How to quickly teach a child to speak the letter P

When a child begins to speak, then parents have to make a lot of effort to make the baby pronounce the sounds correctly. One of the most complex sound is considered to be the sound of R. Sometimes it gives in to a crumb with difficulty. The task of the parents at this time is not to laugh at the burr child, but to help him. How to teach a child to speak the letter P? Now tell.

 How to teach a child to say the letter P

General rules

Usually, parents for the time being do not pay special attention to the “French” pronunciation of the child. Anxiety is starting to beat closer to school. And meanwhile, the sooner they take care of the child, the easier and faster the cunning letter will enter the lexicon.

Some sources require that the first thing the baby explain the difference between sounds and letters. Say, in the first grade the baby will be easier later.

Let's face it: now not every adult knows the difference. Therefore, do not clog the child's head.By the way, in the first grade the teacher will explain to the child all about the letters and sounds even without you. So leave the kid a little childhood, study still have time to get bored. In general, do the letter P, and nothing else.

What to do if the child is not given the letter P? Consult a speech therapist. No, it is not necessary to go to classes regularly. You can save a considerable part of the family budget, if you are ready to deal with the baby. But at least once to visit a specialist worth. He will identify the problem and tell you which direction to go.

Council Go to the speech therapist must. Often parents in the pursuit of the letter P do not notice that the offspring distorts other letters.

Immediately turn around and leave if the specialist begins to frighten you. Ostensibly from the burly develop dysplasia, pathology and terrible diseases of the brain. Such a "speech therapist" just wants to pull out more money from you. Remember, from rotacism (the official name of the burr) no one has yet died. Vaughn, the people of France and Germany are all burrowing. So what? Do all the piles fall and die from pathologies? And how many people speak English? After all, there is no clear letter R.So, miserable likeness. Say, too, absolutely everyone suffers from brain diseases? Stupidity.

Look for a good specialist who will give you valuable advice on how to teach your child to speak the letter P, and not to tell fairy tales.

By the way, burr may be from underdevelopment of the bridle. And, if earlier it was necessary to cut it surgically, now such drastic measures can be avoided. There are many exercises that allow you to stretch and develop a bridle painlessly.

Did you know? It turns out that the most severe form of rotacism is the laryngeal variant (or throat). In this case, it is very difficult for parents to teach a child to speak the letter P correctly. It definitely can not do without the help of a speech therapist. Because it is not a correction of speech, but retraining.

Do not force the offspring to force speech therapy exercises. Choose a time when the baby:

  • slept well
  • fed
  • healthy
  • rested
  • in a good mood

Be sure to use the elements of the game to interest the child. Keep your official language dry. You can fool around with a child, but only on the basis of recommended activities. And do not overstrain the child.Couples once a day for 20-25 minutes is more than enough so that the baby does not develop an aversion to learning.

And further. In addition to the special exercises for the letter P, do not discount other lessons on training the entire speech apparatus. After all, only an integrated approach will help you overcome a complex letter.

Exercises for the letter P

Most of them are designed to develop the tip of the child's tongue. It is he who is responsible for the correct pronunciation of the letter R. At the same time, other participants in speech should also be engaged: the lips, the surface of the tongue, the cheeks.

Here are the most common and effective exercises:

  1. Drummer. Open mouth wide, the tip of the tongue is leaning against the base of the upper incisors. We quickly and often pronounce the letter D. At the same time, the tip of the tongue vibrates and almost the letter R.
  2. Cab. The mouth is wide open, the tip of the tongue is raised to the upper sky. With the force of a sharp exhale air through the tip of the tongue. It should make something like a deaf TRRR.
  3. Painter. The mouth is opened wide, the tip of the tongue is again raised to the upper sky. We begin to draw different scribbles with the tongue in the sky.It would be best to drive back and forth and left-right.
  4. Horse The most common clatter. Or click language. Remember how they did it in childhood, and show your baby.

Be sure that the child does not move his lower jaw during training. This is the most common mistake. At first, the baby may not be able to perform the workout. Do not despair, after a while everything will be perfect. And there is just around the corner and the unfortunate letter R.

