How to use incense at home

To date, the resinous compound is used in church temples, incense is widely used in perfumery and as a means of aromatherapy. Housewives want to ignite the product at home to enjoy all the pleasures of wood resin. With the help of incense, you can bring back the psycho-emotional background, get rid of insomnia and stress. The resin is delivered to the store shelves in tiled (solid) form, so many women have difficulty inciting it.

 How to use incense

Properties of incense

  1. As mentioned earlier, incense has many useful properties. Among them, the fight against negative factors, the removal of nervous tension. In addition, the resin is used as a means of aromatherapy in the process of meditation and church services.
  2. Due to regular inhalation of vapors of the compound, the activity of the lungs, bronchi, nasal sinuses is normalized, the work of the heart muscle is improved.
  3. Especially useful is the use of incense for people involved in sports.The resinous substance improves the shutter speed, makes breathing more deep and even, normalizes blood pressure.
  4. Often, the infusion of incense consumed inside with hemoptysis, and the ointment is used as a burned composition. If you need to get rid of bleeding gums, frankincense is crushed into powder.
  5. If we talk about cosmetology purposes, an incense mask is rubbed into the scalp and strengthens the hair follicles. The composition smoothes fine lines and nourishes the cells with oxygen.
  6. Believers prefer to kindle incense at home, and then conduct a ceremony of expelling evil forces from an apartment / house. After such manipulations in housing, harmony and comfort reigns.

Using incense at home

  1. Remedy for hemoptysis. Combine strong red wine with vinegar solution (concentration 6%) in the ratio 10: 1. Add 20 grams. powder incense, mix. Take the prepared composition three times a day for 10 minutes before the main meal. One dose is 45-50 ml.
  2. Burn ointment. Combine pork, goose or chicken fat and incense powder (3: 1 ratio).Stir until smooth, spread the composition over the affected skin. After 2-3 hours, repeat the manipulation.
  3. Powder from inflamed gums. If you have sensitive and inflamed gums, use crushed incense. Rub it into a very fine crumb, do the same with dry thyme. Combine the components in the same quantities, rub the composition into the affected areas with soft movements.
  4. Hair Mask. Mix 480 ml. warm red wine (preferably fortified) with 15-20 grams. frankincense powder. Beat the mixture with a mixer or blender, and add chilled chicken yolk as desired. Spread over hair and scalp, wrap with polyethylene, leave for 45 minutes, rinse.
  5. Cream for skin elasticity. To increase the elasticity of the dermis will help a mixture of powder incense and moisturizing hydrogel for the face. Combine the ingredients in such a way as to obtain a thick structure. Apply to the skin, make a massage, after half an hour, remove with cool water and facial wash.

How to kindle incense

 How to kindle incense

  1. As mentioned earlier, fumigating the room with a resinous compound eliminates the house from evil forces. As a result of simple manipulations, the apartment is charged with energy and harmony.
  2. Also, aromatherapy with the use of incense helps to calm down and elevate mood. Resin kills disease-causing organisms in the home, reducing the risk of disease.
  3. Incense refers to wood resin type. The product is delivered to the shops in the form of briquettes, for this reason, many housewives have difficulty with smoking.
  4. To start, prepare a censer, incense and coal. Home censer has a smaller diameter than the church. It is also equipped with a side grip for ease of use.
  5. Pressed coal impregnated with a “fuel” composition is suitable for smoking. He ignites with matches. Optionally, you can use hookah coal.
  6. To ignite a coal, grab it with metal tongs, bring it to the gas stove and wait for sparks to appear. You can also use a match, the result will not change.
  7. When you ignite the coal, wait until the sparkle stops. You will see smoke begin to emit. This fact indicates the evaporation of volatile compounds that are considered dangerous to the body.
  8. After the coal has been smoked, move it to the censer, wait for the ash to form, add incense from above.Some masters prefer to lay out the resin on the side. Close the lid, a pleasant scent will start to stand out through the holes.
  9. If you want to save the apartment from evil forces, clean the room in advance. Purification begins at the front door and continues clockwise along the opening.
  10. Read the prayer "Our Father" and look into each room of the apartment. Do not disregard the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, covered balcony, pantry. Ventilate the room throughout the ceremony, because the aroma of incense is highly concentrated.
  11. After all the manipulations on cleaning open the windows, windows. It is important to remember forever that it is necessary to use only high-quality incense. Otherwise, the composition will begin to smoke and ruin the mood. The proper effect of the procedure you will not get.

Prepare on the basis of incense ointment for burns, powder for inflammation of the gums, a cream for skin elasticity, a hair mask or a remedy for hemoptysis. Kindle resinous compound, rid the home of evil forces or use the product as aromatherapy. Choose quality coal from fruit trees (apple, cherry, pear, cherry) or coconut shells.

Video: can you burn incense at home

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