Can you feed canned corn to a nursing mother?

Many healthy dishes include canned corn, and this is not surprising. After all, it concentrates the mineral-vitamin complex, which has a positive effect on the most important systems and organs of a person. The question about the admissibility of taking corn is often asked by newly-born moms who can not afford to eat too much because of the likely allergic reaction in infants. Today we will make out whether everything is bad or whether corn can be included in the diet.

 Canned corn when breastfeeding

The use of corn grains

Corn in grain and porridge based on this raw material accumulates a huge amount of dietary fiber. They are responsible for the proper functioning of the digestive system, as well as the charge of energy for the whole day.

The composition of the mass of minerals such as potassium with magnesium.They are useful for the heart muscle, as well as the vascular system in particular. Due to this, blood channels are cleared of cholesterol deposits and other harmful substances.

Corn kernels must be eaten by people who are experiencing difficulties with the activity of the esophagus. We are talking about those who suffer from constipation, flatulence, bloating.

Ascorbic acid is present in the composition, which after conservation is stored in a decent amount. It is needed for the immune system and to cleanse the skin of toxins.

Also, the grains are not deprived of tocopherol, a natural antioxidant and beauty vitamin. There are vitamins K and D, nicotinic acid, folic acid.

For newly-minted mummies, corn porridge is very useful, as well as vegetable oil. Firstly, such products do not cause allergies, and secondly they strengthen the immune system of the infant and the mother’s heart.

Corn in any form, with the exception of roasted grains, is low-calorie. This quality allows mothers to lose the excess weight that was gained in the process of carrying a fetus.

The product is nutritious and quickly suppresses hunger, but you can eat it no more than 2 times in 6 days.Due to the abundant inclusion of starch, a heaviness in the abdomen and the risk of weight gain may occur (if portions are not followed). When the baby is 2 months old, first it is better to eat porridge, and then gradually switch to grain.

The form of the use of corn during lactation

Newly mummies will like boiled corn on the cob or grains, porridge based on it, canned grains. In the first case, it is not at all necessary to stand at the stove for a long time and cook the ears. You can fill them with hot water from the night and leave, in the morning the dish will be ready.

As for preservation, they are recommended to be made independently, and not to buy in a store. From corn, canned industrially, good little. The composition contains harmful substances that prolong the life of the snack and can harm the baby.

Grains of canned type are best added to salads, first and second courses after their preparation. Do not eat spoons with a spoon in order not to provoke colic in the baby and constipation in the mother.

More recently, studies have been conducted in which they proved the value of canned product for women who have lost their milk.If the lactation is bad, such a dish will enhance it, improve the quality, quantity and fat content of milk.

Corn Frequency

Entering the product in the diet begins with the child reaching three months. But many world pediatricians with the name claim that it is not worthwhile to include canned ingredients in everyday meals so early.

 Is it possible to canned corn nursing mom

The digestive system and the immunity of the baby is not yet strong, it is better to wait for half a year. Otherwise, the high amount of fiber that enters the body of the child, simply provoke difficulties in the work of the most important systems and organs.

Boiled corn is allowed to eat no more than 1 time per week in the amount of one cob. Canned - no more than 2 times a month in the amount of 50 grams. With all this, it is important to constantly monitor the child and in the event of a negative reaction to refuse admission. It is necessary to introduce corn kernels gradually, each time increasing the portion, until you reach 50 grams.

Harm from taking corn during lactation

It is not uncommon for a child to suffer because of an improperly balanced nutrition of the mother. Most often, he develops an allergy to food, which is seen as redness, rash, itching, colic, constipation, gas formation, etc.In rare situations, the kid was poisoned by grocery shopping products. Therefore, again, harvest grain at home.

All doctors do not allow for the purchase of the composition due to the fact that it has a lot of preservatives, dyes, food additives, flavor enhancers. Sometimes unscrupulous manufacturers add bisphenol to iron cans, which has a negative effect on the heart, blood vessels and can cause cancer.

Cooking corn by yourself

In order not to cause damage and always have on hand a healthy treat that can be added to main dishes and salads, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the recipe of preservation. An appetizer can easily be made at home, and there will be more benefit from it than from purchased products.

To make a twist, you will need half a liter of filtered water, lemon powder (3 chips), salt (7 gr.), Granulated sugar (25 gr.), Young corn.

First boil the cobs so that they are ready. Then cut them off, transfer them to the sterilized jars beforehand and fill them with hot water in combination with loose components. Pasteurize for a third of an hour, then close, wrap with an old jersey or a towel, wait 48 hours.

After a specified period, transfer the conservation to a place for long-term preservation. Combine grains little by little with meat and fish dishes, seafood, fresh vegetables (fruits, berries), and other cereals.

It can be concluded from the above that it is allowed to use home-preserved corn. You can make it on your own, following the recipe. Always follow the reaction of the child to new products.

Video: how to preserve corn

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