Tomatoes - the benefits and harm to human health

Interestingly, tomato in some countries belongs to the category of fruit. In the vastness of our homeland, everybody is used to classifying tomatoes as vegetables. What they just do not do: canned, twisted into a paste, squeezed juice, consumed raw. Due to this popularity and frequent intake, you should carefully consider the benefits and harms of the vegetable. As you know, everything good should be in moderation.

 The benefits and harm of tomatoes

Tomato composition

Vegetable is known for the fact that it has a lot of dietary fiber, which is required for the proper functioning of the digestive system. The composition also has many organic acids: amber, tartaric, glycolic, malic, citric.

Tomatoes have a rare antioxidant lycopene, which is responsible for neutralizing free radicals and preventing malignant tumors.

Tomatoes can not boast a large accumulation of fat or protein.But all this is offset by vitamins and minerals. Of particular value is ascorbic acid, lutein, beta-carotene.

Also, the tomato concentrates a lot of sodium, calcium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. Not without the participation of nickel, boron, rubidium, cobalt, manganese, iron. The mineral complex is amazing. Tomatoes contain chlorine, iodine, chromium, copper, selenium, zinc, fluorine and molybdenum.

As for vitamins, biotin, choline, vitamin B5, retinol, vitamin K, niacin, folic acid are given a special place. The composition of fresh tomatoes present quercetin - the most valuable flavonoid.

With all the mass of nutrients calorie 100 grams. vegetable equals only 20 units. However, there is a slight difference in performance; greenhouse tomatoes have 27 Kcal. on 100 gr.

The benefits of tomatoes

  1. Tomatoes are responsible for the accelerated work of the digestive organs. Doctors recommend eating tomatoes for people who often lean on meat. Vegetable relieves discomfort in the stomach, prevents the fermentation of heavy products in the esophagus.
  2. Due to the ability of tomatoes to thin the blood, the fruits are recommended for people with varicose veins, atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis. A tomato removes cholesterol plaques from the blood channels.
  3. In the composition of the vegetable in the optimal ratio are the following elements: potassium, magnesium, iron and sodium. These compounds are necessary for the correct functioning of the heart and the prevention of various pathologies associated with the main muscle.
  4. Ascorbic acid is found in large volumes. Vitamin C is necessary for the treatment of viral infections, increase the body's defenses in the offseason. Tomatoes should be used by those who are often sick.
  5. Due to its mild diuretic effect, the vegetable is used to lower blood pressure and eliminate puffiness. The tomato increases the outflow of bile, relieving the liver and restoring its structure.
  6. Vegetable has a pleasant feature to increase absolutely all metabolic processes in the body, including the splitting of adipose tissue. That is why tomatoes are often included in the diet of losing weight and people suffering from obesity.
  7. Iron is in an easily digestible form. This element is required by all without exception for the treatment and prevention of anemia. Tomato improves the blood by increasing the production of red blood cells. Vegetables need to eat the ladies during menstruation and menopause.
  8. Tomatoes should be entered in the menu of smokers who wish to get rid of addiction. Tomato reduces nicotine craving and dependence, and also removes mucus and toxic substances from the respiratory tract.
  9. Doctors advise to use only fresh vegetables to patients who are faced with kidney neoplasms. Due to the relatively small accumulation of sodium, the salt balance is normalized, sand and stones split to 0.5 cm.
  10. The fruit contains valuable vitamins that belong to group B. They are required for the normalization of the psycho-emotional environment, the suppression of anxiety and apathy, the elimination of chronic fatigue and insomnia on this basis.
  11. Tomato paste concentrates a lot of lycopene. This substance is responsible for strong immunity. A powerful antioxidant in combination with alpha-tomatin is necessary for the prevention of cancer of the esophagus, mammary glands, prostate gland, lung, pancreas.
  12. Tomatoes are introduced into the menu of men who suffer from inflammation of the prostate gland. In addition, tomatoes increase the potency due to a rush of blood to the groin area. Men who want to have children, just need to eat a vegetable.
  13. Tomato has a relatively low glycemic index, so that when consumed with a vegetable, blood sugar does not jump to the skies. It also increases the production of insulin of its own, thereby improving the lives of people with diabetes.

