Jerusalem artichoke syrup - health benefits and harm

Jerusalem artichoke is not just very tasty, but also an incredibly useful root vegetable, which for unknown reasons is not appreciated by its compatriots. And in vain, because this plant contains a huge amount of nutrients, vitamins, trace elements and amino acids. By the way, eight of them the human body does not produce.

 The benefits and harms of Jerusalem artichoke

North America is the birthplace of the plant called Topinambur. In the United States, this root crop can be easily found in the wild. "Sun root" - this is what the name of the plant Indians. They grew and added it to food even before colonizers appeared on the continent.

In Europe, Jerusalem artichoke appeared at the beginning of the 17th century and got its name from the name of the tribes of the Indians of Chile, the Jerusalem artichoke. The plant quickly spread throughout Western Europe as a vegetable, fodder and industrial crop. Among consumers, it is known as a winter delicacy because of its taste, slightly similar to nuts.

Tubers of earthen pear hit Russia in the 18th century. Now Jerusalem artichoke is cultivated only in the European part of the country and in very small quantities, since its shelf life is very small. It is grown on private land for further consumption.

Ways of bringing topinambur to Russia:

  • Path number 1. From Romania, where he received the name "Voloshskaya turnip."
  • Path number 2. From China, where he received the name "Chinese potato".
  • Path number 3. From Germany (including the Baltic countries).

Ways to use Jerusalem artichoke

  1. In its raw form. Just cut into slices, grate, eat like an apple or add to salad.
  2. After heat treatment. With the tubers of the Jerusalem artichoke, you can do everything with potatoes. After processing, taste and aroma characteristics become more saturated.
  3. Dry and grind into flour. In this form, the useful properties are not lost, even through time.
  4. In the form of a useful syrup.

Jerusalem artichoke syrup: the uniqueness of the drink

A strawberry syrup is prepared from the sunflower, which gives a little sweetness to lean dishes and is allowed to be consumed by people with diabetes. Also, nutritionists advise people on a diet. Fructans add a sweet taste to the root. These rare polymers have a slightly different effect than fructose and glucose. This polymer is found in a small number of representatives of the flora. Root Jerusalem artichoke ranks first in their concentration.

Nutritional value of syrup

In the syrup, very pleasant to the taste, a huge number of biologically active components that the human body should receive systematically. The most important:

  • amino acids;
  • B vitamins, including pyridoxine, thiamine and riboflavin;
  • vitamin C;
  • pectins;
  • inulin polysaccharide complex;
  • minerals
  • organic acids.

Useful properties of the “Sun Root” syrup

 Useful properties of solar root syrup

  1. Biologically active sweetener. Due to the high content of inulin, the syrup from the earthen pear is extremely valuable for people with a disease called "pancreatic diabetes."With a systematic reception stabilizes the sugar content in the blood, and the need for intramuscular administration of insulin is reduced. This result was confirmed by clinical tests conducted on the basis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
  2. Restorative remedy. In the form of a dietary supplement, syrup is recommended as a means that strengthens the entire body and significantly increases the ability to work with significant physical and intellectual stress. Especially important is the use of syrup in an unhealthy environment.
  3. Treatment of digestive disorders. Especially if it is a malfunction of unknown origin, as well as obesity, metabolic disorders, dysbiosis, restoration of the gastrointestinal tract. Also this root vegetable helps to produce painless removal of poisons from the liver. The syrup contains prebiotics. These substances are necessary for the normal functioning of beneficial intestinal bacteria - probiotics. Such properties make it possible to apply syrup to normalize intestinal microflora and to treat a disorder called dysbacteriosis.
  4. Blood pressure stabilization. Biologically active substances that are in the root, stimulate the heart, lead to normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels.It is recommended for people who are concerned about the nausea in the morning hours, also after completing a course of chemotherapy. Among other things, great relieves headaches.

For women
The fair sex will appreciate the properties of the syrup to promote weight loss. Also, this product detoxifies the body, refreshing the skin and giving the body a feeling of lightness.

Fact! Experts claim that anti-cancer effect is characteristic of topinamburu.

For men
The use of syrup from the earthen pear gives great potency to a respectable age, and also minimizes the risk of developing prostate adenoma.

For kids

  1. Natural syrup can be used in children as an auxiliary component during the first feeding.
  2. It is highly advisable to mix Jerusalem artichoke syrup with dairy products - the result of this cocktail is the perfect symbiotic.
  3. Acceptance of this syrup will serve as prevention for various diseases peculiar to children, as well as enhance immunity.

Maternity and nursing
The most important thing that gives syrup to women in a delicate position is to alleviate toxicosis and prevent miscarriage.It helps the normal prenatal development of the baby due to the content of protein, iron, calcium and amino acids.

Therapeutic properties exerted on the body of future and already nursing moms:

  • Normalization of metabolism.
  • Localization of heartburn foci.
  • The elimination of constipation and the guarantee of daily normal stool.

Characteristics of quality syrup

High quality Jerusalem artichoke syrup is able to bring maximum benefit to the body, but it must be natural - with at least 60% dietary fiber content of roots, water and a small percentage of lemon juice as a preservative, which is not harmful.

Today, a number of locations have been formed on the territory of the Russian Federation, where environmentally friendly Jerusalem artichokes are grown without the use of various kinds of chemical growth stimulants. Such a root vegetable should be used in the production of syrup endowed with medicinal properties.

This syrup is more effective than sugarcane, honey, agave and American corn syrup.

What harm to the body can cause topinambur?

Jerusalem artichoke will not cause any harm. It is recommended for use in such liver diseases as:

  • cirrhosis;
  • chronic and acute hepatitis, regardless of origin;
  • fatty degeneration.

Harm can be caused only with individual hypersensitivity to the root.

With frequent use of Jerusalem artichoke, flatulence may occur, because it contains inulin and fiber in significant concentrations. Therefore, in the raw form, often use the earthen pear is not worth it.

Video: the benefits and use of Jerusalem artichoke syrup

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