How to make a body scrub at home

Virtually every cosmetic line includes a body scrub, and this is not surprising. Skin peeling is considered to be the most popular procedure. Thanks to regular exfoliation of cornified particles, the elasticity and tone of the epidermis are improved. Many girls are thinking about how to make a body scrub on their own. Experienced beauticians brought effective recipes that can be translated into reality. The most popular peeling components are sea salt, coffee grounds, citrus peel.

 How to make a body scrub

Features of the use of body scrub

There are a number of limitations that must be considered. The scrubbing procedure includes certain rules, let's talk about everything in order.

  1. Before using the peel, test for an allergic reaction. Apply an unnoticeable skin area in the wrist area with the prepared composition, massage it,wait 15 minutes. Wash off the product, evaluate the result. If there is no irritation, feel free to start the procedure.
  2. Particular attention is paid to skin with acne, beauticians do not recommend peeling these areas. However, you can use the scrub as a mask, having sustained the composition of 15-20 minutes.
  3. Select peeling, taking into account the individual characteristics of the epidermis. For dry skin, aggressive products such as lemon or coffee grounds are not suitable. In this case, the ladies with a fat derm, on the contrary, will suit the listed cosmetic compositions.
  4. To eliminate the feeling of tightness after scrubbing, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to the skin. In cases where peeling is carried out with the purpose of losing weight, use anti-cellulite gel.
  5. It is categorically not recommended to scrub people with purulent acne, open wounds, cracks and severe abrasions. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection of the damaged area.
  6. Before applying the composition for peeling, melt the skin with a hot bath or shower. As a result of simple manipulations, dead scales will begin to fall off automatically, you will have an additional slight effect.
  7. In most cases, a homemade body scrub is used on the face.The main thing is not to touch the sensitive area under the eyes to avoid irritation. Allowed to use peeling on the lips, but with extreme caution.

Scrub Recipes at Home

The proposed recipes are inherently universal. Perform the scrubbing procedure at least 2 times a week, pay due attention to problem areas (cellulite, peeling, etc.).

Brown sugar and sour cream
Connect in one mass 85 gr. thick sour cream (fat content of 20%), 60 gr. cane sugar. Stir the mixture until uniform, add grated coconut pulp (quantity at the discretion). If there is an essential oil in your home arsenal, pour in a few drops. Spread the product over the skin, starting at the feet. Carefully massage this area, rising higher. Complete treatment with the neckline, neck and hands. After the procedure, do not forget to apply body lotion.

Almond and butter
Peel the almond kernels and rub them into a crumb with a blender or grinder. Pour in 20 ml. olive or castor oil, mix. Add 50 gr. fat cream, distribute the product over the body.Massage the pre-steamed skin for 10 minutes, then rinse with contrasting water. Use at least 3 times a week, the scrub is great for girls with dry skin. The tool is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 10 days.

Apple and coffee
 Coffee and Apple Scrub
Grate the unripe apple on a large grater with the peel and seeds, remove the stem in advance. Mix porridge with 30 ml. vegetable oil, add 80 gr. coffee grounds and 35 ml. regular shower gel. When the mass becomes homogeneous, spread it over the skin, massage the body for a quarter of an hour. If desired, use the composition as a moisturizing face mask. An apple can be replaced with immature fruits of peach or apricot.

Oatmeal and milk
For the preparation of scrub used oatmeal wholemeal. Mix it with 25 gr. ground cinnamon, add 3 oz. chili pepper, 30 ml. almond oil. Crush a handful of walnut kernels into a crumb, add to the bulk. Scrub the body after steaming the skin. Pay due attention to areas with cellulite, as cinnamon is an excellent smoothing product.After the procedure, you must apply a softening cream.

Yogurt and Sugar
Take 80 gr. natural fatty yoghurt without sweeteners and flavors. Sprinkle sugar over it until the mixture turns into a paste. To give a nutritional effect, add 20 ml. coconut milk or 15 ml. olive oil. Use the scrub for its intended purpose, pay due attention to the lower legs, elbows, neckline and neck. The composition is suitable for exfoliating dead skin cells to girls with dry skin.

Salt and butter
Remove from the refrigerator 50 gr. butter, chop it into cubes, leave at room temperature for 1 hour. After the expiration date, rub the oil with 50 grams. cane sugar and 25 gr. sea ​​salt without dyes. If the mixture is dry, add 30 grams. sour cream. Massage the skin with the prepared composition for 10–15 minutes, complete the procedure by rinsing with a contrast and applying cream.