The benefits of tomatoes for men

 The benefits of tomatoes for men

  1. In folk medicine, you can find mentions of what tomatoes are called male vegetables. Regular eating of tomatoes leads to an increase in potency, an improvement in the activity of the sex glands.
  2. Fruits thoroughly cleanse the circulatory system of cholesterol deposits. A high concentration of a special enzyme lycopene helps prevent the development of serious cardiovascular pathologies.
  3. Tomatoes prevent the formation of prostate cancer. Taking fresh vegetables quickly normalizes blood pressure. Tomato is considered a good remedy for the prevention of hypertension.

The benefits of tomatoes for women

  1. The fair sex is recommended to include tomatoes in the daily diet. Tomatoes contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes, due to which digestion is restored.
  2. Fruits should be included in the diet of the fair sex during pregnancy. Tomatoes improve the formation of the fruit in accordance with the term. Vegetable resists the development of anemia and varicose veins.
  3. Tomatoes are recommended for replenishing vitality for chronic fatigue. Systematic eating vegetables helps to improve the appearance. After some time, hair, skin and nails look much more beautiful.

The benefits of tomatoes for weight loss

  1. Despite the small caloric content, the fruits are quite nutritious and satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time. While losing weight, you can replace light snacks with tomatoes. Vegetables are great with almost everything.
  2. Tomatoes are saturated with chromium, this enzyme suppresses appetite. Therefore, lunch and dinner should be a bit of sugar with chopped tomatoes. High fiber content allows you to clean the intestines.
  3. Eating tomatoes regularly will help you avoid constipation. Due to the large amount of potassium in the fruit, the body gets rid of excess fluid. Often, tomatoes include in the menu of fasting days. This procedure can not be carried out more often 1 time per week.

The benefits of cherry tomatoes

 The benefits of cherry tomatoes

  1. Cherry tomatoes are more like berries (ordinary tomatoes, by the way, are berries too, not vegetables). Translated from English, "cherry" means - cherry. The main difference between cherry tomatoes is that the fruits have a sweetish sour taste.
  2. Such tomatoes can be stored much longer, unlike large counterparts. At the same time, the beneficial properties of cherry surpass large tomatoes. Small tomatoes contain an increased concentration of chromium, potassium, magnesium and a complex of vitamins.
  3. Cherry is saturated with ascorbic acid and lycopene, in the aggregate enzymes act as a powerful tool against the formation of cancer cells. To get the maximum benefit, it is enough to eat 6 pcs. Daily.

The benefits of tomato juice

  1. Tomato juice has a rich vitamin composition. Consider, the packaged drink is useless for the person. Therefore, give preference to natural products to get the maximum benefit.
  2. Thanks to the active ingredients, the juice resists the formation of cancer diseases and the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.
  3. The presence of phytoncides in the composition of the drink allows you to remove inflammatory processes of various kinds. In addition, the enzyme has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  4. Tomato drink is famous for its invigorating effect, juice perfectly tones and is often used in dietology. If you decide to lose weight in this way, drink a glass half an hour before the meal. The drink is rather thick and nourishing, so the feeling of hunger will not come soon.

Hurt tomato

  1. Tomatoes can harm a person with cholelithiasis. Tomatoes belong to the category of products with a strong choleretic effect. This can trigger the movement of stones. You should also keep in mind the possible allergies to vegetables.
  2. It is necessary to completely abandon the use of tomatoes in chronic renal failure. Also, tomatoes are forbidden to take in case of joint disease. Oxalic acid contributes to the accumulation of salt in the tissues.
  3. Tomatoes are contraindicated for gout. Fruits should be completely excluded from the menu. Do not forget about the possible allergic reaction. If you have a rash and shortness of breath, immediately refuse to accept tomatoes.

Tomatoes are famous for their beneficial qualities that directly affect the activity of the heart, the digestive tract, and the nervous system.Experts recommend eating ripe tomatoes, which have a 100% chemical list of substances. It is these tomatoes will bring maximum benefit. But do not forget about the potential harm, consider contraindications.

Video: the useful tomato

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