Cinnamon - the benefits and harm to the health of the body

India and Sri Lanka are considered to be the birthplace of cinnamon. Everyone is used to using ground plant sprigs to decorate baking and other culinary dishes. In addition, cinnamon is widely used in cosmetology, it is also used by healers of traditional medicine. Not to be unfounded, consider the benefits and harm of cinnamon.

 The benefits and harm of cinnamon

Cinnamon composition

The basis of the plant includes elements that positively affect the health of all internal organs and body systems.

So, spice is rich in vitamins. Of them should be allocated tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid, vitamin B, vitamin PP, vitamin K and other equally valuable.

In addition, cinnamon includes potassium, sodium, manganese, iron. Peculiar spice is not deprived of selenium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, magnesium. As part of cinnamon are tannins, esters, volatile production, dietary fiber.

The use of cinnamon in medicine

  1. Asian people are accustomed to drinking tea with cinnamon for colds and other misfortunes. The drink warms, gives strength, strengthens the immune system and helps to recover from a serious illness. To prepare the drug, take an enamel pan, place in it 3 branches of cinnamon, 8 buds of cloves, half a cup of chopped ginger root. Fill with water in the amount of 2.2 l., Wait for boiling. Then add the juice of half a lemon (you can, along with the grated zest of citrus), stew on low heat for 35 minutes. Strain, take in the form of regular tea, adding honey.
  2. People who constantly suffer from high blood pressure have a hard time. To bring down indicators and to normalize a condition, mix cinnamon with kefir or sour milk. Proportions: 1 spoon of cinnamon, 280 ml. drink. This drug is used once a day.
  3. Oddly enough, cinnamon equally positively affects blood pressure, reducing or increasing it. For hypotension, difficulty with erection, unstable heart rate, mix cinnamon ester with a glass of water (250 ml. 2-3 drops of ether). Divide this amount into 4 receptions, take, evenly breaking for the whole day. You can add honey to taste.
  4. Cinnamon, in particular its oil, has a positive effect on the nervous system. Very often the product is used in aromatherapy to restore the psycho-emotional environment. Inhalation of aromas will relieve fatigue and apathy.
  5. Spice can rub his forehead and temples to get rid of severe headaches and frequent migraines. Folk healers are accustomed to using cinnamon to prevent heart pathologies, such as ischemia, heart attack or stroke. In such cases, it is necessary to mix the spice with honey, then spread on bread and use in the form of a sandwich. Similarly, you can dilute the composition with water and consume three times a day.
  6. Not without the use of cinnamon in the treatment of joint pain. If a patient has arthritis, it is recommended to mix 200 ml. water with a pinch of cinnamon and a spoon of honey. This volume is divided into the whole day and consumed 4 times.
  7. Cinnamon recognized and in the field of hair care. It helps to cope with alopecia in men and women. If you are experiencing severe hair loss, mix 30 grams. Burdock oil with 20 g. Honey, 5 pinch of cinnamon. Rub into the roots, wrap the head and leave for half an hour. Wash off, repeat actions every other day.
  8. Honey and cinnamon - an effective duet, which is used almost everywhere. This ointment can rub damaged skin, scratches, fungal formations, eczema. Cinnamon is also effective in treating acne. Mix 50 gr. Honey with 3-5 pinches of cinnamon, apply on the skin and after 10 minutes wash.
  9. Cinnamon can be cured by mosquito bites and other insects. To relieve pain, mix 30 ml. water with 30 grams. honey, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Rub into the affected places before absorption, you will feel itching.
  10. Spice is widely used to combat premature fading of the skin. To do this, mix cinnamon with aloe vera juice and honey. This composition is applied in the form of a mask on the face and aged for 20 minutes. To prolong youth, carry out procedures 1 time in 2 days.
  11. It will be helpful for patients with diabetes to learn that cinnamon can reduce blood sugar levels. To do this, in the morning you need to use a mixture of 150 ml. water and half a teaspoon of spice.
  12. Female doctors advise newly-minted mommies to consume the healing composition that will help them recover faster after childbirth. To prepare the tool, combine 1 cinnamon stick with 0.5 liters. water, boil, let stand for a third of an hour.Add honey and consume 3 times a day in small sips.

The use of cinnamon in cooking

Most often, cinnamon is used in the field of cooking to give spice to the dishes and a pleasant aroma of spices.

 The use of cinnamon in cooking

  1. In almost all countries of the world, a cake is prepared with fresh apples and cinnamon powder, the dessert is gentle and dietary.
  2. Cinnamon is decorated with buns, spice is added to rolls, desserts without baking, cookies.
  3. Many experienced chefs add powdered composition to main dishes. Cinnamon is advantageously combined with meat, red fish, mushrooms, sea cocktails.
  4. Not without the addition of cinnamon in winter drinks, such as tea, coffee, cocoa, mulled wine, apple sbiten. Spice is mixed with summer cocktails: jelly, cider, smoothie, juice.
  5. Cinnamon is considered a unique spice, which is combined with almost any product. In cooking, the spice is loved by many. Raw materials are often mixed into desserts, cottage cheese, creams, drinks, soups and dishes with meat.

