How to sharpen a knife for a meat grinder at home

What makes a meat grinder turn a piece of juicy pork into stuffing for meatballs or ravioli? The main roles are assigned to two parts: directly to the knife, which crushes almost any solid product, and the mesh, which does not let through too large pieces. Because of the constant contact with the meat veins and moisture, the tool becomes blunt, and you have to give it to the master or look for ways to sharpen it yourself.

 How to grind a knife for a meat grinder

Sandpaper Option

If you need to slightly refresh the knife for the meat grinder and remove the darkened layer, it is recommended to use sandpaper with medium or large grains. To facilitate the work, you should stock up with a round bar or wooden rocking chair, rubber band or scotch, and protect your hands with special gloves.

The knife is sharpened with the mesh, because if the surface of the second is uneven, even perfectly sharp blades will not be able to grind meat, as required.The parts must be washed and cleaned, removing food and dirt, dried and treated with vegetable oil. The grease will protect the metal from chipping if the blade suddenly slips and turns at the wrong angle during sharpening.

When the oil dries, you can start:

  1. Wrap a sheet of emery paper around a bar or a rocking chair, securing it with scotch tape or a rubber band.
  2. With one hand, which is wearing a glove, take the knife, the second tool for sharpening the part.
  3. Process each blade separately, moving from the thick part to the thin tip of the blade.
  4. In conclusion, you can polish the base of the knife, and then rinse it under the tap to remove the remnants.

The work can be considered completed when the part becomes lighter, and its color will be monotonous without dark patches. They advise to move smoothly, because the metal used for making knives does not like high temperatures, due to which the tool life is reduced.

Important: Sandpaper - one of the fastest and most economical options, but it will not cope with serious problems.

Method two: grindstone

The sharpening stone, which is used for working with ordinary kitchen knives, is also used to process the parts of the meat grinder. There are two ways: rotating the knife or the stone itself. The first is less effective, but safer for blades. The second should be resorted to if the knife blunted almost hopelessly.

 Grinding knife for grinder grinding stone

Option with rotating knife
The stone should be a little more detail. Wear gloves to hand in order to avoid injury during work. Fasten the sharpening tool with special tools, or press it to a table or other stable surface and hold it with your fingers. Apply to the surface of the stone paste with abrasive substances that will facilitate the process and protect the metal from severe damage. It is advisable not to moisten the knife and work tool with water or grease. The metal is heated during operation, and an oxidative reaction occurs, due to which rust appears on the surface of the parts.

Important: The finer the grain at the stone, the faster the knife is sharpened, and less time is spent on the process.

Put the part on the fixed tool. Turn to the side with which the knife is adjacent to the reticulum, and press firmly against the stone.Place your finger in the center of the part, holding it and simultaneously rotating it around its axis. You can not hurry, so that the metal does not overheat. When the procedure is completed, allow the knife to cool and rinse under the tap to wash off the remaining chips.

Option with a rotating stone
Clean and dry the knife with a bracket or holder. Stone can take a large or slightly smaller parts. The material should be fine-grained. The tool should be moved counterclockwise so that it slides off the blades and does not climb over them to the thicker part.

The tool should move slowly, gradually increasing speed. The metal must not be allowed to heat. When the surface of the parts becomes uniform in color, without stains and chipping, the work is finished. Rinse knives in water immediately after sharpening and dry thoroughly.

Method Three: Working with a machine

Equipment for sharpening kitchen and other accessories can not be bought in a regular store, and such a tool will cost more than sandpaper and stone. Although if you learn to work with the machine, you can not only upgrade your home knives, but also earn some money,offering their services to neighbors.

 Sharpening the knife for the grinder on the machine

The device looks like a disk with a smooth and smooth surface without chipping. Do not do without paste with abrasive particles. The tool is applied for 10-15 minutes before the start of sharpening. Paste takes time to soak, and then the surface of the disk will become rough.

The machine must be turned on to start the mechanism. Always wear gloves to protect your hands from injury. Knife mincers bring to the disk and press the blade to a rough surface. Sharpening is carried out in several stages. As soon as the metal becomes warm, they arrange a break until the part is completely cooled. Blades can not be strongly pressed to the disk, so as not to damage them or remove the surface hardening, without which the cutting parts are quickly erased and become unsuitable.

Important: During operation, the parts should be held at a certain angle, otherwise you can break the knives or injure your fingers.

Fourth way: drill

It will take a large heavy stone for sharpening and a drill with an iron pin. The diameter of such an alternative nozzle should be 12-15 mm. The edge, on which the knife is fixed, should be square by 8 by 8 mm. He carefully grind and grind.

Drill to keep strictly vertically, pressing the part to the stone so that it does not jump off during rotation and does not hit the leg or another part of the body. Choose a slow mode of rotation, not more than 400 revolutions per minute. Do not allow overheating of the metal, otherwise the material properties do not change for the better.

Video: how to properly grind the knife for the meat grinder

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