Vitamin E and pumpkin
Get at the pharmacy a few ampoules of vitamin E or A, mix the contents with cornstarch. You should get a pasty mass.Crush 100 gr. pumpkin pulp in mashed potatoes, combine with the previous composition. Pour in 20 ml. vegetable oil, mix until smooth. Spread the scrub on the skin, massage for a quarter of an hour. Wash off the product first with cold, then warm water (take a douche).

Cocoa powder and walnut
Spread 2 handfuls of almonds or walnuts into small crumb, add 70 gr. cocoa powder. Add 100 gr. cottage cheese and 40 gr. liquid sour cream, turn the composition into a homogeneous paste. Pour 30 ml upon request. any natural oil (olive, castor, burdock, peach, coconut, vegetable, etc.). Spread the scrub on the skin, massage the body for 10 minutes. The product is suitable for use on dry epidermis.

Honey and Lemon
To make a scrub, you will need candied thick honey, it is he who provides the necessary peeling. Take 120 gr. composition, rub it with sugar to a pasty mass. Pour the juice of one lemon, chop the zest on a grater and add to the total volume. Follow the scrubbing procedure after taking a hot shower or bath.Complete the treatment with a nutritional lotion. The product is not suitable for treating dry skin.

River sand
Especially popular is river sand mixed with shower gel. To properly prepare the scrub, sift the sand, then boil it in drinking water and dry. Connect with any foaming cosmetic (shower gel, shampoo, liquid soap). Rub the skin with light circular motions for 5-10 minutes. Complete peeling with a nourishing lotion.

Olive oil and coffee grounds
The most effective peeling agent is considered to be spent coffee grounds. Mix it with olive oil in such a way as to get a creamy mass. To improve the result, add 20 grams. crushed cinnamon and 30 gr. thick honey Massage the skin in a circular motion, carefully process the buttocks, thighs and areas with stretch marks. Do not rush to immediately wash off the scrub, leave it as a mask for 10 minutes. Complete the procedure by taking a contrast shower.

Soda and Oatmeal
 Soda and Oat Scrub
Mix 60 gr. medium-sized oatmeal with 100 ml. Fat milk at room temperature. Add 4 ml. geranium ester and 2 ml.eucalyptus oil. Pour 5 gr. drinking soda and 10 gr. sea ​​salt. Stir the paste to a pasty state, spread it all over your body. Massage the skin with very light movements for 5 minutes, then immediately rinse off. Scrub is great for people whose skin has excessive fat and enlarged pores.

Chili and sea buckthorn
Take 200 gr. fresh sea buckthorn (you can substitute rowan or gooseberry), turn berries into porridge with a blender or meat grinder. Add 5 gr. ground chilli and 40 gr. coffee grounds. If the mixture is too thin, add beet sugar. Scrub the body for 7 minutes, not longer. If possible, after the procedure, apply a cream based on panthenol, it carefully nourishes and moisturizes the dermis. In this way, it is possible to peel off horny particles on oily and combination skin.

Orange zest and sugar

Remove the peel from two oranges, dry it in the oven, turn it into grits with a coffee grinder or blender. Combine the ground rind with sugar in equal quantities, add the fat cottage cheese or yogurt. Apply a rich layer of scrub on the body, wait 10 minutes, then peel. In this way, you moisten the epidermis and pull the excess sebum from the pores.The procedure is performed at least 3 times a week.

Banana and grapefruit
Remove the peel from 2 bananas, chop them into cubes, load into a blender or skip through a meat grinder. When the fruit turns into a puree, dissolve them 20 grams. corn / potato starch. Crush comfortably half of the grapefruit with the peel, mix it with the previous composition. Add 35 grams. cane sugar, scrub the body. If desired, use the product as a face mask.

Green tea and apricot
Remove the bones from 10 apricots, dry them in the oven or in the sun. Crush fruit to get abrasive particles. Take a handful of green leaf tea, squeeze it in your palm several times. Add to apricot pits, pour 45 ml. fat cream If desired, drip the essential oil of ylang-ylang or patchouli. Before the procedure, do not forget to test for an allergic reaction.

There are many recipes for home scrub, so cooking does not present much difficulty. Consider options for peeling based on oatmeal, unripe apples, almonds, brown sugar, coffee grounds or cocoa powder.Do not forget about sea salt, honey, zest of citrus fruits (dried).

Video: anti-cellulite body scrub

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