  • provide antiviral and bactericidal effect;
  • stimulates blood flow in the genitals, improves potency;
  • helps to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.

Adjika - an excellent tool that can alleviate the condition of a person with acute respiratory infections and colds. The components of this product increase the energy potential.

Can adjika harm?

Despite a wide range of positive properties, adjika is not shown to everyone.If this is not taken into account, the valuable product turns into an enemy that can cause harm to the body.

It is not recommended to include adjika in the diet in the following cases:

  1. In the presence of renal or hepatic insufficiency;
  2. In the case of the presence of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (among them gastritis, ulcers, etc.) in such cases adzhika will only increase the irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby aggravating the situation;
  3. With pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  4. Patients suffering from high blood pressure (adjika will increase it even more, and this is a very undesirable situation for hypertensive patients);
  5. Women preparing to become a mother. Any spicy seasoning can provoke premature labor or miscarriage;
  6. During the period of breastfeeding;
  7. Children up to 12 years.

Secrets of cooking adzhiki

The traditional recipe includes ingredients such as hot peppers, garlic, spices and salt. If desired, you can decorate the dish with basil, coriander, dill, coriander, hops.

 Secrets of cooking adzhiki

Today, the variety of recipes by which adjika can be prepared is amazing, but any of them certainly contain tomatoes,therefore, the seasoning is red.

Adjika can be prepared in two ways: Abkhazian and Georgian.

According to the recipe of solar Abkhazia, the product is prepared from a mixture of hot pepper, garlic, walnuts and spicy herbs (dill, cilantro, basil). This seasoning is perfectly combined with meat dishes. In addition, green adjika can be found in Abkhazia, which is made from green herbs, green sweet pepper and salt. It is customary to use this seasoning when preparing dairy dishes.

Georgian adzhika is based on a mixture of two peppers - hot and red, to which wine vinegar, garlic, cilantro and other herbs are added. Today, this product of the Caucasian table can be found in the composition of Eastern European cuisine.

The value of an unusual seasoning is determined by its tart flavor and savory taste. It is also added to a variety of dishes to give them the desired spice.

Cooking adjika classic recipe
Adjika is a very popular product among Russian hostesses. It is prepared according to different recipes: with the addition of zucchini, apples, gooseberries, hot and sweet peppers.But most housewives try to follow the classic recipe of this dish.


  • 1 kg. hot chili peppers;
  • 0.5 kg. garlic;
  • 3 tablespoons of hops-suneli, ground coriander and dried chopped dill;
  • ¾ cup salt, preferably small;

Parsley, dill, cilantro are added as desired.

Important! It is recommended to prepare the product with rubber gloves, as irritation may occur on contact with sharp seasonings on the skin.

Before cooking, ground pepper is slightly dried. To do this, he laid out on the newspaper for a few days or hung out in the sun.


  1. Hop-sunel, dried dill and ground coriander are mixed. Such a mass should get exactly half a cup. If the volume came out more, then pour the excess, if less - add each spice in equal quantities to obtain the required amount.
  2. After that, in a meat grinder or blender, garlic, pepper and selected herbs are crushed and all this is mixed with spices and salt.
  3. The resulting adjika is laid out in a glass jar with a lid and put into the refrigerator.

Best of all this product is combined with meat dishes.

Adjika - the basis of the Abkhaz cuisine, a valuable product, endowed with a mass of useful properties. In addition to the classic recipe, widely used by modern Russian hostess, there is a mass of all sorts of variations of this seasoning. Adjika will be a worthy decoration of any table.

Video: the benefits and harm adzhika

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