Treatment with leeches - the benefits and harm to health

Hirudotherapy is a treatment with leeches. This little creature living in the reservoirs, many times saved human health when traditional medicine was powerless. Such therapy has few limitations and likely negative outcomes, which is significantly different from the use of medications.

 Leech therapy

What is a medical leech?

The leech is an ectoparasite sucking blood; it belongs to the class of annelids. There are about five hundred of their species that can be found in the bodies of wildlife. It is impossible to treat with such worms.Specialists use medical specimens for therapy, the benefits and harmfulness of which are controlled in the process of breeding them in the laboratory. Such individuals can be of two types: for treatment and pharmacy.

The medical specimen on the suction cup in front has a mouth, having three jaws, on every hundred chitinous teeth. She has ten eyes, she hears well and can smell. Because of this, she independently searches for a biologically active spot on the skin.

The basis of hirudotherapy

Despite the fact that the worm is located on human skin, it acts on deep tissues. Hyaluronidase, which it produces, can increase tissue permeability and sensitivity. Piercing the skin and drinking blood, the individual returns to the body biologically active substances, among which the most valuable is hirudin. He cleans the vessels of man. During the leech therapy session, no more than seven worms are used. One individual drinks about 15 milliliters of blood. Apply the worm only once, then it is immersed in an acidic solution, where it dies. This eliminates the likelihood of infections / viruses in the environment, as well as their transfer to other people.

Important! Wounds after a session bleed throughout the day. This is considered the norm, no need to worry. But, if in a day the blood continues to flow, you need to tell the specialist about it.

In what cases is prescribed treatment with leeches?

Most often, such a cure is prescribed to patients with high blood pressure, heart disease, various forms of dystonia, ulcers, diseases of the spine, and with the IRR.

The scope of the use of worms is very extensive. Leeches are treated to treat such ailments as:

  • Diabetes, arthritis, overweight and other diseases associated with impaired metabolism.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Diseases of the skin.
  • Kidney problems.
  • Neurological diseases.
  • Diseases of the stomach and pancreas.
  • Thyroid ailments.
  • For fractures and abrasions, and adhesions after surgery.
  • Inflammation in the reproductive system.

This is not the entire list of diseases that these worms can help cure. The beneficial characteristics and harm of this therapy depend on the specific characteristics of the human body, which only a doctor can determine. If there is evidence, the specialist prescribes the effective course of treatment with worms.

Leech in the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine

Diseases of the articular and cartilage tissues, which are caused by improper metabolism or blood circulation, significant or incorrectly distributed loads, various injuries, can be cured with the help of these creatures. The duration of therapy for these ailments is assigned specifically for each patient.

 Leech in the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine

The purpose of this therapy is to reduce negative feelings, eliminate pain, stop the growth of the disease. This ensures satisfactory mobility of the joints. In the mucus that an individual injects into the blood, there is a significant amount of natural substance for pain relief, it helps to improve the patient's condition.

Use in the treatment of female ailments

During the treatment of various gynecological diseases, medical worms are used both externally and inside the vagina - it all depends on the specific ailment. Such actions should be performed only by professionals in a specially equipped office. A significant number of vessels and capillaries are located near the vagina, the uterus and other female organs are near, and this increases the effectiveness of leech therapy several times.

In a short period of time, the hormonal background is normalized, due to which the woman's body rejuvenates. Placement of worms inside the vagina is recommended if the patient has a disease that results from a hormonal imbalance. These diseases include certain forms of heart disease, high pressure in the genitals and blood vessels, asthma. In the presence of inflammation in the uterus and appendages, frequent symptoms of the disease are abdominal pain, an increase in the size of the appendages, and the failure of the menstrual cycle. Ailments occur when blood stops in the female organs, because of this, the degree of tissue resistance decreases, and the risk of infection increases. With all the pathologies described, leech therapy is very effective.

Worms are useful for preventive measures of growth of gynecological ailments of appendages, at the preliminary stage of their action are aimed at removing the inflammatory process. Three, five non-painful sessions of therapy will assist the woman in getting rid of many problems associated with the pelvic organs.

After an abortion or during inflammation in the female reproductive system, adhesions are most often diagnosed, which over the years can cause pain and infertility.To prevent this, after abortion, doctors recommend that women undergo a course of hirudotherapy. In many cases, worms will prevent the occurrence of adhesions.

