How to wash a pillow from bamboo: useful tips

Bamboo products for the home firmly settled in the life of modern man. Over the past 5-7 years, they have ousted everyone’s beloved feather pillows and overshadowed household items made of synthetic fiber. Textile accessories do not absorb odor, do not absorb dust and moisture, as a result are extremely practical. However, like any other types of products, bamboo pillows need periodic cleaning, which we will talk about today.

 How to wash a pillow made of bamboo

Practical care recommendations

  1. Bamboo fiber is considered to be a unique material. It has a long service life, however, the threads tend to wear. For this reason, it is not recommended to wash the pillows more often 1 time in 4-5 months.
  2. It is necessary to focus on the rules of storage of bamboo accessories.You can not wrap pillows in a plastic bag and send them to the closet. Products of this kind begin to sing under the action of a vacuum, so ensure a full flow of air. Also, it is not necessary to put overall and heavy things on top of bamboo cushions, since the fiber quickly loses its shape.
  3. If you accidentally spill liquid on a pillow, do not set aside the item of household use to the side. Hang it out to dry in fresh air to prevent mold, periodically beat pillows so that the fibers do not curl up. Bamboo is very difficult to subject to the process of decay, but do not send it to be stored in rooms with high humidity.
  4. Bamboo fiber is strong enough, but it can break if done incorrectly. During processing in the household machine, carefully monitor the temperature and speed, they should not be too high. If you do not find any strong dirt on the pillow, clean it with a clothes brush and then vacuum it.

Important features of washing

Many housewives have difficulty when the question arises about washing pillows made of bamboo machine and manual methods.Products from this material can and should be washed; the main thing is to examine all labels and recommendations of the manufacturer before the procedure.

Bamboo pillows can be washed and dried, but it is strictly forbidden to iron accessories.

  1. Do not use bleach and other aggressive agents when washing bamboo pillows, they destroy the fabric structure.
  2. Despite the strength of the material, it should not be cleaned with hard brushes and highly abrasive materials. Also, do not wash the product together with other household items.
  3. Give preference to liquid rather than bulk powders. When processing accessories with low temperatures, the granules do not completely dissolve. Subsequently, they get stuck in the fibers of the fabric and destroy the material.
  4. In order not to deform the product and not to expose the “stress” packing, carefully study the icons on the label. You need to find the temperature regime and the permissible degree of spin, then follow the rules.
  5. Do not wash bamboo pads in hot water. From heat treatment, the accessories will become stiff, deformed and begin to creep away.
  6. The easiest way is to wash the household supplies with your hands, such a move will allow you to control the whole process. Do not squeeze or twist the product, leave the pillow to drain on the clothes dryer, substituting a bowl for it.

Hand wash bamboo pillow

  1. First you need to inspect the pillow for the presence of holes from which fibers can leak. If any, sew them up and proceed with the procedure.
  2. Type warm water in a basin, add 40-50 ml. liquid powder for delicate or baby fabrics. Stir the product with your hands, do not bring to the formation of a thick foam.
  3. Dip a pillow in the prepared composition, wait for about a quarter of an hour. After the expiration date, remember the product with your hands, so that the bamboo fibers are well soaked in cleaning composition.
  4. Drain the soap solution, press the product to the surface of the bath, evenly pushing out the water with your palms. Start rinsing at a water temperature of 35-40 degrees.
  5. Pour a full basin of water, dip a pillow, move it in different directions to remove the cleaning composition. Do some simple manipulations until the water stops foaming.
  6. Change the water as often as the situation requires. Do not rinse the pillow in a soap solution, so as not to increase the duration of the procedure.

Completely remove liquid powder from the bamboo pad. The recommendation is extremely relevant if the household item is used by young children or allergies.

Machine wash bamboo cushion

 Machine wash bamboo cushion

  1. Manufacturers of bamboo accessories in one voice say that their products are able to withstand about 400-450 washes in a household typewriter. However, there is an important feature - the treatment is carried out only in delicate or manual mode (the corresponding wash cycle is set).
  2. As a rule, the listed modes assume the degree of spinning of 450–500 revolutions, and the temperature should not exceed 35 degrees. For the most part, machine washable is needed in cases where the pillow has complex soiling (wine, coffee, baby urine, rust, etc.).
  3. When processing in this way it is necessary to use liquid gels for washing, since the granules get clogged up in bamboo fibers and destroy them.If the liquid composition is not at hand, pour the granular powder into warm water, wait for the crystals to dissolve, then pour the solution into the instrument compartment.
  4. After the washing machine, the pad will dry several times faster than when handled. However, dry the product on a special grid device or other horizontal surface.
  5. To speed up the process of removing excess moisture, place the pillow on a thick terry towel, flatten the corners and direct the room fan to the product. The main thing is to ensure that the air flow is not hot.
  6. Throughout the process, turn the pillow from one side to the other, if possible, perform drying in fresh air. Such a move eliminates the likelihood of musty odor and mold in the structure of the product.
  7. If, after turning off the timer on the washing machine, you notice that there is foam left, turn on the extra delicate rinse. It is important to deduce the chemical composition completely.

To make the pillow fresh, after removing the accessory from the washing machine, send it to the freezer for a quarter of an hour.After this period, remove and immediately put to dry in direct sunlight.

It is easy to wash a bamboo pillow, if you have sufficient knowledge about wet processing technology. Choose liquid gels and powders as a cleaning agent, add conditioner to soften fibers. Pay due attention to rinsing, dry the product in a horizontal position on a special adaptation for linen.

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