Savoy cabbage - health benefits

Savoy cabbage came to the expanses of our country in the 19th century. The plant is resistant to strong frosts and unpretentious in the care, so it is cultivated everywhere. At home gardens cabbage is flavored with salt, such a move allows you to grow a product with the maximum formed list of chemical elements.

 The benefits and harm of savoy cabbage

Ingredients of Savoy Cabbage

Vegetable is rich in mustard oil, vegetable fats, mannitol alcohol, phytoncides, pectin compounds, amino acids.

It contains a lot of calcium, which favorably affects the health of bones, teeth and nails.

Cabbage is rich in phosphorus and iron. These substances are necessary for the proper functioning of the circulatory system and the brain.

The whole group B, retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, vitamins K and U are distinguished from vitamins.

Recent studies by scientists have shown that a large accumulation of a unique substance, ascorbigen, is concentrated in the Savoy. This component is added to most modern drugs for cancer diseases.

Indications for taking Savoy cabbage

  • arthritis;
  • gout;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • extra pounds and obesity;
  • advanced age;
  • seasonal avitaminosis;
  • the period of spread of influenza;
  • chronic fatigue, apathy;
  • decrease in mental activity;
  • unstable psycho-emotional background;
  • diseases of the heart muscle;
  • violations of the circulatory system.

Savoy Cabbage Benefits

  1. For the oral cavity. The accumulation of unique groups of vitamins has a beneficial effect on the teeth and gums. Ascorbic acid with retinol, vitamin D and K, prevent gingival bleeding and caries. Savoy cabbage relieves a person from bad breath, eliminates bacteria, promotes accelerated mineralization of teeth. Vitamin K in combination with vitamin D strengthens the enamel and whitens it.
  2. For the brain. Savoy cabbage stimulates neurons, so that the brain begins to work with a double force. On this basis, improves memory and visual perception, concentration, general mental activity. Cabbage needs to be consumed by people who work a lot with their head. Vitamin K prevents oxidative stress caused by free radicals. This leads to the prevention of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
  3. With gout. Cabbage contains ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. This element is very important for people who suffer from gout. The disease manifests itself in the form of painful symptoms on the big toes. The disease develops due to the accumulation of urea, as a result of which crystals are deposited in the joints. Systematic intake of cabbage reduces the risk of gout by 30 percent or more.
  4. For immunity. Savoy cabbage is recommended for use by people who naturally suffer from a low immune system. It is especially effective to eat vegetables during the spread of infections, vitamin C increases the body's resistance to all kinds of viruses. Cabbage is an alternative to expensive vitamin complexes.It concentrates all the necessary minerals and vitamins.
  5. For heart muscle. As part of the vegetable accumulates a lot of vitamins B-group, they are all required by a person to maintain the functioning of the heart and central nervous system. At reception of cabbage the susceptibility to stresses decreases, the psychoemotional environment is adjusted. Culture reduces the likelihood of cardiac ischemia, seizures, stroke. Due to the systematic reception, the blood channels open gently, all organs are enriched with oxygen and begin to function stably.
  6. For the digestive system. Cabbage is rich in dietary fiber, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. These substances, in particular cellulose, increase blood absorption of useful elements. Savoy cabbage completely cleans the intestines from even the oldest stagnation, removes toxic substances and radionuclides from the cavity of organs. Vegetables are advised to take for weight loss, because it is involved in the breakdown of fat and the transformation of carbohydrates into energy. Cabbage fights with constipation, bloating, excessive gas production. It prevents the processes of decay of food in the intestines.
  7. For the liver. Vegetable must be eaten to remove free radicals, toxic substances and toxins from the body. These substances poison the liver and greatly wear out the internal organ. As a result, a person begins premature aging of tissues, there are their own in the work of the hematopoietic function.
  8. For cancer prevention. Some substances from the chemical list of Savoy cabbage are added to medical preparations aimed at treating oncological diseases. Vegetable prevents the development of cancers of the oral cavity, prostate, liver, colon, stomach and other internal organs. This action is possible due to antioxidant properties and vitamin K.

Savoy cabbage during pregnancy

  1. Vegetable saturated with folic acid, which is necessary for the female body during gestation. If a substance is deficient in a baby, a neural tube defect may occur.
  2. Lack of folic acid also leads to the development of pathology in the fetus of the spine, limbs and anencephaly. A chemical compound is needed to transfer carbon to the body. The enzyme is responsible for the qualitative metabolism of amino acids.
  3. Folic acid is involved in the synthesis of new cells and the formation of DNA chains. This enzyme is found in green leafy vegetables, savoy cabbage, sprouted beans, citrus fruits and avocados. If you include these products in the diet of a pregnant girl, a deficiency of folic acid is not terrible.

Benefits of Savoy Cabbage for Diabetes

 Benefits of Savoy Cabbage for Diabetes

  1. Proved the presence of soluble fibers in cabbage, which slow down the metabolism, maintaining glucose levels at the proper level.
  2. This process increases insulin sensitivity in diabetics. In addition, there is a reverse process of dependence between dietary fiber and blood sugar levels.
  3. Frequent intake of soluble fibers suppresses the body’s resistance to insulin. The latter enzyme is produced when glucose rises in the blood.

Savoy Cabbage Treatment

  1. With avitaminosis. To fill the body with essential micronutrients, drink 100 ml. freshly squeezed cabbage juice twice a day.
  2. In oncology and cardiology. To cope with the list of ailments or to carry out preventive measures, it is recommended to prepare a valuable composition. Make a salad of 100 grams.chopped cabbage, pieces of kiwi, banana and grapefruit. Season the resulting dish with 30 ml. fresh honey and flaxseeds.
  3. With periodontal disease. If you have developed stomatitis, periodontal disease or similar lesions of the gums, it is recommended to rinse the cabbage juice. Dissolve fresh vegetable in equal proportion with purified water. Rinse immediately after a meal.
  4. With overweight. To cope with extra pounds, mix 90 ml. fresh radish juice, 30 ml. Fresh cabbage and 25 gr. flower honey. The composition effectively helps to lose unwanted weight. Drink a drink in the morning. Each time prepare a new batch.
  5. When losing weight. If you are on a simple diet, diversify your diet with an interesting salad. Chop 150 gr. cabbage, skip 130 grams pumpkin pulp, season 30 gr. honey and fennel seeds.

Damage to savoy cabbage

  1. Unfortunately, not all vegetables are beneficial to humans. With the abuse of some of them, there is flatulence and discomfort. Also, savoy cabbage can harm a certain type of person.
  2. It is forbidden to eat cabbage with pancreatitis, ulcers, gastritis and impaired liver activity. Refrain from taking a vegetable when diagnosing thyroid disease.Limit the consumption of cabbage with individual intolerance and after operations on the abdominal cavity.

There are ardent supporters of the savoy, who regularly consume cabbage in food. This raises many questions about its benefits and harm. Before receiving receive expert advice. Examine the available contraindications.

Video: cabbage rolls from savoy cabbage

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