Council Be sure to show the child by example, how to put your tongue and lips, how to blow air. In words it is sometimes not very clear what needs to be done. And do not forget about the game component of classes.

Exhalation Exercises

Such classes are an indispensable attribute of articulation gymnastics. Because without a strong exhalation, the sound P cannot be pronounced (vibration of the tip of the tongue is necessary). By the way, instead of training, you can blow soap bubbles. Or roll a light ping-pong ball across the table. Or even try to hold the balloon in the air with one breath without hands. Arrange the competition - who will further blow a piece of paper on the table.In a word, develop the imagination and the power of exhalation in your child.

Here are some exercises for this:

  1. Naughty. We put out the tongue, we quickly catch it several times with our lips. At the same time we take a deep breath.
  2. Pendulum. Smile, slightly open mouth. We put out the tip of the tongue and lead them from one corner of the lips to another. Simultaneously exhale.
  3. Mosquito. Slightly open mouth, put out the tip of the tongue. Say the letter Z, breathing heavily. Now we hide the tongue inside. Say again the long letter Z, and again exhale.

Speech therapists recommend that parents purchase a special spatula to practice. It is very easy to use. It is necessary during class to gently slip the tool under the tongue of the child and move it left and right. In this way, an additional vibration is created at the tip of the tongue. And sometimes it becomes clearly audible letter R.

Council Buy speech therapy spatulas designed for children, not for teens or adults. They have a more accurate form. And they smell delicious fruit, candy or chocolate.

Valuable advice

Sometimes this happens: parents come to their senses and begin to pester the child without any training and gymnastics of the vocal apparatus. Require utter whole rhymes or even tongue twisters. The child is frightened, withdraws into himself.

 How to learn to pronounce the sound P

What can be achieved with such exercises, except for the insult of the baby? Nothing. To begin with, warm up your speech muscles with extra exercise before training. And only then try to master a complex letter.

By the way, speech therapists are advised to first learn how to pronounce the sound P separately. Then you need to learn how to growl for a long time. And only after that you can go to the whole words, sentences. Well, if the child ahead of time began to confidently speak the letter P in everyday speech, then you should not stop it. After all, your baby turned out to be smarter than you thought. Let snicker enough.

Some grandparents remember very well how they hounded their peers with speech defects. They may begin to bully the grandson, promising all the sacrifices of heaven and a boycott from other children. Stop such conversations in the bud, so that they forget to say nonsense. Do not understand in a good way? Explain more rudely.Now there are so many children with the wrong pronunciation that most peers simply do not pay attention to speech defects. And no one has long laughs at the burr or lisping classmate.

Watch the baby's pronunciation carefully. Sometimes it happens that the baby successfully overcomes the soft letter P, but the solid well does not come. In your own example, show the offspring the correct sound. Let him look into your mouth, let him see how to hold the tip of the tongue and lips. After all, everyone knows that children love to repeat after adults. Use it for good.

It is very convenient to do this in front of a mirror. For example, tell your child that today you are monkeys. Therefore, should ape. But not just like that. How exactly - tell the speech therapist. On the Internet, too, you can find a lot of exercises.

Do not bother your child to do. Tired or tired? Stop, return to training a little later. Alternate exercises so that your baby does not get bored. Make up stories and stories, invite him to create his own fairy tale.

Engage with your child every day. At any convenient time. You can even cook in the kitchen, but do not hatch on the TV, but play with the baby in words. Often use in your speech the words with the letter R. And not only during exercise.You can even imagine yourself with a baby lion family, roar at an imaginary enemy, or at each other. Do you think there is little opportunity for loving and caring parents?

Do not forget to praise the kid for any, even the smallest victory over the insidious letter R. Never compare the child with other children. He is your only and most beloved.

How to teach a child to speak the letter P? Remember - this is not a matter of one day. Show perseverance and patience. Engage with the child regularly, but not intrusive. Follow the recommendations of speech therapists. And you will succeed. Soon the son will begin to growl no worse than a tiger cub.

Video: how to learn to pronounce the sound P

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