The benefits and harm of coffee for human health

Many modern people can no longer imagine their life without coffee. Invigorating drink helps to wake up in the morning, raises the pressure, gives vivacity. And coffee lovers with a cigarette do not even know how to start their day otherwise. However, many do not understand that the drug can cause some harm. The positive and negative qualities of coffee are studied far and wide, so we will consider them in order.

 The benefits and harm of coffee

Coffee composition

The influence of the drink on the human body follows from the chemical list of coffee elements. Not to be unfounded, let's talk about everything in detail.

Raw coffee beans include carbohydrates, fats, proteins. Also included are alkaloid compounds such as caffeine and trigonelline.Of the organic acids, the most valuable are oxalic, quinic, chlorogenic, caffeic and citric.

Grain is not deprived of mineral salts, tannins, essential oils, water, vitamins, macro-and micronutrients. Of the latter, iron, potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium should be distinguished.

After roasting in grains new elements are formed, for example, vitamin PP. The final chemical list of elements depends on the degree of roasting and the type of coffee.

The effect of coffee on the body

  1. Trigonelline. After roasting the beans, a cauldol is formed, it is this compound that makes the coffee fragrant and strong. Trigonelline secretes nicotinic acid, which increases blood circulation, dilates blood circulation, removes cholesterol from vessels, and prevents atherosclerosis. Lack of vitamin PP in the body leads to such a disease as pellagra. It is characterized by the following symptoms: dermatitis, diarrhea, impaired brain activity.
  2. Caffeine. This element is famous for its properties to excite the human nervous system. Caffeine energizes, tones the body, reduces drowsiness and fights chronic fatigue.It is due to the incoming element that coffee is accused of developing psychological dependence. However, not everyone knows that caffeine is concentrated in plants, tea leaves, cocoa beans, and cola nuts. Accordingly, in order to reduce harm, you need to know the measure in everything.
  3. Chlorogenic acid. Also available in many plants, but coffee beans are considered champions in the amount of this substance. Useful quality of the acid is its ability to improve the nitrogen metabolism. It also normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Chlorogenic acid is responsible for bitterness and astringent aftertaste.
  4. Vitamin R. It is necessary for the human body to strengthen the walls of the capillaries and give them elasticity. Just one cup of coffee drink concentrates the daily intake of this vitamin for an adult. In combination with essential oils, coffee performs an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory function. And tannins have a beneficial effect on the heart and the digestive tract.

Effect of coffee on the digestive system

  1. The drink contributes to the increased production of gastric juice, which is why patients with peptic ulcer and gastritis can not consume coffee on an empty stomach. The same applies to patients with pancreatitis.However, the reception of coffee in the morning does not threaten a healthy person.
  2. Many studies have been conducted that prove the effect of the drug on the digestive system and the kidneys in particular. Scientists agreed that the drink reduces the likelihood of developing cirrhosis in those people who are accustomed to lean on alcohol.
  3. Tannins, which accumulate in large quantities in coffee, give the drink bitterness. They master the digestibility of ascorbic acid and vitamin PP, but at the same time slow down the absorption of the esophagus of such elements as iron and calcium. This aspect suggests that people with anemia (iron deficiency anemia) are contraindicated drink.
  4. Tannins have a beneficial effect on the walls of the stomach, so many years ago, coffee was used to treat this organ. However, later, scientists concluded that the drink only irritates the mucous membranes and leads to even more ulcers.
  5. Let's talk again about tannins. They are neutralized by adding milk to the drink. As can be understood, the effect of the drink on the yazvennikov is very doubtful. A mug of coffee causes pain and heartburn in some, while others have the opposite effect.But the use of the drink must be coordinated with the attending gastroenterologist.