To benign tumors belong cysts of various types, fibroids. If a woman is given such a diagnosis, then there is a high risk that it is caused by hormonal disturbances. Worms can help prevent negative effects, such as an increase in benign neoplasms or a gradual transition to a malignant tumor. But it must always be remembered that leech therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of a highly qualified specialist.

Therapy with worms will be effective for pain in the period of menstruation and bleeding of the uterus of different intensity levels. Uterine bleeding is caused by a shortage or excess of hormones in the blood, an inflammatory process, an increase in fibromyoma, or an abnormal menopause.

Hirudotherapy with VSD

Worms will assist in the treatment of VSD at the initial stage of growth or slow down its process in the later stages. Therapy will enhance the process of blood formation, and the hirudin returned by the worms to the patient's blood will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent their damage.It also increases blood viscosity, reducing the likelihood of blood clots.

Therapy with leeches is effective and not having side effects to combat high blood pressure. Three, five worms, put on the right point, for a long time will reduce blood pressure.

Prostate leeches

Diseases that worry many men over the age of forty can be cured in 9 sessions of hirudotherapy. This technique relieves pain symptoms, performs an anesthetic function. Significant relief in patients is observed after one session. A doctor-urologist is obliged to observe the treatment. If the infection is chronic, then it is necessary to take antibiotics prescribed by a doctor simultaneously with therapy.

Hirudotherapy in cosmetology

Hirudotherapy is very common in cosmetology. Its main advantage is the lack of age framework: any person, regardless of age, with the help of worms can eliminate certain skin diseases. The main thing is to clearly follow the instructions of the specialist when performing the procedure.

 Hirudotherapy in cosmetology

Leech therapy in cosmetology is used for:

  • Remove acne, pimples, ulcers on the skin.
  • Anti-cellulite.
  • Removal of scars and scars due to skin lesions.
  • Bringing the patient's skin back to normal with the IRR.
  • Prevent baldness.
  • Improve the appearance of the skin.
  • Control the course of various skin diseases.

Hirudotherapy: harm and limitations

Despite the large range of indications for use, leeches, unfortunately, are not a panacea for all ailments. There are diseases whose presence in a patient will not give a good result from leech therapy. In these situations, healing with worms can even harm human health.

Limitations to leech therapy:

  1. Low hemoglobin level. Exhaustion of even a small volume of blood with worms during therapy will significantly reduce the level of hemoglobin.
  2. Patients who suffer from low blood clotting risk losing a significant amount of blood with small wounds on the skin.
  3. If there is a neoplasm in the body, the use of worms is prohibited (there is a possibility of bleeding).
  4. During the period of menstruation, it is better for women not to attend therapy sessions: the body already loses enough blood without it.
  5. Pregnancy, lactation period, intolerance to enzymes that the worm secretes.
  6. Low BP. As soon as a few leeches adhere to the body, a person’s blood pressure will decrease, which will negatively affect hypertensive patients. There is a risk of fainting or head spinning after a session.

Many people do not attend leech therapy sessions just because the worms themselves are disgusting for them. It is impossible to force a person in this situation; moreover, the growth rate of the pharmaceutical industry makes it possible to manufacture medical preparations that are based on worm mucus. They are very effective and in no way inferior to conventional worms therapy.

It is important to note that with leech therapy there is a risk of unpleasant consequences after a session. Often, the effects occur with self-treatment or because of the lack of professionalism of the doctor. These consequences include:

  • allergy;
  • bleeding;
  • bruises;
  • slight inflammation of the lymph nodes.

It is important to know! If the patient does not adhere to the tips for treating the wounds that remain after the session, then infection may occur in the blood.

Small bleeding that occurs after a session is normal, as the human body responds to hirudin. But, if the blood does not stop for a long time, then it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

You can prevent the unpleasant effects of leech therapy. To do this, you must comply with such conditions as:

  1. You can not tear leeches during the procedure itself. They will fall off, as soon as the required volume of blood is drained, it usually happens no later than an hour later.
  2. The wound after the session should remain dry. You can not wet it until it is overgrown.
  3. You can not touch the wound with your hands after the procedure.

Video: what leeches treat and how a hirudotherapy session will help

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