Watermelon Seeds - Health Benefits and Harm

Watermelon has long ceased to be considered as some kind of exotic fruit. Almost everyone loves him and consumes quite a lot during the harvest season. The juicy sugar pulp of this berry (that is, it is attributed to them) contains a fairly large number of seeds. Eating watermelon with them is not very pleasant. But is it wise to just throw them away? Maybe you can get some benefit from them? It is necessary to sort out this issue in more detail.

 The benefits and harm of watermelon seeds

What properties have watermelon seeds?

The content of useful substances is noted not only in the pulp, but also in the seeds, and even in the watermelon peel. Their composition is marked by the content of biological substances that affect the alkalinity of urine. They also have a beneficial effect on the urino-genital sphere as a whole.Substances contained in watermelon, can lead to the dissolution of salt toxins in the structures of the kidneys and excretion of them with urine. Based on this, we can say that watermelon seeds exhibit a diuretic effect. In addition, they have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Their taste is not inferior to the seeds contained in the sunflower. They are also dried, fried with salt and without it. This fact suggests that they are characterized by certain positive points in terms of cooking. In Thailand, for example, they are classified as valuable food products, at a time when our country is simply thrown into the garbage.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

In terms of 100 g of the product, the seeds contain 600 cal. This circumstance allows you to safely attribute the seeds to species with relatively high caloric content. In dried form, the seeds practically do not lose their properties, fully preserving them. They are pleasant and taste in this form. The composition is marked by the content of vitamin substances and a certain amount of minerals. It is even possible to meet the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated acids.

Raw seeds contain hemicellulose.It is also called semi-cellular tissue. It is saturated with polysaccharides that are not soluble in water. Despite the fact that watermelon can not be attributed to oilseeds, its seeds still contain from 20 to 40% oil. In taste it is close to the almond oil.

Positive and negative sides of watermelon seeds

In folk medicine, the use of this product is very widespread.

  1. Seeds promote elimination of uric acid from the body. This is one of the preventive measures to prevent urolithiasis.
  2. They are especially beneficial to men, as they normalize the work of the prostate gland. Seeds contain zinc and selenium, and this prevents the development of prostate adenoma. In order comes and sexual function.
  3. There are many amino acids in the product, including arginine, and seeds have a high protein content (almost 35% of it), because they contribute to the growth of muscle mass and replenishment of the body's energy reserves.
  4. The presence of arginine in the composition ensures the normal functioning of the heart, normalizes peripheral arterial pressure.As a result, the risk of infarction becomes much lower.
  5. To some extent, the use of watermelon seeds improves vision.
  6. With regular use there is an improvement in all metabolic processes.

All parts of the watermelon contain the amino acid citrulline. Once in the body, it is converted to L-arginine. It comes not only from outside, but also in certain quantities synthesized by the body itself. Expanding vessels, this amino acid reduces pressure. Under its influence the level of glucose in the blood is regulated. This amino acid is used to treat erectile dysfunction.

But there is a downside. In the breakdown of citrulline, ammonia is released. Ammonia leaves the body with urine.

Cooking watermelon seeds

 Cooking watermelon seeds
Usually the most popular recipe is toasting them in a pan. They are pre-washed and dried using a towel. Frying pan in advance, as it should, warm up. Frying is carried out with an exposure of 6 minutes. Ready-made seeds should get a dark color. A teaspoon of salt dissolves in a glass of water. This composition is added to the pan to the seeds.It is necessary to fry until the liquid completely evaporates. Then the fire must be turned off. After cooling, the seeds are ready to eat.

Prescription composition to combat helminths

Seeds should be dried in the oven. Then they are crushed. After that, skimmed milk is added to them in the proportion of 1:10. This kind of cocktail is consumed on an empty stomach. During the day you need to drink at least two glasses.

Struggling with hypertension

Seeds with watermelon peel must be dried. Then it is all ground to a powder. Half a teaspoon is taken twice a day. The course is long and is not less than a month. If you do this regularly, the pressure returns to normal. You can use the tool prepared for such a prescription composition to enhance the outflow of bile. Powder is taken in the morning.

In a number of Asian countries, watermelon seeds in combination with various seasonings are served as a separate dish.

Seed Oil

As noted earlier, watermelon seeds contain 20-40% oil. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.This was proven in experiments where the object to be tested was rats. With the introduction of the oil extract of watermelon seeds in animals, swelling of the paws was performed. This effect can be compared with that showing diclofenac. This effect is based on the inhibition of the synthesis of serotonin, histamine and other inflammatory factors.

In addition, the oil has a hepatoprotective effect, protecting the hepatocytes from damage. Rats were injected carbon tetrachloride. The substance has pronounced toxicity. An oil extract obtained from the seed of the watermelon was then injected for 10 days. After administration, a significant decrease in liver enzymes in the blood was noted, which is a good indicator.

It is widely used for cosmetic purposes. With its use, the skin becomes tender, takes on a velvety character, and acne passes.


Watermelon seeds have a number of limitations to their application.

  1. You should not use them in the presence of chronic renal disease, women during pregnancy and lactation. You can not give them and children under three years old.
  2. Since the product has a high calorie content, you can not use seeds for people prone to obesity, or those who are on a diet for weight loss.
  3. You can not abuse this product, because an excess of polyunsaturated fatty acids will adversely affect health.
  4. Seeds contain a small amount of oxalate and phytin. They impede the absorption of minerals. Therefore, you should not use too much watermelon seeds.

Video: watermelon seeds - a real storehouse of vitamins

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