Blue onions - the benefits and harm to the health of the body

The therapeutic effect of the use of onions is undeniable. It should be mandatory included in the diet. In folk medicine, it is widely used and, in the opinion of healers, based on centuries-old experience, onions in prescriptions for medicinal drugs copes well with the healing of liver diseases.

 The benefits and harm of blue onions

The use of onions for therapeutic purposes - how to use?

There are many types of onions used in cooking. These include the familiar shallot, leek, trampoline, and others, among them blue. It is distinguished by a large list of valuable components in the structure and a mild taste without bitterness.

The composition is due to the use of onions. It contains:

  • Phytoncides.
  • Micro- and macronutrients (magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium).
  • Nitrogenous substances.
  • Vitamins of group B.
  • Carotene.
  • A nicotinic acid.
  • Sucrose.
  • Glucose
  • Fructose.
  • Maltose.

Vegetable is recommended to use in the form of raw thermally. It is fresh that he does not lose all his valuable actions.

An important organ of a person is the liver. He is daily exposed to negative, aggressive factors. The organ is unique in its ability to regenerate its cells. In folk medicine, blue onions are used to clean it from toxins, to heal from the chronic form of hepatitis, drug poisoning, with injuries, violations of the integrity of the body - can stimulate the regenerating functions of liver cells. Included in the composition of the medicinal substance onions, can prevent the clogging of the vessels of the liver with blood clots, as well as the formation of obstruction. Cirrhosis with dropsy is as good as blue vegetable. Recipe from traditional healers offers to apply the healing composition of onions and granulated sugar. This home remedy can protect excessive accumulation of glucose, remove viruses from the liver cells.It is an effective anthelmintic, expelling worms from the hepatic passages and tissues, substance.

Important! Blue onions are sometimes called red or purple. This is the same plant, and differs from each other only by its name, therefore, the use and methods of preparation are identical.

Methods for the preparation of compositions based on blue onions for therapeutic purposes

  1. For the preparation of a remedy, a vegetable (1 kg) is washed, cleaned, dried from excess moisture. The resulting raw material is crushed by means of a blender or meat grinder. In the resulting slurry contribute sugar (900 g) and mix until smooth. Stand at room temperature, without access to light for 10 days. Ready infusion squeeze using gauze. Apply the composition in pure form of 4 tbsp. l per day in order to restore the activity of the liver. In severe forms, the dose is increased to 8 tbsp. l
  2. Blue onions (500 g) are peeled, washed and dried. Raw materials are crushed to a fine fraction and mixed with granulated sugar (250 g) to a homogeneous composition. Shift in heat-resistant dishes and sent to the preheated oven.The medicine is considered ready when the mixture becomes caramel. It is cooled and consumed in 2 tbsp. l twice a day on an empty stomach. Long / treatment time is calculated individually, depending on the situation and the course of the disease, but therapy lasts no less than 3 months.
  3. Blue onions (300 g) are prepared for processing, crushed to a state of mashed potatoes, combined with a dried collection of wormwood (40 g), natural honey (100 g), and red dry wine (3 cups). Mix well until uniform, insist 21 days without access to light. For therapeutic purposes, use of 3 tbsp. l three times a day.

What is the harm of blue onion, and who should give up this vegetable?

When consuming blue onions and preparations with it in composition, it is necessary to be sure that there are no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and ulcers. Also, this ingredient is contraindicated in:

  • Mechanical jaundice.
  • Kidney disease. Pyelonephritis. Urolithiasis.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Individual non perception of onions. Allergy.
  • Gallstone disease.

Any doubts about the use recommended to discuss with your doctor.

Useful properties of blue onions

 Useful properties of blue onions

  1. Provides the body with vitamins and minerals. Effective with beriberi.
  2. Strengthens the immune system.
  3. It has antiseptic properties. In order to prevent respiratory diseases, it is effective to eat it raw.
  4. It is wound healing. Gruel of onion and garlic helps to regenerate tissue.
  5. Stimulates the digestive process in the body.
  6. Reduces the amount of cholesterol, leads to normal blood composition.
  7. Increases hemoglobin.
  8. Positive effect on the nervous system.
  9. Relieves pain symptoms. If you rub the onions in the joints and wrap them in a warm blanket, the pain will subside.
  10. Eliminates swelling.
  11. Increases the body's resistance to radiation. It is a radioprotector.
  12. Prevents the formation of tumors.

Recipes of traditional healers

Cold remedy
To cure the symptoms of colds squeeze juice from onions, mix until smooth with goose fat or natural honey. Rub this area of ​​the breast before going to bed. After the procedure, it is recommended to lie under a blanket.

For a quick effect, the onion and honey composition can be consumed inside.

Onions are crushed, squeezed juice, combined with honey, milk and alcohol (1 tbsp. Of each ingredient). The composition on a low heat bring to a boil, cool. Impregnated with gauze liners for laying in the nasal sinuses.

With hemorrhoids
The honey-onion mixture with internal use cures hemorrhoids and is indicated for people with low acidity.

Onions are crushed, brewed with warm water (200 g), infused for 7 hours. Consume before eating half a glass (4-5 days).

Broth to restore the menstrual cycle
A husk taken from 1 kg of blue onion is taken, boiled with boiling water (500g), boiled for 20 minutes over low heat. Strain and drink in the morning for 2 tbsp. before meals (2 weeks).

Video: treatment of liver with blue onions

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