How to pump up your hands at home

Most people who decide to increase muscle mass and get in shape, usually focus on exercises that contribute to the development of biceps, chest and back muscles, completely forgetting about smaller muscle groups. It is necessary to pay attention to them in order to achieve balance by the body: if one purposefully pumps only one part of the body, this may entail a disruption in the work of other muscles.

 How to pump up hands

One can follow this unfavorable development by a simple example: if you do long and hard exercises for biceps, not paying attention to the hands, then the risk of stretching of the ligaments and even tear will increase. That is why to know how to pump up your hands, even at home, should every self-respecting athlete and anyone who decided to devote time to his body.

Exercises, with the help of which it is possible to increase the volume of hands and increase their elasticity and flexibility in general, there are quite a lot at present,You must not forget about their implementation and always follow the execution technique.

Important: some exercises are complex, because in the process of their implementation are additionally involved, albeit to a lesser extent, forearms and shoulders.

It is recommended to give the training of hands at least two full days a month; if on other days the emphasis is on partially contiguous muscle groups, you can finally complete one of the exercises below. You can pump your hands with the help of various exercises, which are conventionally divided into:

  • Classical exercises;
  • Exercises that require additional equipment.

Warm up before a full workout

The importance of warming up before any workout is difficult to underestimate: it is the exercises included in this complex that prevent the appearance of sprains, tears and joint ruptures, warm up the muscles of a particular group, and also prepare them for subsequent exercises.

Important: warm-up should always be carried out, this is one of the basic rules of bodybuilding and physical training in principle.If for any reason you need to do an exercise as quickly as possible, it is better to finish a couple of approaches than not to warm up.

To stretch the carotid muscles, it is enough to perform three light exercises, to perform them, you must:

  1. Put your hands in the "Lock", then for one and a half minutes quickly rotate them first clockwise, then against, trying to bend the fingers as much as possible.
  2. Take a soft pillow in each hand and, spreading the fingers on each hand as wide as possible, simultaneously squeeze the pillow and then lift it up and then lower it.
  3. Do not throw a tennis ball into the wall or other hard surface with the aim of catching the ball gently on its way back. He should not fly too fast, the main task is to hone his grasping movement. After the ball is caught, it should be turned with a brush against and in a clockwise direction.

To warm up the wrist joints, you can also use a horizontal bar: just jump up to it a few times to grab the crossbar and grab it tightly. Pull up until it is necessary, in order not to kill muscles before performing basic exercises.

Classic exercises

Classical exercises that pump hands, include those that are performed without any equipment and should be familiar to most people from school. The most famous exercises in this group are pushups on the fists and fingers.

Important: the fundamental difference between them lies in the fact that when pressing on the fingers a greater emphasis is placed on the brush; in the first method, the forearms are used more.

It is recommended to perform both one and another type of push-ups, alternating them on different training days. The technique is quite simple: it is necessary to take the “Lying down” support, spreading your arms shoulder-width apart (if you put a little bit, the triceps is activated, wider is the back muscles and biceps), you should stretch your legs backwards, putting them on your fingers; push-up is performed by bending the elbow joints, which in no case should not go in any direction.

Hands at home can be pumped with the help of a conventional plastic bottle, into which it is worthwhile to either pour water, or pour sand or other bulk material, which will provide enough weight for the bottle.To perform the exercise, you should hold the bottle tightly with a brush, and then raise and lower it exclusively with your pectoral muscles, as if waving away from someone. If the exercise with the bottle is too easy, you will have to resort to using dumbbells.

For the next exercise, you will need a backpack or some other bag in which you can put bottles of water or other goods. Exercise is performed while sitting. The backpack is taken in both hands, turned with the back side up, and lowers-rises again only with the help of the hand muscles.

Tip: since you need to ensure that the work does not include the biceps or forearm, it is desirable to ensure that you have a firm support at hand when performing.

Exercises with weighting, horizontal bar and expander

The most popular among athletes device for pumping the carpal muscles is the expander (not to be confused with the "expander"), which is also an inexpensive, portable and effective sports equipment. Although expanders differ in shape, stiffness and size, the principle of their use is the same; it is based on a cycle of compression-release of elastic material, clasped by the hands.

 Hand exercises

Tip: some professional coaches in their blogs talk about the benefits of acquiring two of these shells at once. One should be “warming up” and, as a result, a little softer, and the second should be as hard as possible for the person training.

The most effective will be the projectile, which is compressed and released more than 10-12 times with great difficulty (4-5 repetitions are easy). After compression, it is very important not to throw an expander, but slowly, controlling every movement, allow it to take its original form.

Also, a horizontal bar is suitable for pumping muscles, with which you can perform a much larger number of exercises aimed at different muscles of the hands. However, for better pumping of the hands, it is necessary to resort to using two thick towels that need to be thrown over the cross-bar shoulder-width, and then begin the standard pull-ups.

Important: chasing the number of repetitions is meaningless, because for muscle growth will be much better if the pull-ups are performed slowly and smoothly, without jerking in any direction. With this approach, attention is focused on the necessary muscles.

You can also hang a backpack on your back during pulling up: this will give an additional load to the muscles, but with such a performance they will be “hammered” much faster, so you should carefully pick the weight.

Weighting is helping to make rapid progress. Their weights usually vary between two to three and five kilograms. These sports shells are hung on each hand on the wrist, and then tightly wrapped with an adhesive gum. With their help, you can perform various exercises, including the already mentioned lifting of the backpack and pulling up on the crossbar.

It is important: so, the weighting is putting considerable pressure on precisely those muscles that need to be pumped, because the exercises performed with their help will have the maximum effect.

Boxers, for whom it is especially important to have strong hands, for their pumping, they try to hit the pear with weights on their hands. At home, a pear, of course, is not required; it is enough to simply hang at least a kilogram weighting compound on each hand and strike the air for 5-10 minutes. If the exercise is easy, you can either increase the weight or additionally put a dumbbell in each hand.

The Power Ball wrist simulator is gaining popularity, which is actually a conventional gyroscope placed in a sphere. The principle of operation is quite simple: the energy transmitted from the torsion of the projectile hands, goes to the rotor, which, in turn, already makes the simulator work.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the gyroscope sets such a movement that it does not coincide with the direction set by the brush, because the task of all its muscles is to hold the projectile in your hand while continuing to inform it of a certain speed through the turn.

The gyroscope will have to be held very tightly in the hand, since the greater the speed is transmitted, the greater is its “desire” to escape. The device provides for the presence of counters that measure the duration of one approach, and the maximum force applied, because over time it will be possible to evaluate the progress.

Tip: if your hands are not used to long physical exertion, then after each workout the brush should be oiled with some kind of ointment in order to prevent the appearance of pain.

One training of the hands should include 3 exercises (4 approaches for each), it is not recommended to perform more, as it is not possible to experience overstressed untrained hands for a long time.

In conclusion, it should be noted that expecting rapid progress in the form of an increase in the volume of the hands is meaningless, since this group of muscles is one of the most difficult to apply. However, after a month of training, including 5-6 sessions, their strength and endurance will increase markedly.

Video: how to strengthen the hands

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