Sea salt for hair: how to use

Many people associate being on the seashore with a dramatic improvement in their health, and for good reason. Salt from the deep sea has a beneficial effect on skin and hair. On this basis, leading manufacturers of cosmetics began to deliver sea salt to the stores. Most often it is used to scrub the skin and improve the condition of the hair. To benefit from the use of salt only, you need to apply it correctly.

 Sea salt for hair

Action and features of sea salt

The properties of the useful composition are determined by a rich list of chemical elements that form the basis of salt. It contains iodine, zinc, magnesium, selenium, iron, calcium and other elements that are no less significant for the hair.

  1. Salt has an antiseptic effect. It fights inflammation on the scalp, eliminates fungus, seborrhea, and normalizes the action of sebaceous glands.
  2. Salt from the depths of the sea has a warming and simultaneously irritating effect. This may have a detrimental effect on dry scalp, but it is perfectly reflected on oily epidermis.
  3. Due to the systematic use improves the condition of the hair follicles, they are more firmly fixed in the designated areas. This increases the growth of hair, the shock acquires greater density and basal volume.
  4. As mentioned above, the tool refers to antibacterial. Salt quickly cleanses the scalp of dead particles, excess fat, dust. Against this background, natural self-purification is normalized, the epidermis begins to "breathe", blood circulation increases and the overall condition of the hair improves.
  5. Often, owners of long hair are faced with the fact that their hair fade, starting from the tips. This means that the bulbs can not provide power to the strands along the entire length. Salt corrects this situation by supplying a lot of minerals in the follicles.
  6. Especially useful to use salt for male and female alopecia, that is, massive loss. Haystack also gets a natural shine, it becomes smooth and easy to comb.Moreover, a positive effect can be noted using the tool on the root section.
  7. In home cosmetology, salt is used as an independent or auxiliary product. In the first case, the salt scrub is meant, in the second - the addition of the composition to the masks in order to increase their effectiveness several times.
  8. The product is sold in large supermarkets, individual cosmetic stores, pharmacies. Choose finely ground salt without colorants or flavors. Do not buy a composition enriched with iodine. It dries the scalp.
  9. Sea salt is preferably designed for owners of combined or oily hair. You can use the product for normal hair, but less. Dry and brittle hair remedy is not suitable.

Subtleties of using sea salt

  1. Before any manipulation, it is necessary to conduct a test to ensure that there is no allergy. Apply the composition to the skin in the area of ​​the wrist, rub and wait half an hour. Wash off, if after that there will be no red spots and itching for 2 hours, use salt for hair.
  2. Fat and combination type people should not use sea salt more often 2once a month. Owners of a normal head of hair should limit the use of 1 session per week. For women with dry scalp composition is contraindicated, but if there is an urgent need, do the mask no more than 1 time in 15-20 days.
  3. To get the best out of your use, apply salt to dirty scalp. Before this, slightly moisten the hair. Do not touch the ends and length, they are separately processed with any cosmetic oil: linseed, burdock, castor, almond, olive.
  4. Rub the scrub or mask with soft movements. In parallel with the application, massage the root part for 7 minutes. The mask with salt lasts no longer than half an hour, scrub - 10 minutes.
  5. After the procedure, do not apply a balm on the scalp, this remedy is distributed only through the hair. Otherwise, all efforts will fall to "no." After removing the salt means, rinse the hair with chamomile or nettle decoction.
  6. After the procedure, let your hair dry yourself, do not use a hairdryer. The recovery course lasts for 1.5 months. After this time, a break is made of the same duration.
  7. Contraindications to the use of sea salt include the presence of wounds, cuts, fresh stitches on the scalp, allergy to the product, cross-section, excessive brittleness and dry hair.

Homemade hair products with salt

 Homemade hair products with salt
Single component scrub

  1. The composition is suitable for the treatment of dandruff, loss, oiliness. Mix a handful of sea salt (chopped) with a small amount of water to make a slurry.
  2. Moisten the skin, then rub the scrub into it for 7 minutes. Rinse your head well, use chamomile decoction. To increase efficiency, add a little castorca to the scrub.

Banana and milk

  1. Choose the most ripe banana, peel it and cut it into pieces. Send in a blender, turn into a smooth mash. Powder with ground salt, enter 3 raw yolks.
  2. Beat the contents, then pour in 30 ml. of milk. It is important that the mixture is cooled, otherwise the salt will dissolve. Comb your hair, do not need to wash your hair.
  3. Moisturize the skin, then distribute the product. Rub 10 minutes, making massage. Then wrap your head with plastic wrap, wrap a towel.
  4. The duration of exposure depends on the type of hair.A normal head of hair is enough for 20 minutes, oily and combined - half an hour, dry - 10 minutes. Rinse with shampoo, diluting it with water.