The benefits of cinnamon

  1. Due to the fact that the spice improves the production of gastric juice, it is used to improve the digestive tract.With regular eating of the spice, the digestion of food increases, its fermentation in the esophagus stops. Cinnamon normalizes stools and combats constipation, relieves swelling and excessive gas formation.
  2. Spice has a pleasant ability to remove excess water from the body. Against this background, limb swelling decreases, kidney activity improves. Cinnamon also contributes to the outflow of bile, thereby reducing the burden on the liver.
  3. The plant contains the most valuable compound for diabetics - polyphenol. This substance reduces the level of sugar in the blood and prevents its jumps. The body absorbs insulin, making it easier for the disease.
  4. Cinnamon decoctions are good for women during the menstrual cycle. First, the spice relieves painful cramps and normalizes the abundance of secretions. Secondly, cinnamon controls hemoglobin and increases iron content.
  5. The plant is not only useful for women, it is also valuable for men. If you have problems with potency, take it as a habit to consume a spoonful of honey with a pinch of cinnamon every day.
  6. Identified the value of spices for the elderly.Cinnamon has a positive effect on the heart, controls pressure, reduces the likelihood of developing dementia.
  7. Cinnamon lubricates the joints, prevents the accumulation of salts, strengthens bone tissue. Spice is useful for athletes because it contributes to accelerated weight gain and preservation of elasticity of muscle fibers.

The benefits of cinnamon for women

 The benefits of cinnamon for women

  1. The composition has a positive effect on the body, especially during the menstrual cycle. The product suppresses pain, improves mood and stabilizes hormones.
  2. Cinnamon is in demand in cosmetology. Raw materials can get rid of acne and blackheads on the skin. For this you need to systematically make a variety of masks. Connect in a cup 80 gr. honey and 12 gr. ground cinnamon. The tool is applied locally before bedtime. In the morning, wash with hot water.

The benefits and harm of cinnamon for children

  1. Cinnamon is not recommended for babies. The product will benefit most kids school age. After 7 years, the daily rate of raw materials should be 2 times less than for adults.
  2. It is worth noting that if a child was previously allergic to anything, cinnamon should be given with extreme caution. Otherwise, the child will develop a skin rash, diathesis and itching.Otherwise, a small intake of cinnamon greatly enhances brain activity.
  3. If the child has no contraindications, the product should be given daily in a small amount. Raw materials have a positive effect on the overall development of the child. Improves cardiovascular activity and psycho-emotional background. Cinnamon protects the child's body from seasonal viruses and colds.

Cinnamon for weight loss

  1. The composition allows you to decorate the taste of various dishes and have a positive effect on the body. The powder helps in the treatment of many ailments, and also fights against obesity.
  2. To say goodbye to unwanted pounds, it is enough to add cinnamon to various dishes. For each meal you need to pour 0.5-1 gr. spices. Cinnamon has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. In the near future, there is a feeling of comfort, natural processes are getting better. Internal organs begin to work smoothly. For obesity, cinnamon is recommended to replace sugar.
  4. No less effective wraps with the addition of spices. It is also recommended to prepare low-calorie cocktails with cinnamon.These drinks should be taken instead of snacking. It is important to comply with the daily rate of spices.
  5. Do not rejoice ahead of time, cinnamon will not bring great benefits when losing weight, if you add powder to baking. To say goodbye to excess weight, it is important to balance the diet and give up harmful products.
  6. Spice has excellent antioxidant properties. Thanks to cinnamon, the body is completely cleansed from slagging and toxic compounds. The powder dulls the feeling of hunger a little.

The benefits and harm of cinnamon with honey

 The benefits and harm of cinnamon with honey

  1. As for the harm of such a combination of products, then you can only consider an allergic reaction to the components. The rest of the tool has a tremendous positive effect on the entire body.
  2. With the help of the therapeutic composition, it is possible to improve health during beriberi and colds. The mixture inhibits the activity of cancer cells and free radicals. Honey with cinnamon significantly increases brain activity, relieves pain and ailments associated with joints.
  3. Often, a similar composition is used for cosmetic purposes. To improve the hair and give it a greater thickness, you need to connect 30 grams. cinnamon and 150 ml. honeyApply the product to the hair, warm it up, wait 2 hours. Remove the mask in the usual way.

Harm cinnamon

  1. Do not assume that a large amount of powder will help to quickly achieve the desired result. Like any raw material, cinnamon must be included in the diet in reasonable quantities. Follow the recommended daily intake.
  2. Cinnamon can be detrimental when diagnosing stomach ulcers and gastritis. Raw materials adversely affect the damaged mucous membrane of internal organs.
  3. It is worth knowing that the product has an additional burden on the kidneys and liver. Therefore, if you have problems with these internal organs, cinnamon should be excluded from the diet.
  4. It is not recommended to consume the product during gestation. Cinnamon can trigger an allergic reaction in a baby. Raw materials are allowed to include in the minimum quantity in the lactation period. Cinnamon increases the quantity and quality of milk.

Without a doubt, cinnamon is considered one of the most useful spices. There are no special contraindications for the product. Keep track of how much you consume the composition per day. Otherwise, you can harm health.The product is recommended for cosmetic, medical and culinary purposes.

Video: beneficial properties and harm of cinnamon

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