Oatmeal cookies - the benefits and harm to health

Among the most sophisticated, inexpensive desserts, a clear favorite is oatmeal cookies. Its unobtrusive taste and high nutritional properties are familiar to all from childhood. This delicacy has a low cost, which increases the ratings of its popularity. In addition, such cookies can be easily prepared in any home kitchen.

 The benefits and harm of oatmeal cookies

A bit of history

Invented the oatmeal cookies Scotch back in the 17th century. Two centuries of oatmeal delicacy won the sympathy of consumers on different continents. And he succeeded because the advantages of the product are obvious:

  • it is easy to prepare;
  • available ingredients;
  • nutritional value.

A product is prepared from flour produced from oats, an unpretentious cereal that grows everywhere.The authors of this product were preparing cookies on hot stones. At first, the grain was converted into flour, which was diluted with plain water. From the dough obtained in such a simple way, small pellets were rolled out and laid out on the hot surface of the stone. The new dish was really liked by fellow inventors of the product, and soon it appeared on the table of the royal persons.

When the First World War broke out, oatmeal cookies were included in the dry ration of many European armies. Its excellent taste and satiety helped the soldiers to bear the burden of military life. Therefore, it is not by chance that at one time this product was called “soldier's cookie”.

The composition of the product and its caloric value

Specifically, it is difficult to designate the energy parameters of oatmeal cookies, because different manufacturers add flavors and other harmless ingredients to saturate the taste, besides sugar and margarine. All this increases the energy value of products. But on average, 100 grams of the store product contains about 400 kcal.Therefore, even a few pieces of cookies, eaten at breakfast, will provide the body with energy for the whole day. But the benefits of an oatmeal product are not limited to calories. After all, it consists of a mass of elements that our body needs so much. The favorite treat of all contains:

  • squirrels;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamin component (E, B);
  • trace elements;
  • carotene;
  • amino acids.

All of these components in a single composition favorably affect the work of the brain, digestion, improve muscle tone and elevate mood.

Useful properties of oatmeal delicacies

It should be particularly highlighted one feature characteristic of the oatmeal product. Unlike other desserts, after which a person feels heaviness in the stomach and satiety, oatmeal cookies do not have this effect. Its composition is chosen so organically that it has only a positive effect:

 Useful properties of oatmeal cookies

  • normalizes digestive functions;
  • regulates the bowels;
  • stimulates brain activity;
  • favorably affects the condition of the skin;
  • perfectly cleanses the body;
  • normalizes blood formation;
  • quickly gives a feeling of fullness;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • activates the production of serotonin.

The last fact explains the fact that oatmeal cookies have a positive effect on the emotional background. This feature is especially pronounced in children. It is worth the child to eat a couple of cookies on the go, and he seems to be charging from the battery: the live energy is in full swing and the baby is ready to play indefinitely.

Another outstanding quality of oatmeal cookies that you should definitely mention is the ability to destroy cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels. True, a product prepared in industrial quantities contains many carbohydrates, so diabetics should not eat such cookies.

About the dangers of the product

All tasty is useful if its use is limited to a certain measure. This rule applies to oatmeal cookies. Due to the high nutritional value, the product is not recommended to eat in large quantities to people who are prone to corpulence. Diabetics also need to carefully select a product. For this category of consumers special dietary biscuits are produced, where instead of sugar there is its fructose substitute. Persons with oily skin should also refrain from consuming this delicacy.This rule applies to those who are allergic to the ingredients of the product.

Oatmeal Cookies and Diet

Many fans and admirers of healthy food are concerned about the possibility of using oatmeal cookies as a basic product of the diet. Monosyllabic answer can not be. After all, this product in its classic version is very high in calories, it contains a large amount of carbohydrates and fats. For this reason, oatmeal cookies can appear in the menu only when you need to quickly quench the feeling of hunger, relieve fatigue, add an emotional positive. For example, you can eat a few pieces of cookies before the exam test or an important meeting. Such a light snack will give strength, activates the brain. Oatmeal cookies can replace breakfast when it is not possible to cook a full meal. These are all situational cases, but you should not build a diet as a whole on an oatmeal dessert, and people who are overweight should forget about this product.

What additives are in oatmeal dessert

Today, many manufacturers include oatmeal cookies in their product range.Everyone prepares this delicacy according to their own recipe, this explains such a variety of options on the shelves. But there is a list of required components:

 What supplements are there in oatmeal cookies?

  1. Confectionery fats. Without them, it is impossible to cook this kind of dessert.
  2. Baking powder helps the dough to take the desired consistency, so that later a crumbly soft cookie will turn out.
  3. Sugar. Its content in the product is large, but there are alternatives where sugar is replaced by fructose. True, the taste of this product is significantly different from the original.
  4. Vegetable oils. Modern manufacturers often replace margarine with vegetable oil. But, if the sunflower oil will only benefit, this can not be said about palm oil.
  5. Fillers diversify the taste and are beneficial. It can be seeds, raisins, dried apricots. Such supplements energize and stimulate the bowels.
  6. Honey is also often used in baking. It gives the product a dark shade and a distinctive honey flavor.
  7. Preservatives are considered a real "scourge" of modern sweets of industrial production. The presence of these not very useful additives, said the long shelf life of the product.That is, the longer this period, the greater the amount of chemical additives in cookies.

How to choose high-quality cookies

Good quality products should be purchased in private bakeries. There they usually prepare cookies according to classic recipes with the observance of quantitative and qualitative selection of ingredients. If you want to guarantee complete safety for health, you can try to prepare a delicacy at home. This is not a difficult and time consuming process.

As for the store products, when choosing should:

  1. Give preference to the product in a transparent package.
  2. Choose a whole product.
  3. Confectionery product of good quality is an even color.
  4. The product should be soft.
  5. According to the expiration date, you can easily determine how many harmful additives are in cookies.
  6. For the preparation of high-quality product is not usually used egg powder, and natural eggs.

All this information is usually indicated on the package. Just before you pay for the purchase, you need to take a few minutes to study the characteristics of the product. Excellent quality oatmeal cookies always add a healthy variety to the diet.

Video: how to make oatmeal cookies without flour

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