How to teach Corella to say: useful tips

Corella is a fairly intelligent and trained bird. Ideally, a parrot of this species can know 30-40 phrases and words, even speak sentences. Of course, the bird can not have a meaningful speech and communicate with human dialogue. However, the cockatiel can be taught some tricks so that the parrot will pronounce some phrases only after certain actions. But let's start in order.

 How to teach Corella to talk

Cooking a bird to talk

If you are just thinking about how to get a parrot, keep in mind that it is better to take a young chick. An adult parrot is more stubborn and, having grown up with a different host, it may not trust you completely.

There is an opinion that Corella boys speak better and more readily than girls. However, this does not mean that your female will not be able to speak. Sometimes females also show excellent results in speech. You should not buy a pair of parrots at once, otherwise they will communicate with each other, and they will not need to learn human speech.

As soon as the bird came to your house, give it a few days to adapt.Do not begin communication and learning while the Corella is in anxiety. After the bird gets used, you can start to play with Corella, to accustom her to the hands. Keep in mind that the Corella, like the dog, should have one owner. The one who feeds her, educates and educates her. Interestingly, these parrots respond better to the female voice, so they learn more effectively if a woman talks to them.

Learning to talk Corella

To achieve real results, training should be regular, daily. It is better to practice with a parrot 4-5 times a day for several minutes. It will be better if the parrot in the process of "lesson" will not be distracted by foreign objects. Therefore, all toys must be removed from the field reach of the bird.

  1. Start simple - with the nickname of a parrot. Several times a day, repeat “Kesh”, “Kesh good”. Keep in mind, you may not get a quick result, but sooner or later the bird will still repeat the cherished phrase.
  2. Best of all birds learn to talk in the morning. Morning lessons are most productive.
  3. Compose phrases from words that contain the letters "U", "Ш", "Р", "Т", "К", "Ч".
  4. The parrot repeats only those phrases and words that it hears regularly. Therefore, if you want to repeat a phrase, repeat it very often. Sometimes a parrot can imitate the sounds that it constantly hears - dog barking, cat meowing, car alarm, noise of a food processor, ring tone on a mobile phone, etc.
  5. When you teach a bird a certain phrase or word, you need to pronounce the sounds as clearly, clearly and loudly as possible. Do not go on to learn another phrase unless the bird has learned the previous lesson.
  6. If you want the feathered friend's speech to be meaningful, you can repeat a certain phrase with some actions. For example, when a parrot takes water treatments, say “Kesha bathes”. The next time, after numerous repetitions with repeated bathing, the bird itself will say the coveted phrase.
  7. When you cover the parrot's cage for the night, you can say "Good night." So, over time, the bird itself will say goodbye to you when closing daylight.
  8. If you like to feast on fruit, you can teach Corella to say, "Give me an apple!" When you see an apple. And the next time the bird will amaze with its ingenuity of your guests when politely ask to treat it with your favorite fruit.
  9. When the owner often leaves the place and cannot constantly train the bird, you can record his phrases on a dictaphone. So, in fact, it is much easier, because a person, nevertheless, is not a parrot and cannot repeat the same thing day after day.
  10. It is very interesting to teach the bird the phrase “Good morning” when a person enters the room. Often the bird masters this skill so well that it greets everyone several times a day regardless of the time of day.
  11. Corella - intelligent and intelligent birds, they can learn even a simple song. But in order for the bird to demonstrate its talent, you will have to work hard. At best, the parrot will sing a song after a couple of months of training. However, remember that this must be an unobtrusive motive. Choose a song that you don’t get bored of listening to it all day long.
  12. Be careful of statements - one expletive word, spoken only once, but with great emotion, can be remembered and repeated by the bird. And then you will have to blush more than once before the guests for the parrot-marshin.
  13. With any success, when the Corella finally managed to repeat the phrase, he should immediately wait for the promotion.Tender words, treats - let the parrot understand that this is exactly what you were expecting from him. At the same time, do not scold the Coral, if he did something wrong. By aggression and cruelty you will only scare away the bird, and it will not want to repeat the words anymore.

These simple rules will help you teach the parrot some simple words and phrases.

How to teach Corella to sing

Corella parrot is one of the best singers among its many relatives. Corella can sing incredibly melodic songs, especially during puberty. When Corella flaunts in front of the female, he demonstrates not only vocal, but also dance skills.

Teaching a coral to sing is much more difficult than teaching words and phrases. The parrot will sing only if it feels care and love from the owner. Constantly whistle one uncomplicated melody in the morning and evening, and when you go to work, turn on the disc with a playing melody that will brighten up the hours of waiting for your pet. And very soon the parrot will delight you with new melodic sounds.

Corella is not only beautiful, but also a smart bird.Even a child will be able to teach certain skills to Coralla, the main thing in this business is regularity and perseverance. And then you will have a feathered friend who can not only speak, but also sing and even dance!

Video: how to teach a parrot to talk

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