Unleavened bread - the benefits and harm to health

Unleavened bread known to mankind for many centuries. He appeared even when no one heard about yeast. The recipe for such bread is considered a classic, traditional. It is believed that such a bread is useful. Now, in the wake of the revitalization of the movements for a healthy lifestyle, the fashion for eating unleavened bread has returned. But is it really useful?

 The benefits and harms of unleavened bread

How to get unleavened bread

Baking bread with yeast is quite simple: mixed flour, water, salt and yeast, kneaded dough, waited for it to rise and baked bread. The main work here is doing just shivering. Without them, the bread will be more like flat pita. The question arises: how does the yeast-free bread become fluffy?

In fact, yeast is contained in both yeast and unleavened bread. The difference is that in the first case, the yeast is added directly to the dough, and in the second - they are part of the starter. Sourdough is a substrate containing yeast and lactic acid bacteria.Ferment is obtained naturally by digesting dairy products or dough. In the bakery business, fermented sour dough is added as a starter. Yeast in yeast is called natural or wild. The yeast obtained in the food industry is technological.

The mechanism of action of yeast in the leaven is similar to that of ordinary culinary yeast. These fungi are able to break down carbohydrates, in particular, glucose into water and carbon dioxide. While in the dough, the yeast breaks down everything that comes their way, and the gas released raises the dough, making it lush. Then, in the process of cooking, the fungi die, but the dough remains lush. It is believed that high-tech yeast resistant to temperature effects, therefore, enter the body along with the bread. There is no evidence for this theory.

What is the advantage of unleavened bread?

If yeast-free bread also contains yeast mushrooms, then how is it better than regular store bread? The answer to this question lies in the secret of making yeast. Technological yeast is obtained in various ways.If we describe the process in general, the yeast is grown on special nutrient media, then washed, treated with various substances and packed.

The main harm to health is caused by those chemicals that are used in the preparation of yeast. Natural yeast fungi have more beneficial properties because they grow themselves and are not exposed to these substances. They contain the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements. Technological yeast is inferior to them in many properties, including taste.

In addition, store bread has many other harmful additives. For example, soy is sometimes added to it. The fact is that this ingredient absorbs moisture well and makes bread much heavier, which saves on ingredients during its production. In addition, soy makes bread white, even if the flour in it is not the highest grade. In addition to soy in store bread, there can be various thickeners, flavor enhancers and other chemical additives.

Store-unleavened bread can also have various chemical impurities. In order to get the maximum benefit from it, you must do the cooking yourself.

Benefit and harm

Why is yeast-free home-made bread so useful? Its benefits are as follows:

 Unleavened Bread

  1. Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. This bread irritates the walls of the alimentary canal, contributing to the production of digestive enzymes and increased motility.
  2. Fast saturability. Another factor associated with digestion. Bread contains a large amount of carbohydrates, so quickly satisfy hunger.
  3. The presence of vitamins of group B. These vitamins produce yeast and bacteria. In bread, baked on sourdough, they are many times more than in yeast. The vitamins of this group are necessary for the functioning of all organs and systems. They are especially useful for the nervous system, skin and blood system.
  4. Lower calorie. Unleavened bread contains less calories per 100g of product than regular store yeast pastries. In 100g of bread, cooked on sourdough about 180 kcal.

In addition, sourdough bread has a more vibrant, lively taste. In addition, it is stored for a long time. The cooking process can be considered more economical, since part of the dough can be left for fermentation.Fermentation will make fresh dough starter, which can be stored indefinitely.

There are yeast-free bread and negative sides, however, they are similar to those of ordinary store bread. It is worth remembering that bread is not the best way to affect the shape, because eating it should be avoided by people with obesity and those who simply want to lose weight. Bread made from white flour is also contraindicated for patients with diabetes. Another negative feature of any bread is flatulence. Because it should not be used by people with increased gas.

Thus, we can conclude that even unleavened bread contains yeast. However, they have a completely natural origin, are devoid of chemical impurities and have many useful substances. Sourdough bread is more difficult to prepare, but its special taste and indisputable benefits are worth it. In order to get the maximum amount of useful substances, it is recommended to bake bread at home.

Video: yeast-free bread recipe

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