Pineapple juice - the benefits and harm for men and women

Pineapples are predominantly grown in South America. And, although most of us consider them fruit, pineapples are actually berries. There are a lot of subspecies of this plant. The most valuable of them is pineapple crested. This fruit crop is exported to almost every corner of the world.

 The benefits and harms of pineapple juice

The first written mention of pineapples is dated 1553rd year. It is also known that Christopher Columbus, when he first saw the fruit of this plant, called it "Indian Pinecone".

The composition of the juice

Pineapple juice has an impressive list of beneficial properties, especially if it is freshly squeezed. This drink will replenish your body with sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and other minerals. Fat and protein are found in small quantities in pineapple juice, but there are more carbohydrates in it.

The benefits of pineapple juice

  1. If you use pineapple juice at least twice a week, you will very soon notice how your memory has improved. This drink is simply necessary for people whose professions are associated with active mental activity, and these are programmers, scientists, accountants, businessmen, etc.
  2. 200 grams of pineapple juice every day will insure you against edema and blood clots. This incredibly tasty drink prevents atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases that lead to stroke. It also lowers blood pressure.
  3. Scientists have proven that pineapple juice is an excellent prevention of the most dangerous cancer diseases. Those who include it in their diet, the likelihood of developing tumors is reduced by as much as 2/3.
  4. Vitamin C, which is rich in pineapple juice, helps in the fight against colds and strengthens the immune system weakened by ailment. In fact, this drink performs the same functions as aspirin, but has no side effects.
  5. Sore throat and kidney disease will recede due to pineapple juice. The work of the pancreas will improve in the same way as blood circulation. It is worth taking pineapple juice and for the prevention of diseases of the joints, as it is able to strengthen bone tissue.
  6. In folk medicine, pineapple juice is actively used for all kinds of compresses. They are great help with sprains and other injuries.
  7. If you suffer from nausea when traveling by air or suffer from seasickness, but are forced to go somewhere on the ship, take pineapple juice with you. It eliminates such unpleasant sensations, and also improves digestion. Experts recommend to use pineapple juice and women in an interesting position. To them it will significantly facilitate toxemia.

How to cook or choose pineapple juice?

Of course, the most useful juice will be obtained only from a quality product. When choosing a pineapple, make sure that its fruit is heavy and large. Its aroma must be felt. The presence of mold and stains on the surface of the pineapple is not allowed.

 How to cook pineapple juice

Before you begin to prepare the juice, the fruit is thoroughly washed in cold water. Then peeled. Next, cut the flesh into small pieces and use our blender or juicer. If the juice is too concentrated or tart, you can add pure water to it. With the use of a long time do not tighten.Thirty minutes after cooking, the juice begins to gradually lose its beneficial properties.

If for some reason you can not cook pineapple juice at home, and chose to buy it in the supermarket, then you need to pay attention to some points.

  1. To begin, read the composition of the product. In no case should there be sugar. But the presence of ascorbic acid is allowed.
  2. The more carbohydrates in the juice, the greater the mass of fruit used.
  3. Preference should be given to the product that is not in a paper bag, but in a glass container. Firstly, it is an environmentally friendly material, secondly, you will be able to appreciate the very consistency of the juice, its color, etc.
  4. Pineapple juice should not be bitter. If it is still bitter, it means that unripe fruits were used to make it. Such a drink will not bring any special benefit to the body, you just waste your money.

Who is contraindicated pineapple juice?

With the useful properties of this exotic drink, we figured out a little higher, and now it's time to get acquainted with the contraindications, which, unfortunately, are also present.

  1. Those who suffer from an ulcer or gastritis will not be able to eat pineapple juice. Acids that contain the fruit of this berry will irritate the gastric mucosa and aggravate these ailments. If such diagnoses are not made, but you still sometimes feel discomfort in the stomach and doubt his health, in any case do not drink pineapple juice on an empty stomach, it will also be good to dilute it with slightly clean water.
  2. Pregnant women this drink eliminates toxemia. However, one must be very careful in such cases. Juice should be cooked with a good, ripe pineapple. A green or spoiled fruit can even provoke a miscarriage.
  3. Increased acidity of pineapple juice can harm the baby’s immature stomach. Children under five or six years old should be given this drink only diluted.
  4. Individual intolerance is also a serious contraindication to the use of pineapple juice. Unfortunately, this fruit causes a fairly large number of people to cause allergic reactions.

Pineapple juice is not too useful for our teeth. The fact is that because of its chemical composition, it can destroy enamel.After drinking this drink, you must rinse your mouth with clean water or even brush your teeth if there is such a need.

Video: pineapple juice and cold

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