Chicken eggs - the benefits and harm for men and women

Today, the most popular manufacturers of poultry eggs are domestic chickens. Neither quails, nor geese can compare with them in terms of demand. Chicken eggs are boiled, fried, and eaten raw. They are the main components of many dishes, because they have a pleasant taste and a lot of useful properties.

 The benefits and harm of chicken eggs

Chicken Egg Composition

The chemical list of elements cannot be combined into one. After all, the yolk and protein concentrate different vitamins, mineral compounds, amino acids, etc. All these substances affect the health differently.

Generally speaking, from consuming fresh homemade eggs, you saturate the body with folic acid, choline, biotin, calcium, selenium, iron, magnesium, potassium.

The product is not deprived of tocopherol, vitamin D, vitamin B12, retinol, vitamin B3.The product concentrates a lot of animal protein, which is quickly absorbed and does not interfere with calcium absorption.

It is important to know that only 1 unit concentrates more than 15% of the daily requirement of an adult in proteins. Protein chicken eggs are famous for the fact that they accumulate more protein than meat.

Of the amino acids in the eggs accumulates methionine and leucine. These compounds can not be produced by the body independently, and therefore must be supplied with food.

Amino acid leucine, you can replace fish, poultry or other meat. But methionine is found only in Brazil nuts, sesame, and cereals, therefore it is much less common in the diet of an average person.

The egg is useful because it accumulates the vitamin-mineral complex in full. Hence the need to formulate a complex diet to ensure the maintenance of all vital systems and organs.

To saturate and improve well-being, nutritionists recommend eating eggs every day. Adhere to the norm of 1-2 eggs per day, that's enough.

The benefits of chicken eggs

  1. Vitamin B4, or choline, is responsible for brain activity by stimulating neurons. As a result of systematic use of eggs in humans improves memory, fine motor skills, logic, concentration and other important functions.
  2. Eggs are involved in the construction of cell membranes. Trace elements are responsible for updating red blood cells and improving blood quality. Some components of eggs are used to make breast cancer drugs.
  3. Selenium, which in the egg is more than 27% of the recommended daily intake, is necessary to maintain the endocrine system. Eggs are prescribed for people with thyroid disease.
  4. Tocopherol, or vitamin E, is considered a natural antioxidant. It suppresses the action of free radicals, removes heavy metal salts, eliminates toxins. Vitamin E is needed for skin beauty.
  5. Nicotinic acid improves the condition of the hair, and also has a positive effect on the human reproductive system. If a couple plans to conceive children, partners need to enter boiled eggs in the menu in advance.
  6. Leucine is a rare amino acid necessary to maintain muscle strength and their formation.An egg consumed in the evening lowers cholesterol and cleans the blood channels.
  7. Not without the healing effects of B vitamins. They support the activity of the central nervous system, improve the quality of sleep, relieve irritability and the effects of stress.
  8. Eggs are prescribed by nutritionists to increase metabolism, remove excess fluid, and saturate cells with oxygen. The chicken product enhances blood circulation, contributing to the breakdown of fatty plaques.
  9. In the presence of heart disease, it is helpful to eat eggs to improve the tone of the main muscle. Folic acid is necessary for the future mother for the full development of the fetus in the womb.
  10. Chicken protein is something for which chicken eggs are so appreciated. Proteins are involved in building cells of the entire human body, so they are vital. Eating eggs at a normal frequency will improve the health of nails, hair, teeth and skin.
  11. Putting eggs into the diet should be carried out by people who are obese. The product contributes to the acceleration of metabolism and weight loss. Eggs are also useful for diabetics because they reduce blood sugar jumps.
  12. It is useful for men to know that boiled chicken eggs improve potency, prevent prostate gland diseases, increase reproductive activity by increasing the number of spermatozoa.

Chicken eggs for eye health

 Chicken eggs for eye health

  1. A person’s vision deteriorates with age, but this tendency can be slowed down by keeping a balanced diet. Since eggs are a source of beta-carotene, they must be on the menu without fail.
  2. Many pigments such as zeaxanthin and lutein accumulate in the yolks. They belong to the group of carotenoids, the most powerful antioxidants for the eye retina. From here, prevention of cataracts and other similar problems is carried out.
  3. Thanks to the research of scientists, it was found out that the systematic reception of eggs (every day or every other day) is carried out to prevent the degeneration of yellow spots. This is a common eye disease that does not have the most pleasant effects.
  4. The composition of chicken eggs has enough retinol (vitamin A), which is needed to prevent the formation of night blindness. Also, this element is indispensable in the formation of muscle and bone tissue, nail plates, hair and teeth.