Coffee properties

  • stimulates the neurons of the brain, thereby increasing mental alertness;
  • charges with energy and vivacity;
  • gives strength and raises morale;
  • fights migraines and headaches;
  • eliminates drowsiness, lethargy, apathy;
  • is a natural antidepressant;
  • reduces suicidal tendencies;
  • improves memory and visual functions;
  • prophylactic atherosclerosis and thrombosis;
  • treats intoxication (narcotic, food, alcohol);
  • improves assimilation of food and reduces the likelihood of its fermentation in the intestine;
  • raises blood pressure;
  • normalizes heart rate;
  • removes poisons and carcinogens;
  • used in the prevention and treatment of liver cirrhosis;
  • relieves diabetics;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing oncology;
  • used to eliminate the symptoms of gout.

It should be noted that the positive properties of the drink for the human body become possible only if drinking coffee in doses.

Coffee consumption rates

 Coffee consumption rates

  1. Naturally, we are talking about the permissible daily rate of the drink. An adult without harm can take from 320 to 480 mg. caffeine per day. It all depends on the degree of roasting and the type of grains, one cup of drink accumulates about 100-130 mg. caffeine.
  2. Women and girls who are expecting a child should reduce their coffee intake to 200-250 mg. caffeine per day. This figure is equivalent to about 2 cups per day (according to WHO).
  3. When planning the frequency of intake, remember that coffee is not the only source of caffeine in the world. Calculate your daily rate, taking into account other products that you also use.
  4. The harmful effect of a coffee drink is seen in people who drink at least 5 mugs per day. Always remember that a dose of caffeine, which is equal to 10 grams, is considered lethal for a person. These are about 100 drug mugs.

Coffee when breastfeeding and pregnancy

  1. It is extremely difficult to find information that regulates the use of the drink during lactation and gestation. But a lot of information about the dangers of the drink for girls of these categories.
  2. Coffee does not allow calcium to be absorbed.Moreover, the raw material washes this element from the body. It is important to understand that a pregnant woman already divides all the nutrients obtained into herself and the child. Therefore, an additional loss of calcium can lead to looseness of the baby’s skeleton and disruption of the structure of the bones, teeth, and nails of the mother.
  3. A coffee drink makes a person too agitated. Excessive excitement negatively affects the woman's central nervous system and the formation of the baby’s psyche. Increased caffeine in the blood contributes to an imbalance in the hormonal background.
  4. Coffee makes it difficult for oxygen to flow through the tube to the fetus. A pregnant woman suffers from a slow metabolism, and the drink only aggravates this situation. As a result, digestive upset and kidney activity may develop.
  5. Experts advise to exclude the drink from the diet of nursing girls. It's all about the ability of caffeine to penetrate into breast milk and destroy calcium in it. Also, the child gets some caffeine, so it becomes nervous and moody, does not sleep well.
  6. In addition to calcium, caffeine washes out iron. And everyone knows that this element is necessary for the prevention of anemia.From all of the above, it should be concluded that lactating and pregnant is better to exclude coffee from the menu.

Coffee for children

 Coffee for children

  1. A child who has not yet turned 10 years old, coffee is contraindicated. At this age, the drink will harm, not good. In very small portions of coffee you can treat children from 10 years.
  2. For a long time, a coffee drug was considered a drug that caused serious disorders of the nervous system, heart, and metabolism.
  3. Children often ask mom and dad to treat their coffee when they see their parents having a morning drink. You should not go on about the baby, treat him with juice or tea.
  4. Useful qualities for children does not carry a drink, but its harm is undeniable. The product reduces the protective function, irritates the psyche. The child becomes restless and hysterical.

