Pomegranate Peels - Health Benefits and Harm

The fruits of pomegranate are an extremely useful gift of nature, because they contain many medicinal properties and perform important functions, getting into the human body. Pomegranates are even mentioned in ancient writings, and more recently scientists from China made a startling discovery: the crusts of such a fruit contain antioxidants twice as high as the grains themselves.

 The benefits and harm of pomegranate peels

The use of unusual fruit crusts requires a special approach, but we will begin the article with a description of the beneficial properties of a grenade.

Beneficial effects on the body

Pomegranate and its crusts perform some functions that improve overall health, such as:

  1. Treats the cardiovascular system. Due to the fact that pomegranate peels contain a large amount of antioxidants, they perform a protective function. Prevent the oxidation of cholesterol molecules, not allowing heart diseases to develop. That is why pomegranate is so important.
  2. Removes toxic elements from the body. Improves liver function.
  3. It can be used for hygiene inside the mouth.
  4. It is used as a popular proven tool that fights cough and inflammatory processes. Pomegranate crusts have long been used to reduce pain and discomfort in the throat. They are ground into powder, mixed thoroughly with cool water, and the resulting composition is rinsed with an inflamed throat. And to eliminate cough, tulasi leaves are interfering with ginger. Also coughing will help this remedy with the addition of Himalayan salt (pink): crusts are crushed into eight parts, some of the salt and water is added so that a homogeneous paste of thick consistency comes out.Small balls roll and then take 1 ball three times a day, dissolving. In the case when a cough torments a child, he is given to keep a crust in his mouth in a parched condition.
  5. It contains an impressive supply of vitamin C. At the same time, the peel acts as a rich source of vitamin, which improves wound healing, forming scar tissue, and literally replaces calcium.
  6. Assists with severe and prolonged bleeding. During menstruation, you can mix 1 h / l of a pomegranate peel with water, you can use this tool twice a day.
  7. During the period of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to dissolve 8 g of powdered mass obtained from dried crusts with water, after which it should be taken in the morning and evening, until the symptoms become less noticeable.

Cosmetic properties exerted by pomegranate crusts

  1. It has the ability to moisturize. It prevents skin draining, as it does not allow cells to lose moisture.
  2. Used to prevent skin cancer.
  3. Properties that protect against the sun (due to the content of sunscreen agents that effectively prevent damage to cells by ultraviolet radiation).
  4. It assists the body by synthesizing procollagen, which helps prevent the onset of special enzymes that break down collagen in the body. Promotes proper cell growth. With the use of natural products and pomegranate derivatives, it is possible to postpone the processes of inevitable aging and wrinkled skin.
  5. Provides health and strength to hair. A useful and important cosmetic property of pomegranate is its healing ability to act on damaged hair, thereby preventing undesirable dandruff. To do this, use fruit extract.
  6. If you grind the zest and mix it with the so-called rose water, you get a good tool to deal with the emerging acne.

How to get pomegranate powder at home?

It is necessary to remove the entire white part inside the pomegranate, since it is bitter enough and is hardly suitable for the purposes we are pursuing, but throwing it away will be a hasty decision. Peels can be quickly dried either by the action of UV rays or by drying for fruits, which is practically available in every home.Then it is necessary to grind into a powder and place it in a bottle made of dark glass or another container, then put it in a cold place.

White insides, which you did not throw away, can be used as a cold medicine. It is required to dry it on the same principle, and in small quantities add to tea.

Tea made from medicinal pomegranate peels

Often such tea is prepared using pomegranate juice directly, but if it is necessary to cure some ailment, the best remedy is the crusts, previously crushed by the above methods. Medicinal tea, eliminating disorders associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, easily prepared and used. It can help with digestive disorders, clean the kidneys and liver of toxins, and also rid the body of intestinal parasites! Ingredients will need these:

  • Peel pomegranate.
  • Mint.
  • Caraway.
  • Green tea leaves.
  • Ginger.
  • Only 1 h / l of honey.