Chicken eggs for weight loss

  1. If you eat eggs in time, you can saturate the body with valuable protein and get rid of the feeling of hunger for a long time. Most diets include animal product. Eggs are easily absorbed by the body and are considered safe for health. The composition helps to normalize the metabolism and improve the condition of the skin.
  2. Eggs are introduced into the diet of people who are obese. They have a low calorie content, at the same time, saturate the body and retain this feeling for a long time. If you want to lose weight, you should know that more than one yolk a day can not be eaten. Protein is allowed to consume without restrictions. Combine eggs with fresh vegetables, fish, meat.
  3. If you stick to an egg diet, you can lose about 4 kg in a week. from the total body mass. The main advantage is that at the end of the course unwanted kilograms will not return if you continue to eat right. Chicken eggs can be replaced with quail. Last need to take 3 times more.
  4. The most popular diet, which includes a large number of grapefruits and chicken eggs. In this diet there is little carbohydrate and a lot of protein.The maximum benefit from the diet you get if you systematically start to play sports. If you are on a specific diet, strictly follow all the points. It is important not to violate the established course.
  5. It is interesting that after a long and regular admission of eggs the stomach narrows. Man no longer wants to eat in such a large volume. Eggs have high nutritional value, optimally balanced ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the accumulation of all the necessary amino acids, minerals and vitamins.
  6. If you exercise, you need to prepare protein shakes based on raw protein. They will help build muscle, lose weight, strengthen bones. Weight loss on raw eggs is also achieved due to the ability of the product to eliminate stagnation. Not everyone knows that when slagged body to lose weight is extremely difficult.

The positive effect of eggs on the body

 The positive effect of eggs on the body

  1. Eating eggs regularly will saturate the body with many beneficial enzymes. The product strengthens the protective functions of a person. In addition, the raw material acts as an excellent antioxidant, which cleans tissues from radicals and toxins.In this case, the eggs can be regarded as a composition that prevents and prevents many ailments.
  2. Eggs are rich in tocopherol, the active ingredient has a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system. The product allows to reduce the diseases of the main muscles in the body to a minimum. A person is less prone to heart attacks and strokes. Eggs perfectly clean the arteries. Lutein, which is in the composition of the raw material, inhibits the activity of free radicals.
  3. Studies have shown that regular consumption of eggs by women significantly reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. The presence of lecithin in the product improves the performance of the brain. Eggs strengthen memory. Selenium and retinol also have an excellent antioxidant effect.
  4. Special substances actively strengthen the optic nerves. Among these enzymes can be distinguished sulfur, amino acids and cysteine. Vitamin D and phosphorus act as the strengthening components of bone tissue. In addition to these microelements, the composition of eggs contains substances that are vital for humans.

Egg damage

  1. Salmonellosis is particularly harmful to the body.The disease appears as a serious E. coli. Such a disease can be earned through infected animal products. In order not to face such a situation, it is important to follow simple rules.
  2. It is not necessary to eat large quantities of raw and not finished eggs. As mentioned earlier, the exception is the village products. Rinse the eggs each time with warm water and salt. Hands should be perfectly clean before using the product for food.
  3. To destroy the E. coli, it is enough to subject the eggs to long-term heat treatment. An insufficiently prepared product is an ideal medium for the development of pathogenic bacteria. Ideal egg can be considered that which is cooked soft-boiled.
  4. Remember that raw materials are supersaturated with natural protein. Overeating eggs will not lead to anything good. Excess protein in the body adversely affects the activity of the kidneys and liver. In the future, there is a risk of developing serious pathologies.
  5. Despite the abundance of protein, the product also contains cholesterol. A substance may not be useful if you follow a certain diet.A large amount of cholesterol in the body leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases. You can eliminate the yolk from the diet.

The benefits and harm of eggs for children

 The benefits and harm of eggs for children

  1. For a child's body, high-quality chicken eggs will be much more beneficial than an adult. As described earlier, an impressive amount of beneficial substances is present in the product. For children, active enzymes will be more beneficial for full development.
  2. Eggs help a small body to fully develop not only physically, but also mentally. Give the product should be from 1 year. Offer your baby to start yolk. Fatty acids in the composition of raw materials are necessary for the growth of children. Active vitamins prevent the development of rickets.
  3. In the composition of the eggs can be distinguished 9 basic amino acids. Such enzymes directly affect bone growth. Leucine allows children to develop properly. Do not forget that the product can be dangerous for the body. If the products are not rustic, you can pick up E. coli.
  4. An adult organism is quite capable of overcoming salmonellosis, but children’s immunity to this is not ready. Often a child may be allergic to eggs.Diathesis and various rashes appear mainly due to the high protein concentration. Consider the features of the child's body.
  5. If we take into account the average indicators, we can conclude that 2 eggs per day will not bring any harm to the body. Try to give preference to rustic products. Such eggs are more natural and safe for consumption.

The benefits and harm of boiled eggs

  1. After proper heat treatment, eggs are assimilated by the human body differently, unlike raw ones. Therefore, the stomach will begin to assimilate the finished product, regardless of whether you ate before or not.
  2. Consider, boiled eggs are processed a little longer raw. If you look at it from the other side, then you can select a significant plus. Cooked eggs are absolutely safe and do not contain pathogenic bacteria.
  3. In addition to the benefits, it is important to know about the harm. Boiled eggs have significantly less beneficial enzymes, unlike raw ones. The product after heat treatment can not be stored for a long time. Everything else boiled eggs in the composition of salads emit harmful substances. Among them are hydrogen sulfide and ammonia.

Chicken eggs should be included in the diet because they carry the maximum value to the human body. With the systematic reception there will be no need to compose a complex and expensive menu. All the necessary nutritional elements you get from chicken eggs. However, it is worth remembering that they should be used in moderation.

Video: what will happen if you eat three eggs every day

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