How to reduce the bruise under the eye: tips

The skin under the eyes is very thin, on the lower eyelid there is a huge number of capillaries. That is why even a minor injury in this area leads to serious hemorrhage. Often the bruise under the eye is quite painful, bluish, extensive. But not always it can be a consequence of injury. A bruise under the eye may appear after surgery in the facial area, after a fracture of the skull base. Whatever the cause of the hemorrhage, it does not look very aesthetic. Especially if the bruise flaunts on a woman's face. From such a "decoration" you need to get rid of, and as soon as possible.

 How to reduce the bruise under the eye

First aid

To avoid a bruise under the eye after a bruise, it is very important to act correctly in the first seconds after injury. Immediately after the impact, apply a cold to the damaged area of ​​the skin.If you are at home, it may be frozen meat from the refrigerator, a piece of ice wrapped in a clean cloth, a cold spoon. On the street you can put snow to the eye. If it's summer, run to the nearest stall for a cold mineral water - a glass bottle from the refrigerator will prevent the appearance of hemorrhage. The cold constricts the vessels, so that the damaged tissues are not filled with blood, the bruise either does not appear at all, or it is barely noticeable. The main thing is to act quickly. In addition, the cold freezes the skin, relieving pain.

Drugstore for bruise information

If for some reason the first aid after the strike was not provided, then you can cope with the bruise under the eye that is already showing off with the help of pharmaceutical preparations.

  1. Badyaga. It is specifically designed to treat bruises, bruises, and soft tissue injuries. Badyaga is a plant extract, sold as a crystalline powder. The tool must be dissolved in a small amount of water and applied directly to the bruise. The mixture may tingle the skin - this is normal. Causes irritation of nerve receptors, badyaga increases blood circulation in tissues, accelerates the processes of regeneration and healing.
  2. Heparin ointment. Heparin ointment relieves not only hemorrhage, it perfectly removes swelling and relieves pain. The ointment stimulates the renewal in the cells of the epidermis, helps the bruise to dissolve faster.
  3. Troxevasin. This tool is intended for the treatment of thrombophlebitis, often doctors prescribe it against bruises formed after droppers and injections. Troxevasin irritates the skin, increases blood circulation in the tissues. It can be used as a separate tool, but a more effective result is given in conjunction with heparin ointment. Smear heparin and troksevazinom bruise under the eye every 2 hours, alternating ointment with each other. With such intensive treatment, the bruise can be removed within 24 hours.

If pain and discomfort is felt in the area of ​​the bruise, you can drink antipyretic or analgesic.

Is it possible to warm the bruise under the eye

Among the recipes for bruising, you can find recommendations on how to apply a warming compress to hemorrhage. In this regard, the question arises - is it possible to heat a bruise? It is possible, but at a certain time. On the first day you cannot warm the hemorrhage - you can provoke even more redness, swelling and cyanosis.But two days after receiving the strike, the compress will help strengthen blood circulation, will promote resorption and healing of the wound. It is easy to make a warming compress - soak a piece of clean gauze in hot water and apply it to a sore eye. Keep the cloth until it cools. To keep the lotion from cooling for a long time, you can wet it in camphor oil or alcohol. Keep such a compress for at least an hour.

Folk remedies for bruising

If you don't want to run to the pharmacy with a shining "flashlight" under your eye, you can use home remedies to fight a bruise.

 Folk remedies for bruising

  1. A pineapple. This fruit has a high content of vitamin C and other substances that reduce inflammation and swelling. Pineapple can be eaten or attached to a bruise to speed up the healing process.
  2. Ascorbic. Vitamin C is needed to strengthen blood vessels, the elasticity of which will slow down subcutaneous bleeding. Ascorbic need to eat inside and make a compress from it. Expand a couple of pills in a spoon and dilute with a small amount of warm water. Dampen a cotton pad in the solution and apply it to the bruise for 30 minutes.
  3. Onions and salt. Onions need to grate and salt abundantly. When the pulp begins to allocate a sufficient amount of juice, the whole mass needs to be squeezed and filtered through cheesecloth. Dampen cotton rolls in onion juice and apply to bruise. Onions perfectly irritate the skin, increase blood circulation in damaged tissues, and speed up the recovery process. This method has one drawback - there will be a lot of tears from such a compress.
  4. Calendula. Tincture or decoction of this plant is used if in addition to the bruise under the eye there is an open wound, sore, cut. Calendula not only relieves swelling and reduces inflammation, it disinfects the wound. Tincture of calendula can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepare yourself. Pour a handful of fresh plant with alcohol and leave to infuse for a couple of weeks in a dark, cool place. If there is no time to prepare the tincture, make a decoction. Pour three tablespoons of dry calendula with boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. Then strain the broth and place it in the refrigerator. It is necessary to apply a cold compress of a calendula every hour and in a day you will notice improvements.
  5. Cabbage. Fresh cabbage is often used for sucking compaction during mastitis, for treating cones on the buttocks after injections. In addition, cabbage juice well removes swelling and swelling. For maximum effect, you need to chop the vegetable in a meat grinder or blender so that you get a juicy mass. Attach the cabbage to the bruise and leave for half an hour. After 3-4 lotions the bruise will be much less noticeable.
  6. Almond oil. It contains special fats that contribute to the production of collagen. Almond oil speeds up the process of skin regeneration, making it more elastic and uniform. To achieve a greater effect from the oil, you need to do a light massage of the affected area in order to improve the nutrition of the skin in this area.

The law of meanness is that under the eye a bruise comes down longer than, for example, with a leg or an arm. The fact is that in the region of the lower eyelid there is a dense grid of capillary vessels, which are restored for a long time. On average, a bruise is reduced from the face for about 1-2 weeks, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. Using our tips, you can shorten the healing time by at least half.

If you are embarrassed about a bruise under the eye, it is very easy to disguise it. You can wear sunglasses on the street, hats - a cap or a hat. In the conditions of a bruise it is simple to hide a bruise under a layer of decorative cosmetics, even if you are a man. In every female cosmetic bag there is a foundation and powder for masking the skin defect. More professional means is a proofreader or concealer, under which even the most serious bruises can be hidden. Use any method to hide the bruise under the eye and look perfect!

Video: how to reduce the bruise under the eye

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