How to quickly bring down the pressure at home

People suffering from hypertension, always have at hand an impressive stock of various drugs. But sometimes it happens that the pressure jumped and the pills ran out. What to do? Running to the pharmacy for medicine is not an option. Sometimes, it just does not have the strength.

 How to quickly bring down the pressure

How to quickly bring down the pressure at home? The network is full of articles with recommendations to take this or that medicine. The composition and dosage are described in detail. The use of such advice is very doubtful. After all, hypertension is not a runny nose or a scratch. Self-administration of such drugs can end very badly. You can take pills to normalize high blood pressure only with the advice of a doctor. The argument "here's a neighbor saw, she somehow helped, but something poprohilo me" will have to be brought in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. You need to be more careful about your health.The organism self-regenerates, but not infinitely!

There are some more recipes that cause a healthy apprehension. Although the authors claim the ultimate truth and are unshakable in their rightness. Now we will consider everything in detail.

Magic vinegar

So, the first method to quickly bring down the pressure from would-be healers. Moisten a towel in vinegar, apply to feet. It seems to be simple, but what should be the effect? What is it based on? What percentage of vinegar to take? Wet stinking cloth weakly help a simple attachment.

Correct actions. Apple cider vinegar only. Concentration of 6 or 9%. It is necessary to apply not on the feet, but on the soles! Keep about 18-22 minutes. There are a large number of acupuncture points, and that will be a useful action. Together with this procedure, it is desirable to wipe with gentle movements with vinegar limbs. Steaming from the surface of the skin, it cools it.

Accordingly, the body will try to warm these places, increasing the outflow of warm blood from the heart. The pressure smoothly drops, as required.

Mustard plaster and warm bath

The second "healing" advice on how to quickly bring down the pressure.Take mustard plasters, put them on the shoulders, calves, neck. Or pour a warm bath, lie down for 15 minutes.

Hmm too. Physics was taught in school, but few taught it well. When heated, the vessels expand, it is easier for the heart to pump blood. What it does with a vengeance after a spasm of blood vessels. And how will a person feel badly, and with mustard plasters?

Correct actions. No mustard plaster! A bath is good, but not higher than body temperature. To avoid spasmolytic shock of blood vessels. And even then, if a person is able to take a bath. It happens so badly that there is no time for swimming.

Chinese method

In each article there is a picture of how to find acupuncture points according to the prescription of a Chinese doctor. There is a detailed description of how to find them correctly. Already a whole paragraph!

Do you think a person is ill from high blood pressure, while he is sitting, looking at the screen and looking for the middle of his collarbone? To, then, from her lead some line somewhere there. He reads carefully, feels his neck ... "On one side of the head, then on the other, almost without touching the skin." And then the neck, if we are talking about the head? And what effect, if not touch the skin? Manual therapy or self-hypnosis with a placebo effect?

Is it not clear? It is obvious! Again we recall the school course, now biology, the section “structure of the human body”. Everyone knows where the carotid artery is. Here it is that notorious line.

Correct actions. Smooth movements, almost without pressing, stroke the neck down the carotid artery. Simultaneously on both sides of the neck. It is believed that this stops the outflow of blood from the heart, and it begins to work normally, reducing the pressure on the vessels.

Council It is recommended to do no more than 10-15 strokes. Otherwise, you can reduce blood flow to the brain to a critical point, which is fraught with loss of consciousness.

Coffee and Cognac

The recipe is tempting. Coffee with cognac can be. Only healthy people in small quantities. Because it does not knock down the pressure, but increases it.

With the simultaneous ingestion of caffeine with alcohol, the following happens: the heart begins to work in a speeded-up mode, the vessels temporarily dilate. But for a very short time. After about 30-40 minutes, they return to their former state. And the heart continues to beat at double speed. Turns out that? That's right, rupture of blood vessels. In another heart attack.Thanks to Internet advisers, they helped out. So what? No man - no problem. Dead to pressure spit.

Correct actions. Instead of coffee we take warm sweet tea. Add cognac or vodka in the amount of 1 tsp. on 250 ml of liquid. We drink in small frequent sips. Alcohol expands blood vessels, tea soothes the frantic heart rhythm, sweetness supports the normal functioning of the brain. Everything is decorous, beautiful and medically correct.

Council Tea is better to take green, not black. Can replace karkade. Brew weak.

Cold water

It is recommended to wash her. You can put your feet in a bowl of cool water, rinse your hands to the elbow.

Oddly enough, the recipe is correct. The effect will be on the same principle as vinegar. The cooling of blood vessels, the body is heated, the blood flows from the heart muscle.

