Kozinaki - the benefits and harm to the health of the body

In an effort to have perfect forms, to lose excess weight, or to avoid their accumulation, one has to learn to live without the fact that you love so much, in particular, without sweets, which is usually the basis for the accumulation of excess weight. Almost all diets prohibit the use of sweets, and do not limit the period of abstinence while sitting on a diet, but also require you to continue to avoid high-calorie meals in the future. But how to be to those who can not live without sweets, and feel a real break-up, demanding to please yourself with something tasty. There is a simple approach available, the essence of which is to switch to healthy foods that are low in calories. These products include kozinaki.

 The benefits and harm of kozinaki


Kozinaki differ from other sweets in that they can be called surprising in composition,they do not have pure sugars, flour components, synthetic additives, as well as animal proteins and fats, and at the same time have a sweet taste and good nutritional value. The secret of sweet treats, those who want to make adjustments to their shape, but who are unable to refuse the cherished sweetness, is its nut-honey composition. It is from these two components that the correct kozinaki are made. Initially, kozinaki was prepared on the basis of walnuts, and later they began to use sesame and peanuts, which did not spoil their usefulness.

The chemical composition of kozinaki abounds in various kinds of vitamins, such as A, E, K and PP, group B. Also kozinaki contain many minerals, the leading positions among which are:

  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • iodine;
  • potassium.

In addition, kozinaki in large quantities contain proteins and easily digestible carbohydrates. Of course, the chemical composition of the product directly depends on the variety of nuts used to prepare it, because each of them is useful in its own way.

Useful qualities

The benefits of this product are determined by its composition. If the nut component can vary, the honey component remains unchanged.

  1. When consumed, it has a healing effect on the body, because it improves the quality characteristics of the blood, contributes to the removal of harmful substances and toxins from the body.
  2. Honey has a normalizing effect on the activity of internal organs, helps speed up the metabolism, strengthen the immune system. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, and even has a rejuvenating effect.
  3. Due to the zinc contained in honey, it produces a beneficial effect on the joints, which contributes to their strength and mobility. Honey has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain by stimulating thought processes and normalizing the activity of the heart muscle.
  4. Among other things, honey, which is an indispensable component of kozinaki, helps men maintain health by improving potency. High-temperature effects deprive honey of a certain number of useful properties, but despite this, most of them still persist, which has a great effect on health.

But nuts are the basis of kozinaks, so it’s worth noting their usefulness:

  1. The fiber contained in them helps to normalize intestinal activity, speed up the body's metabolism, improve the performance of the digestive function and prevent the absorption of cholesterol through the intestinal walls.
  2. Proteins and fats, which are contained in nuts, belong to the plant and feed the internal organs with the whole range of essential nutrients responsible for the functioning of the internal organs.
  3. With the help of walnuts, you can get rid of a nervous breakdown, they also do not allow to develop heart diseases and are on the side of immunity in the fight against colds.
  4. Among other things, they are able to lower blood pressure, which is useful for those suffering from hypertension and sweet tooth.
  5. Normalization of the health of the liver, getting rid of worms, strengthening the muscular structure of the body and eliminating fatigue are also beneficial side effects when eating walnuts.

Making sesame-based kozinaki changes the properties of the final product, due to the essential oils, glycerin and poly-saturated fatty acids contained in it.Sesame seeds promote the removal of toxic substances from the body, while preventing diseases associated with the joints and positively affecting the normalization of blood pressure.

Variations kozinaki

The initial version of the preparation of kozinaki included chopping walnuts, followed by the addition of heated honey. Modern versions of this product are somewhat different from its useful version due to the use of sugar syrup instead of honey. Not only does this reduce the benefits of the product, but also increases its caloric content and leads to the exclusion of losing weight from the diet. Masters of different countries use different nuts, besides walnuts, peanuts and almonds. Also, periodically use supplements in the form of raisins, poppy seeds, crushed dried fruits and citrus peel.

Potential harm

Considering the harmful effects of kozinaki on the body, first of all it is necessary to note the influence of kozinaki on the tooth enamel. It is not associated with the effects of sweets on the teeth and with the development of caries from the frequent use of sugar.In fact, the problem is in the increased hardness of kozinaki, which leads to a violation of the integrity of the tooth enamel. The use of a product consisting of strong kernels of nuts and hardened honey or sugar based syrup requires a lot of effort. And also not in favor of kozinaki there are situations when small particles of nutshells or even small stones that get into the product during preparation fall into them. Therefore, after finishing the use of kozinaki, dentists recommend rinsing the mouth with water. Ideally, after that, you should also brush your teeth, this will get rid of the remnants of syrup stuck to the enamel. This sequence of actions has a prophylactic result that prevents damage to the enamel of the teeth and does not allow the development of various kinds of diseases of the oral cavity.


Although kozinaki have a wide range of useful properties, there are people to whom the use of this product is contraindicated. Such persons include those who have a diagnosis of diabetes. This is due to the fact that even though the correct kozinaki is based on honey syrup, manufacturers more often use sugar or sugar syrup.Nevertheless, the market presents a line of dietary varieties of kozinaki, made, as expected, on the basis of honey, with the addition of dried fruit, raisins, nuts and seeds.

Allergy sufferers also need to carefully study the composition of the selected kozinaki, because peanuts and some seeds are classified as strong allergens. It is also worth remembering that only a fresh product is useful, so be sure to check the shelf life of kozinak before eating it, because in case of violation of storage conditions or when the shelf life is exceeded, the product becomes harmful to the body.

Video: how to make kozinaki at home

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