Coffee while losing weight

  1. It is known that after drinking a cup of coffee appetite noticeably dulled. If you drink more than one serving per day, then soon there will be no desire to eat a lot of sweets and fatty foods. In this case, you can naturally lose weight.
  2. Caffeine drink has a diuretic effect, as a result of consumption, you also without harm to the body get rid of unwanted pounds. It is important to remember that you need to drink enough water per day.
  3. Systematic consumption of the product will help get rid of constipation and blistering. Coffee in this case is an indispensable tool. The drink has a positive effect on the natural metabolism, burning fat layers.
  4. Incoming caffeine increases the number of calories the body burns. This increases the rate of metabolic processes. As a result, calories are burned at high speed regardless of physical exertion.
  5. Caffeine composition significantly charges the body with energy for a long time. Moderate coffee consumption will allow a person to increase physical activity. The greatest benefit for losing weight will bring a black drink without any additives.
  6. It is important to understand that the abuse of the drink during weight loss can lead to serious health problems. Excessive intake of coffee provokes an increased excitability and additional stress for the nervous system. Also, the drink washes away some of the minerals from the body.

Harm coffee

 Harm coffee

  1. Regardless of how many cups of coffee you drink per day, caffeine addiction soon appears.As a result, the body requires the required amount of substance, which is received regularly.
  2. If you abruptly stop taking coffee, you will feel discomfort. Drinking a drink causes a feeling of richness and pleasure. Therefore, some experts attribute coffee a narcotic effect.
  3. It is worth noting that natural chocolate also provokes the release of the hormone of happiness. It follows from this that the narcotic properties of such products are exaggerated. Regarding dependence, things are different for everyone. As a rule, the symptoms in any case pass quickly enough.

Pathology of the cardiovascular system

  1. Increasingly, there are cases that the abuse of coffee leads to problems and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Ischemia of the main muscle of a person often develops.
  2. Studies have shown that coronary heart disease in a healthy person can not be. It is important to understand that if you have a tendency to develop cardiovascular pathologies, the consumption of caffeine-containing foods can be dangerous.

Blood pressure increase

  1. In fact, coffee increases blood pressure, only the effect is not prolonged.It is proved that blood pressure rises only in unaccustomed people to caffeine-containing beverages. Otherwise, the pressure rises slightly.
  2. From this it can be concluded that caffeine consumption is in no way connected with the development of hypertension. It is important to understand that the conversation is about reasonable portions of coffee consumed. Consider hypertensive drink is contraindicated.

Poor calcium absorption

  1. Regular consumption of coffee prevents the absorption of calcium from other products. Therefore, the drink is not recommended to drink during gestation. Calcium is necessary for the future mother and the normal development of the baby.
  2. Therefore, it is forbidden to combine a coffee drink with foods rich in calcium. Such a diet will be meaningless. With the abuse of coffee in the body can occur calcium deficiency.

Irritability and nervousness

  1. Problems with the nervous system occur when excessive consumption of coffee drinks. Soon you begin to experience increased nervousness and irritability.
  2. If you drink more than 14 servings of coffee per day, it can lead to cramps, high fever, vomiting, indigestion and increased heart rate.
  3. Do not forget about the individual sensitivity to the product. The daily rate of consumption of coffee for all is different, consider a similar feature.

Oncology development

  1. Excessive intake of coffee leads to the development of a benign breast tumor in the fair sex. This statement applies to all foods that are caffeinated.
  2. Unconfirmed facts indicate that the pathology resolves itself when the consumption of such products is stopped. Be careful and keep the daily rate.


  1. The main disadvantage of coffee can be considered the fact that when consuming the drink, the composition greatly dehydrates the body. It is important to know that with such an impact a person does not always understand that he needs water.
  2. If you are a caffeinated drinker, be sure to follow the daily intake of the product. Do not forget to drink enough purified water.

Contraindications to receive coffee

  • atherosclerosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • hyperexcitability;
  • trouble sleeping;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cholecystitis;
  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • renal failure.

Remember, the consumption of coffee before bedtime can play a cruel joke with you. You not only can not sleep, but also cause serious stress to the body. Anxiety and nervousness will appear. It is also worth limiting the consumption of the drink to older people.

Coffee lovers dedicated. The drink is beneficial to your body, but in all it is necessary to comply with the measure. Calculate your own permissible use rate, do not exceed it. Remember the possible consequences that appear when drinking coffee.

Video: dark truth about coffee

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