Council Water should be cool, but not icy. The temperature shock can cause severe vasospasm, which will bring even more harm.

Proper breathing

What is the pressure that often jumps from? The man was nervous, worried and now, is already a layer. What is there about this we advise "healers"? Oh, how interesting! Breathe correctly! On the exhale, count seconds, hold the air and others like them.

 Breathing to reduce pressure

The one who wrote this even probably never saw the state in which people are when their blood pressure rises after a hassle. Yes, even dares to say something about the evidence of scientists.

Procedure. First you need to ensure the access of fresh air: open the window, undo the tight collar or untie the tie. Then you need to give a sedative. But not medicine, but herbal tincture. For example, no more than 15 drops of motherwort per glass of water at a time. To calm your heart you need to drink Corvalol. See the exact dosage on the package.

Carefully monitor the person. He must breathe deeply, not hold the air inside. If within half an hour the pressure does not begin to decrease, self-treatment is stopped and a doctor or an ambulance is called. If possible, independently deliver the patient to a medical facility. There is already every second road.

Council Do not give repeated doses of already taken tinctures for an hour. It happens that they do not act immediately and people accept more. And then both doses act immediately and the pressure drops sharply. It gets worse.

Rhythmic walk

"With a sharp increase in pressure, rhythmic walking is good, the body is saturated with oxygen." This is not even funny! With a sharp increase in pressure in a person, flashes or circles before the eyes, severe dizziness, even nausea. Plus tinnitus, lack of oxygen and weakness of the whole body.

But does this mean woe to healers? Said a walking tour, then get up and go. Where you will reach, there fast and will pick up. If good people feel sorry for the body lying on the street. Straight and the picture stands before his eyes: poploha, a man crawls out into the street, rattling from wall to wall, falls, tries to walk again and thinks - well, they wrote on the website about the effectiveness of walking!

Correctly so:

  1. The advice about walking is working. But only as a prevention, not a cure. You need to walk until the pressure rises, and not during a hypertensive crisis.
  2. To saturate the body with oxygen during a hypertensive attack, you can simply open the window and ventilate the room.
  3. Is the pressure jumping? Full peace is desirable. What a walk, too much movement is not recommended.

This is how self-treatment happens. And then they will write in a local newspaper that they again found a person lying on the street.

CouncilIf by occupation you need to move a lot, and you know the possibility of pressure surges, then shove pieces of paper with your name, surname and phone number of a loved one in all your pockets and bags. Perhaps this will save your life and save you from many misunderstandings in the future.

Honey poison

Another "valuable" advice. Eat every day with 100 g of honey and walnuts. Prevention means. The method is only partly correct.

Hypertension is a frequent companion of diabetes. Even completely healthy people, it is desirable to use no more than 2 tbsp. l honey per day. What can we say about diabetics? What are 100 g per day?

A completely different situation with nuts. They can be eaten with elevated pressure and diabetes. But again, not in such quantities. Calorie nuts have not been canceled.

The correct order of admission: no more than 2 nuts and no more than 2 tbsp. l bee gift a day. But this is only the beneficial effect of vitamins and minerals. And certainly not a way to quickly bring down the pressure at home.

Valuable advice

  1. Very important! Be sure to tell the doctor who will deal with you, your usual pressure.There were cases that the human body got used to the indicator of 150. Then the pressure rose to 180, it became bad. The paramedics who arrived at the ambulance shot down the indicator to 120, and instead of the amendment, the person fell into a coma.
  2. After contacting the clinic, the doctor will prescribe medication. Be sure to discuss with him the problem of a sharp onset of hypertensive crisis. Let him prescribe a drug to quickly reduce the pressure that suits you personally. And now these pills or drops should always be nearby. Buy several bottles or blisters, put one at a time at home, at work, in a car, in your purse. Of course, it is a bit costly. But is it possible to save lives cheaper drugs?
  3. Independently bring down high pressure can only be tried until the testimony of 160 to 95. If at least one digit exceeds the permissible limit, then the person should be immediately hospitalized.
  4. A good way to reduce pressure is to drink any weak diuretic. We'll have to visit the bathroom often, but the amount of fluid in the body will decrease. Accordingly, the blood will be weaker strain the walls of blood vessels. Only necessarily after the amendment increase in your diet the amount of products containing potassium, magnesium and calcium. Any diuretic strongly flushes these substances from the body.Or consult with your doctor, let him prescribe the appropriate drugs.

Well, we have debunked the most popular tips on how to quickly bring down the pressure at home. We learned how to do it correctly and without undesirable consequences. Now it's up to you - carefully watch your body. He himself will show what he needs. And do not get sick.

Video: how to quickly reduce the pressure

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