How to measure the temperature with a mercury thermometer

Temperature is one of the main indicators of the body. If the temperature drops or rises above the indicated rate, it always has a cause. High temperature indicates that the body fights microbes, viruses and bacteria that have fallen into it. As Hippocrates said, “Give me a fever, and I can cure a patient!” It was meant that high temperature is a sign of the body’s ability to withstand external factors. That is why thermometer indicators are so important when making a diagnosis and treatment. And that these indicators were true, the temperature must be measured correctly.

 How to measure the temperature with a mercury thermometer

Mercury thermometer

Despite modern gadgets and fast methods of measuring temperature, a mercury thermometer remains the most reliable measuring instrument. This is his main advantage. In addition, a mercury thermometer is inexpensive, unlike its electronic counterparts. A significant drawback of a mercury thermometer is its fragility. When falling or shaking the thermometer can break. Not only is the device itself damaged, a toxic substance is released - mercury. In this case, you need to remove its remnants, following special rules. Another disadvantage of a mercury thermometer is a long measurement process. This is especially felt when the temperature needs to be measured by a child. Small fidgets are spinning all the time and it’s difficult for them to stay still for 10 minutes.

How to measure temperature axillary (in the armpit)

This is a simple process, but the accuracy of the indicators depends on its correct implementation.

  1. Shake the thermometer so that the mercury column drops below 35 degrees.
  2. Put a thermometer in the armpit so that the tip is completely covered with skin. If you measure the temperature of the child, put a thermometer in the armpit and hold the baby's hand until the end of the measurement.
  3. Measure the temperature should be within 5-10 minutes.An approximate result will be ready within 5 minutes, a more accurate one will require 10 minutes. Do not worry if you keep a thermometer for a long time, the column will not rise above your body temperature.
  4. After measuring, wipe the thermometer with alcohol so that it does not remain infectious. Especially if the house has one thermometer for all family members.
  5. Normal temperature for an axillary depression is 36.3-37.3 degrees.
  6. If the temperature is normal, but you still feel bad, then the problem is in your immune system - it simply does not protect the body. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

Axillary temperature measurement is considered the safest way. However, in some countries, temperature is more reliable and is measured orally or rectally.

How to measure temperature rectally

This is a fairly accurate way to measure temperature, since the large intestine is a closed system that is not affected by external temperature readings. This method is often used if the thermometer needs to be placed on an infant or a seriously ill person (when soft tissues do not fit tightly enoughdevice). Put the person on the bed sideways. Press the patient's legs against the chest and lubricate the anus with petroleum jelly. Also, cream or petroleum jelly need to lubricate the tip of the thermometer. Carefully, with rolling movements, insert a thermometer into the colon and hold the device there for about five minutes. Usually this time is enough for accurate measurement. The normal temperature in the rectum is 37.3-37.7 degrees. After each measurement, the thermometer must be disinfected.

In addition, there is also a vaginal method of measuring temperature. It is used to determine the period of ovulation. The temperature in the vagina can vary from 36.7-37.5 degrees depending on the day of the menstrual cycle.

How to measure the temperature orally

 How to measure the temperature orally
Before measuring the temperature in the mouth can not eat too cold or too hot food. Children do not measure the temperature in the mouth, because they can gnaw a dangerous object. Also, it is impossible to measure the temperature in the mouth to those who have diseases of the oral cavity. It is impossible to measure the temperature in the mouth if the nose is stuffed up. Usually, a thermometer is placed behind the cheek or under the tongue. In the mouth, the temperature is slightly higher, for the rate indicator you can take the mark of 37.3 degrees. The temperature may also be unreliable in smokers.

Physiological temperature variations

Body temperature can vary not only depending on the person’s illness. It decreases in the early morning hours and rises slightly in the afternoon. The temperature is higher if the person moves and lower if the person is sitting or just lying. The lowest body temperature in a dream. The average body temperature of men is slightly lower than that of women.

Causes of low and high body temperature

Low temperature is less common, but it also indicates some malfunctions in the body. Often this can be a consequence of nervous overstrain, stress. The temperature drops below normal at the very beginning of pregnancy and may be its first sign. Low temperatures occur on some days of the menstrual cycle. But most often, low body temperature indicates a deterioration of the immune system of the body, fatigue, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Among the serious causes of low fever are AIDS, adrenal gland disorders, anorexia. For the sake of justice, I would like to note that for some people low temperature is an individual norm.

High body temperature can talk about various infectious, viral and bacteriological diseases. It is very important to monitor the temperature and the level of its rise. For example, in acute viral diseases, the temperature often rises sharply and stays at a high level. It often rises again a few hours after taking antipyretic. But the hidden inflammatory processes give a slight increase in temperature, but for a long time. This may be due to iron deficiency anemia when there is internal bleeding. This can be confirmed by analysis of hemoglobin - it is reduced in anemia. High temperature persists in autoimmune diseases, malignant tumors, tuberculosis, otitis, sinusitis, and many other diseases. It is important to pay attention to the associated symptoms.

The lowest body temperature of a living person was recorded in a two-year-old girl who spent 6 hours in the cold. Its indicator was equal to 14.2 degrees. And the highest temperature belongs to a resident of the United States, who was exposed to heat stroke. His body temperature was 46.5 degrees.Both of these people survived beyond such record temperature limits. Body temperature is a very important indicator that can signal an organ failure in time. Measure the temperature correctly!

Video: how to measure temperature

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