How to use wax strips for depilation

For a long time, smooth skin without excess vegetation was considered a sign of good tone. Women in sultanian harems put incredible efforts to look perfect. In those distant centuries, epilation was performed with beeswax. This was the prototype of modern wax strips. Now the epilation process is more adapted for quick and painless removal of even the smallest hairs. But why wax strips?

 How to use wax strips for depilation

The benefits of waxing waxing

  1. Unlike a razor and depilation cream, wax strips can eliminate hair with a bulb. Until a new hair follicle is formed and the hair starts to grow from it, a long time will pass.Wax strips permanently leave the skin smooth.
  2. Unlike electric epilators, which rip out hair from a root, wax strips remove a lot of hair at once. That is, the pain does not stretch, and pass at once.
  3. After the wax strips, the legs remain smooth for several weeks. And new young hairs grow thin and imperceptible.
  4. Wax stripes can be used independently at home, as opposed to laser and photo-epilation.
  5. Removing unwanted hair does not take much time. Complete cleansing of all skin areas will not take more than an hour.
  6. Wax strips do not cause irritation and allergies, and it is also a relatively inexpensive and affordable procedure.

To be honest, I would like to note the shortcomings of this procedure. Epilation with wax strips is quite painful, especially without habit. To re-epilate, you will have to wait until the hairs grow back 6-8 mm so that they can be waxed. And this time will have to hide the legs under the pants. Waxing is contraindicated for varicose veins. If you have a high pain threshold and there are no contraindications to this cosmetic procedure, let's proceed to its immediate implementation.

How to use wax strips for hair removal

 How to use wax strips for hair removal

  1. To maximize the adhesion of wax to the skin, it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of sliding, that is, degrease the surface of the hairs and epidermis. Wipe the skin with any alcohol composition - lotion, cologne or medical alcohol.
  2. Wax strips are a dense, but thin material, on which a thin layer of cosmetic wax is applied. To make it grab with hair, it should be slightly melted. Wax melts at low temperatures, so it’s usually enough to hold wax strips between your palms. Rub the wax strips in your hands for 20 seconds, and then open them and stick them on the skin.
  3. Pay attention to the fact that wax strips cannot be glued on the skin with wounds, moles, cuts. It is better to carefully handle the area around.
  4. If you use wax strips for the face, it is much more convenient to cut small pieces from a large strip. So it will be more comfortable and economical.
  5. After applying the strip carefully smooth it over the hair growth. Then bite the bullet and with a sharp movement tear off the wax strip against hair growth.It is important to do this precisely against growth, since only such a mechanism ensures maximum smoothness of the skin.
  6. After that, wipe the skin with any antiseptic - alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to disinfect open wounds. It protects the skin from infection and inflammation.
  7. After that, lubricate the skin with any moisturizer. Often in the kit for hair removal, along with wax strips there is a special cream from the manufacturer.
  8. On this day, try not to injure the skin with additional effects - do not use deodorant in the form of a spray, do not scrub the skin, do not sunbathe.

How to protect the skin from ingrown hairs

Very often, ingrown hairs are the result of various types of epilation. This is because the new young hair is not thick enough to pierce the top layer of skin. And it begins to grow under it, causing redness, swelling, and sometimes suppuration. This is not a painful phenomenon, but spoils the appearance of the skin. What rules should be followed when hair removal, to avoid the appearance of ingrown hairs?

 How to protect the skin from ingrown hairs

Regularly remove the dead skin layer with various scrubs.Regular peeling makes the epidermis thin so that the hair is easier to get through. If you have a lot of ingrown hairs, you need to rub the skin regularly with pumice stone to release them.

To make the skin more elastic and soft, use moisturizers. Cream, body lotion and lotion saturate the epidermis with moisture and oxygen. It is very good to use ointment with cortisone after waxing. It heals microtrauma, slows hair growth and prevents ingrown hairs.

Use glycolic or salicylic acid to soften the skin and help ingrown hairs to get out. These products have antiseptic and softening properties.

Another useful tip for those who want to avoid the appearance of ingrown hair. Before the waxing procedure, thoroughly rub the skin with hot water. This will allow the pores to open up.

Chamomile ice after waxing waxing

 Chamomile ice after waxing waxing
Epilation is a very traumatic phenomenon for the skin. After epilation, the skin is red and irritated. Chamomile ice can eliminate these symptoms.Ice constricts pores and blood vessels, which helps to relieve swelling. Chamomile perfectly removes redness and irritation of the skin. Prepare chamomile ice in advance to wipe the skin after waxing with wax strips. To do this, prepare a rich broth and fill it in molds. When the decoction freezes, a universal skin soothing agent will be ready.

Tips for waxing

  1. Do not remove unwanted hairs during the critical days. At this time, the pain threshold of a woman decreases, she becomes more vulnerable and sensitive to pain.
  2. If the pain of epilation becomes unbearable for you, you can take painkillers - ibuprofen, ketonal, etc., an hour before the procedure.
  3. Very rarely, wax strips can cause allergic reactions. If you are allergic, you need to pre-treat a small area of ​​skin a day before the procedure. If, after 24 hours, redness and irritation did not appear on the treated area, you can use wax strips for their intended purpose.
  4. If you are waxing for the first time, start with the legs. When you get used to the pain a bit,You can epilate more delicate areas - bikini and armpits.
  5. After waxing strips on the skin remains sticky wax, which gives a lot of inconvenience. Wash it off with hot water and cotton pads. The wax is perfectly removed with special aftershave (even for men).

To look beautiful is the duty and duty of every woman to herself. A careful epilation of all zones of the female body allows the girl to be confident in her beauty. Watch for yourself and be charming!

Video: how the whole waxing process of waxing happens

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