Kudin tea - the benefits and harm to health

Tea Kudin, or, as it is also called "bitter tear", is a drink that is able to gradually heal the entire human body quickly and efficiently. These are folded leaves of a broad-leaved evergreen holly, dried according to the best technologies (often called needles).

 The benefits and harm of tea kudin

The original manufacturer is China. In this article we will discuss the benefits and harms of this drink, consider the advice of experts in the medical field on its use, and learn the most common recipes for preparation.

How to distinguish a quality product from a fake

Often, people buy Kudin tea from well-known suppliers who have a lot of positive feedback and regular customers.Bring a consumer to them can recommendations from friends and acquaintances, or their own choices, which make on such indicators:

  • The supplier or intermediary has been in the trade for over 5 years.
  • Kudin tea is always available.
  • Item shipped directly from China.
  • The product range is large.

Kudin is available in a wide range. But, acquiring such tea, you need to carefully treat its components. The composition consists exclusively of leaves of broad leaved holly. Customers can offer tea, which consists of paraguayan holly leaves, produced in China, but it is rather a mat than the product we need.

After the package is opened, attention should be paid to the quality of the leaves in it, a mandatory requirement for such:

  • Dryness.
  • Light brown speckles.
  • Weak peculiar smell.

If dust, rubbish or other unpleasant finds are found in the tea pack, you should try to return the product to an unscrupulous seller or simply throw it away without condemning your body for long-term processing of poor-quality slag.

Composition, calorie and nutritional value of tea Kudin

This healing drink has absorbed many of those vitamins that are necessary for the active human life. Includes:

  • Ascorbic and nicotinic acids.
  • Flavnoidy.
  • Tannin.
  • Caffeine.
  • Essential oils.

The amount of Kudin tea calories can be from 1 to 5 kcal per 100 ml, depending on the specific type of drink. On the diet, this figure has little effect. As a rule, Kudin is drunk separately from any dishes, not sweetened or consumed in combination with desserts.

What are the beneficial properties of tea has on the body?

Chinese doctors claim that this healing drink has universal and tonic properties, which is why it is often recommended to many of its patients. If you use tea Kudin in small quantities, then it:

 Useful properties of tea kudin

  • Effectively strengthens the immune system, maintaining it at the same level.
  • Prevents oncology.
  • Rapidly removes toxins from a weakened body.
  • Accelerates the healing process for colds and viruses.
  • It has a tonic and invigorating effects.
  • Reduces the likelihood of blood clots and thins the blood.
  • Leads to normal blood pressure.
  • It has a stimulating effect on the human nervous system.
  • Significantly improves memory, and improves the mood of the patient.

The benefits of the magic drink

In China, Kudin tea is valued, thanks to its properties of stimulating brain activity during sleep, painted with colorful dreams and prophecies.

For adults
Magic drink is able to normalize the hormonal balance, strengthen the male and female libido, as well as significantly improve performance. The effect on the man's body is manifested in the stimulation of potency, the improvement of erection and the appearance of the ability to control the duration of sexual intercourse. Women may notice the disappearance of PMS and menstrual pain.

Maternity and nursing
In the process of pregnancy and feeding, it is better not to take Kudin tea, since additional stimulation of the central nervous system will rather harm the body of a woman than help. During this period, the best option is to drink green tea with added milk.

For kids
In China, healers consider it unnecessary to offer children a drink of up to six years, but pediatricians from the CIS countries take this seriously and the age limit is set at 12 years.The process of teaching a child to drink should be as follows: 1 teaspoon of tea on an empty stomach every morning, this will have a tonic and restorative effect on his body. Over time, it is allowed to increase the dose to 50 ml daily.

For the elderly
After a person reaches the mark of 50 years, drinking the drink is moderate, and then it will only bring benefits:

  • Slows down aging.
  • Prevents the possible development of sclerosis.
  • It is an excellent way to lift the mood.
  • Helps to keep active for a long time.
  • Facilitates adaptation.

For special people
It is recommended to use Kudin tea only at elevated pressure. Most effectively manifest itself in the use of people weakened after an illness or treatment with drugs. Able to increase tone, immunity and cleanse the body of harmful toxins. It helps diabetics, as it has a positive effect on the performance of the thyroid gland.

Harm and contraindications to the use of tea Kudin

Contraindications apply to people:

 Harm and contraindications to the use of tea Kudin

  • With inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • With a gastric ulcer with exacerbations.
  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • Children under the age of 12 years.

Side effects while taking precautions in the choice of the seller, as well as in compliance with contraindications have not yet been noted.

Tips and indications for use

People who want to get the maximum benefit and, at the same time, have fun, it is worth learning the right brewing. One leaf of tea needs to be poured 350-400 ml of cool water, and then there are several ways to brew:

  1. One sheet is poured over 50 ml of water, which is further drained and poured in the same amount for 15 minutes. After add 300-350 ml of water 80 degrees - Kudin brewed after 5 minutes.
  2. In a container with water of 50 degrees, the needle is brewed for 10 minutes. If the tea is prepared by this technology, then water is added 70-80 degrees for 5 minutes.

Note! Kudin brewed according to the recommended technology will acquire a gray-green color, otherwise the drink will not be brewed correctly and will be ineffective during treatment.

Experts recommend drinking a maximum of two cups, accommodating 150-200 ml per day. To avoid disorders of sleep and insomnia, Kudin is best used in the morning or afternoon.

Indications for use:

  1. To normalize the activity of the endocrine glands - they drink it on an empty stomach, before meals, twice a day.
  2. In order to improve metabolism - drink hot after lunch and breakfast.

Application Methods

 Ways to use tea kudin
In cooking
The addition of Kudin leaves in food is contraindicated. It is not recommended to drink tea with any desserts or sweets.

As a means to lose weight
A well-known fact: Kudin tea improves metabolism, can significantly reduce cholesterol, and also effectively breaks down fat. Therefore, the tool is widely distributed as a proven means for losing weight. In such cases, drink a drink twice a day after meals. After some time after a regular intake (for each individual time interval), a person has a craving for sweets and, sometimes, an aversion to “junk food”, because the liver and the body are cleaned of toxins.

In folk medicine
Since the healing drink is a means of strengthening the organism, it has also found its use in traditional medicine. Guaranteed to help:

  • In relieving or even lifting a hangover.
  • In the elimination of toxins after severe poisoning.
  • In the prevention of depression and apathy.
  • In the treatment of dermatological diseases.

In cosmetology procedures
A remedy such as the well-known Chinese tea Kudin also helps wrinkles, effectively rejuvenating the skin on the face or preventing the formation of cellulite on the body.

Having learned about all the healing properties, one can hardly call Kudin tea, because it is, first of all, a good Chinese remedy that strengthens and is able to heal the human body. You can use it not only for pleasure (a person, of course, will not begin to receive it immediately, but only when he gets used to the taste specific to the “tea”), but also to rejuvenate himself and feel a surge of new strength.

Video: how to brew tea kudin

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