Galerina Bordered - a description of where the toxicity of the fungus grows

The main danger posed by a poisonous mushroom is that the gallery is bordered by the fact that it is very similar to the summer honeydew favorite of mushroom pickers. Poisoning with this fungus in some cases leads to death.

 Galerina fringed

Description and distribution of the fungus

Galerina marginata is included in the family of stropharium class agaricomycetes. Since the danger of this fungus is beyond doubt, it is important to know its distinctive features:

  1. The cap is brown in color, may also have a yellowish tint, reaches 4 cm in size, smooth, slightly shiny. At the beginning of its growth, it is convex, it may have a bell shape, it bends inwards along the edges. As it develops, the cap straightens to a flat state, its edges become translucent with parallel grooves visible on them.
  2. It has narrow, closely spaced plates. At first they are light in color, and when ripe, spores change to brown with a rusty hue. When they appear, young mushrooms are provided with a film at the bottom of the cap, which then breaks and hangs like a ring on a leg.
  3. The spores of the gallery trimmed are painted in a pronounced rusty color.
  4. The foot is thickened at the base, reaches a maximum length of 5 cm and a thickness of half a centimeter. Painted brown with a yellow ring at the top, which subsequently disappears. Above the ring the leg is covered with a bloom of powdery structure, and below - its color is closer to the color of the cap. Inside it is hollow.
  5. The flesh has a long lasting powdery aroma. By coloring, it is more yellow in the cap of the mushroom and more brown in its leg.

The gallery trimmed is fairly widespread. It can be seen in the forests of Asia, Europe, North America and Australia. In Russia, the gallery is found in the European part, including in the Crimea and the Caucasus, as well as in the Far East, the Urals and in the south of Siberia. The fungus prefers dead conifers, even if they lie shallowly in the ground. It can also live in mosses or on tree roots protruding from the soil.Fruit bodies galerin fringed appear in August and are found until October.

The difference between the gallery fringed from the summer meadow

In order not to confuse this poisonous mushroom with the usual summer time, with which they are very similar, it is necessary to understand their differences. And the galina, edged and edged, has a similar shape, color and size, has a ring on its stem and ripens in about one term. Not a very pleasant moment in the fact that the gallery can sprout individually among the group of mushrooms, so you can accidentally cut and poisonous along with edible mushrooms. In this situation, a strong poisoning from one thing will not. In addition, both fungi prefer stumps and fallen trees.

 The difference between the gallery fringed from the summer meadow

But there are still visible differences between them:

  1. Galerina is smaller in size, and in small mushrooms the cap is tucked around the edges.
  2. The fringed galerina is found mainly in coniferous forests, and summer shrub grows in deciduous or mixed forests.
  3. In the gallery of the leg, the bottom of the structure is a fiber and is covered with a white patina in the form of spots, and the leg of the agaric is covered with scales.
  4. If you smell the pulp of the gallery, you can smell the floury smell, while the garlic has the fresh smell of wood.
  5. Galerins do not connect the legs at their base, and in agony it often happens.

Experienced mushroom pickers on these grounds will be able to distinguish the dangerous mushroom from edible. However, in order not to risk life and health, one should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Collect summer shade in deciduous forests and do not walk behind him in the conifers.
  2. Take only young mushrooms, because in adulthood their differences are almost imperceptible.

Signs of poisoning and first aid

The poison of the gallery fringed - amatoxin. It is very similar to the poisonous substance contained in the toadstool. The poison affects the liver, destroying it, but the danger is that it does not happen immediately. From the moment of poisoning to the stage of its acute manifestation, 10-14 hours pass. After acute poisoning, there is a period of improvement in well-being for 3 days, and then the person’s condition deteriorates sharply. If medical care is not provided in a timely manner, then death is possible.

 Galerina marginata

When amatoxin is ingested, the following symptoms occur:

  • persistent vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • frequent urination;
  • convulsions;
  • decreasing body temperature.

If there are such signs, you must immediately call an ambulance. While the crew is traveling, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim: gastric lavage; providing rest; warming the limbs, for example, with the help of heating pads; warm drink in large quantities, with a strong weakness, it is permissible to give a strong brewed tea. If a person is in the hands of qualified medical personnel within one day after poisoning, then the probability of a favorable outcome is very high.

Other types of gallery

In addition to the fringed gallery, there is a danger to stumble upon its closest relatives - the sphagnum gallery and the moss galerina.

Sphagnum gallery is also an inedible mushroom. Its cap in diameter does not exceed 3.5 cm. In shape, it can vary from cone to convex. On the surface, the cap can be smooth or with fibers. Well absorbs water. Painted mushroom brown with a yellowish tint.The stem is very thin, up to 0.4 cm in diameter and has a great length - up to 12 cm, inside is hollow. These mushrooms are found from June to September. Their favorite places are damp lowlands and swamps, where they grow in large families.

Mossy Galerina is a mushroom containing a dangerous poison. The hat is very small, no more than one and a half centimeters in diameter. As it grows, its shape changes from cone to hemisphere, and at the end it becomes convex. Swells, absorbing moisture from the environment. It has a light brown color, but may be yellow with a touch of honey. Leg thin - 0.2 cm and not very high - up to 4 cm in length. Young mushrooms on the leg has a ring, but in adulthood it disappears. Fruiting begins in August and continues until September. Prefers to grow in moss and old dead wood. Singly is not common, likes to grow in small groups.

To protect yourself in the forest when collecting mushrooms, you need to know the differences between edible and poisonous specimens. If in doubt, it is better not to take such mushrooms.

Video: Galerina Edged (Galerina marginata)

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