Kefir and essential oils

  1. To make a nourishing mask, you will need 250 ml. homemade yogurt, 50 gr. salt and 5 drops of essential oils (1 drop to choose). Vegetable components are selected in view of the immediate problem.
  2. If you have an increased secretion of subcutaneous fat, it is preferable to introduce the essential oils of pine, lemon and eucalyptus. With abundant hair loss will help you mint, rosemary, ylang-ylang.
  3. Mix in a convenient container all the components, make sure that the salt crystals are dissolved. Lightly rub the product into the scalp. Keep in mind that hair must be moisturized.
  4. Create a steam bath with film and thick cloth. Wrap your head. Wait about half an hour. Wash off the mask with a directional shampoo. Detergent is applied exclusively on the hair, it is prohibited to apply on the scalp.

Kefir and sour milk

  1. Warm up 60 ml. purified water to 35 degrees, dissolve in a liquid 15 grams. salt. Next, enter into the composition of chicken yolk and 55 ml. yogurt.
  2. A homogeneous mass must be rubbed into the hair roots. Wind tape and towel over your head. Wait 25 minutes. Wash off the product with shampoo, without affecting the skin and roots.

Mustard and Yolk

  1. Stir in a cup 1 yolk, 35 gr. mustard powder, 12 gr. liquid honey, 30 ml. olive oil, 15 gr. salt and fresh lemon half.
  2. Wait for the salt crystals to dissolve, wet your head. Rub lightly into the root zone. Heat the classic way, wait half an hour. Wash hair with familiar shampoo.

Rye bread and salt

  1. Take a small amount of warm water, soak 3 standard slices of bread in a cup. Get a homogeneous mush, enter 17 grams. salt and 2 egg yolks. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Apply the product to the skin, wrap polyethylene and a scarf. After a third of an hour, rinse the composition with a detergent, without affecting the epidermis.

Cognac and honey

  1. Connect 15 ml. quality cognac, 35 gr. fresh honey and 30 gr. salt. Stir the ingredients until the granules dissolve.
  2. Rub the mixture in the usual way in the hair follicles. Put on a cosmetic hat, wrap a towel.After 40 minutes, remove the mask with a familiar detergent.

Mineral and Almond

  1. To prepare a moisturizing mask, you will need to mix in a container 250 ml. mineral water with gas, 37 ml. almond (sweet) oil and 14 g. healing salt.
  2. Massage your head with the finished product, leave the mask for half an hour. Heat yourself with the usual turban. After the allotted time, wash the hair with water and conditioner.

Ether ylang-ylang and salt

  1. The composition is applied as a spray. With the help of this tool can be styled any type of hair. As a result, you will get a substantial amount, a wavy effect and a noticeable brilliance.
  2. Take a clean and dry spray bottle. Enter into a container of 230 ml. heated water, 5 drops of ylang-ylang, 15 gr. gel for fixing strands and 16 gr. fine salt.
  3. Shake the components thoroughly until completely dissolved. After 10 minutes the spray can be applied. If you want to align the hair, the tool is recommended to distribute on slightly wet curls from root to tip.
  4. To achieve the effect of waviness, the composition should be distributed on the head of hair, slightly crumpling it. Manipulation is recommended from tip to root.As a result, you will achieve the desired effect, make your hair strong and wavy.

Clay and chamomile extract

  1. Take 90 gr. clay blue, pour the required amount of water to get a pasty mixture. And in the composition you need to add chamomile brew so that in the end the mass does not turn out to be liquid.
  2. Dissolve in the composition of 95 gr. salt, if necessary, heat the mixture. Rub in 7 minutes. Further, the mass is removed in the usual way. Rinse your head with running water, apply shampoo, rinse again.

Pepper Vodka and Almond Oil

  1. Warm up 50 ml. almond oil up to 40 degrees. Manipulation is recommended in a water bath. In a hot vegetable product you need to dissolve 13 oz. salt.
  2. Further, 15 ml are introduced into the homogeneous mass. pepper vodka. Leave the agent to infuse for 2 hours. The procedure is carried out in a standard way, rub the tool into the skin for 7 minutes.
  3. Make sure that the composition does not get into the eyes. Wait 10 minutes. In the allotted time, the active components will do their job. Wash off the mask with a natural shampoo without impurities.

In order to properly apply sea salt for hair, follow practical recommendations. The proportions in the above masks are calculated on the average length of the hair.You should not use the formulations more often 2 times a week for girls with oily hair. Choose for yourself the most suitable means. It is important to choose a quality marine product.

Video: salt peeling for hair growth

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