Preparing a drink as follows: the above ingredients, with the exception of the last, are placed in a coffee grinder, ground to a powder.At 1 h / l of such funds should take 1 st.vody, bring it to a boil, and then soak over low heat for a couple of minutes. After our drink is removed from the stove, it should brew for 5 minutes. Then you need to strain the tea with the addition of honey.

Pomegranate peel and pomegranate itself can in principle be very bad in combination with some drugs, and side effects are the same as in pomegranate seeds.

Indications and contraindications for internal use

If a person has any diseases, application inside pomegranate crusts will be especially effective, because their benefits and harm have been studied by many well-known healers in the field of traditional medicine, and, guided by prescriptions, you can choose an individual remedy.

 Indications and contraindications of pomegranate crusts


  1. Often, pomegranate derivatives are used by physicians to treat housing and communal services disorders, because they contain tannins.
  2. Pomegranate is also an excellent helper in combating bleeding gums in order to alleviate the hangover syndrome.
  3. Apply peel to eliminate worms from the body.
  4. Also especially useful is the rind of this fruit as a wound-healing agent.
  5. Often used for colds.
  6. Very helpful crusts for anemia.

Harm from the use takes place only at overdose, tendency to allergies and violations of the kidneys and liver.

Preparation of infusion based on pomegranate peel

This compound is used to treat cholera, dysentery. A small container warms up (glass is a must!), Dry crusts are put into it, and all this is poured 250 g of boiling water. The container is covered with a saucer, aged for 30 minutes, and after this time the tool will be ready. It is recommended to drink the first half of the contents instantly, and leave the second to insist further.

Recipes that use pomegranate peels

  1. It is possible to quickly expel gastric parasites if you pour wine with pre-dried pomegranate peels. They need to be well boiled, and only after that use the finished product.
  2. If the liver is inflamed, you can make a decoction. If malfunctions and malfunctions of the kidneys are observed frequently, 100 g of crushed raw materials should be poured with one glass of boiling water and sent to a water bath for about 30 minutes. After filtering with the addition of a small amount of water and then drink shortly before lunch, 1 tbsp. During the day, you need to drink at least 1 cup of the product.
  3. To get rid of tape parasites, it is recommended to pour 400 g of cool water with 1 tbsp of dried peel, let it stand for 6 hours, and then evaporate to 200 g with a good strain. Over the next hour, drink with the same dosage. Then you need to drink any drug with a laxative effect.
  4. Infusion peel will be very good in the presence of cough in a chronic form. It is brewed as a simple tea, but until such time as the water turns pink. Drink in small doses in a warm condition, with the obligatory addition of honey - you need to drink 200 g per day.
  5. People who are constantly suffering from skin diseases, acne and acne, healing pomegranate peels can help solve such problems. The mask is being prepared - the peel is roasted, but not strongly, coconut or, at its own discretion, olive oil is added. The resulting infusion is stored in a cold place, and its application should be carried out 2 times a week.
  6. With any degree of burns use this method of treatment: crushed pomegranate peel and applied to those areas that are damaged. Before doing this, experts recommend lubricating the damaged skin with pomegranate juice.
  7. In cases where it is necessary to treat such a dangerous affliction as hemorrhoids, it is advised to crust crusts into powder, and then dilute with cool water. It is necessary to drink such means twice a day until the condition improves.
  8. People who are faced with anemia, the broth is best suited, and you need to drink at least 5 times 1 tbsp, for 3 days.
  9. Pomegranate peel, brewed in the form of tea, help with ailments associated with utilities. The necessary ingredients: peel, green tea leaves, mint, cumin, ginger, a spoon of honey - all this is crushed in a coffee grinder. 50 g of the mixture pour 1 tbsp. water. Bring to a full boil, briefly leaving on a moderate fire, then removed from the stove. Tea is brewed for about 5-6 minutes, then it needs to be drained and drunk with the addition of honey.

Video: decoction on pomegranate crusts from worms

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