Sausages - the benefits and harm to the health of the body

Who would have thought that there are products with the name "Baby", but completely inappropriate for kids? For example, so loved by millions all over the world sausages. The benefit and harm of them is a very controversial issue that divided people into two warring camps.

 The benefits and harm of sausages

Some foaming at the mouth prove the great benefit and nutritional value of sausages. The second knock on the heel in the chest and demand to ban the production of sausages around the world because of the enormous harmfulness of the product. Well, everyone has their own truth. Therefore, we maintain neutrality and simply consider the facts. Go.

What is the use of sausages?

The first thing that comes to mind is their not very small nutritional value. That is calorie. So, this product allows you to quickly satisfy hunger and compensate for the loss of energy after physical training or hard work. But this applies only to an expensive quality product. Cheap sausages will do more harm.

No doubt, a good product very significantly hits the pocket. But after all, if you regularly eat food of dubious quality, then you will have to spend much more on medicines. But high-quality sausages will bring great benefits to the body:

  1. For the cardiovascular system. Potassium and magnesium in the composition strengthen the heart muscle, support the elasticity of blood vessels.
  2. For the brain and nervous system. Vitamins of group B allow normal functioning of all groups of nerves in the body, improve the competent work of the brain and memory.
  3. For the thyroid gland. Contained in the composition of iodine helps to organize the work of the endocrine system and helps to avoid thyroid disease.
  4. For joints and bones. Phosphorus and calcium help to maintain the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  5. For the skin and the whole body. Sausages contain a considerable amount of vitamin E. It is recognized as a powerful antioxidant that helps the body to quickly get rid of free radicals and salts of heavy metals. This allows you not to grow old longer and look younger than your age.
  6. For the circulatory system.Iron contributes to the proper functioning of the blood-forming organs, thus avoiding anemia. Plus, maintaining hemoglobin levels is normal.
  7. For growth and development. Vital amino acids are involved in the work of all body tissues.

Here they are, adorable sausages. All the above points apply to home-made products. Of course, despite the abundance and variety of recipes, homemade sausages do not even remotely resemble factory sausages. They do not have the desired consistency, smell and color. However, these are the most real sausages. In addition, they are much tastier and healthier than purchased ones.

But sausages of mass production of giant meat factories do not have even a tenth of the described advantages.

What is harmful sausages?

The main point concerns children. Many parents satisfy the hunger of the baby by sticking a couple of sausages in the microwave. Some do not bother. As to the elementary read the composition. With pleasure they feed the crumbs with such substances that Mendeleev himself would envy. Gradually, the child turns into a sausage junkie.And to change his eating habits or food culture will be almost impossible.

 What is harmful sausages

Dear parents! There are many simple and easy recipes invented specifically for baby food. So why do not you try to cook them? Or is it more convenient to feed the child with preservatives, genetically modified foods, stabilizers and dyes? Do not ruin the health of the child from the youngest nails.

Council If the package says "Children's sausages", then most likely only in size. And kids should not give such a dish. Look for the inscription “Product is suitable for baby food” or a special certificate icon.

The same applies to pregnant women, nursing mothers and the elderly. In their condition it is very important to carefully monitor the food. Therefore, sausages to get involved in them is not recommended.

Council Some people neglect to buy meat, replacing it with sausages. They claim it is cheaper and tastier. It is clear that it tastes better. At home, it will not work out to flavor the dish with flavor enhancers and flavors. But as for cheaper, let me disagree. It is enough to compare prices in stores or on the market.You can buy a kilogram of meat, and you can buy as much protein-soy mass in a plastic shell. Think about it.

Another harmful factor from sausages. The human body spends a large amount of energy on the digestion of chemicals. But they are not completely absorbed by the stomach and intestines, but accumulate in the body. And some of them are not displayed naturally. Over time, this can lead to serious illnesses, including cancer.

Did you know? It turns out that the constant consumption of foods with flavor enhancers can be highly addictive. Only six months of such nutrition - and the person loses the ability to enjoy the taste of natural products.

Useful recommendations

Sausage lovers have long noticed one interesting feature. Regular consumption of the product increases the level of endorphins and serotonin in the blood. And it is not associated with any chemical processes. A person simply enjoys eating sausages. Is this not good?


Not everyone notices, but sausages are always a very salty product. And the excess salt in the body can lead to the most disastrous consequences:

  • arthritis
  • kidney inflammation
  • high blood pressure
  • gout
  • puffiness
  • arthrosis

And this is not a complete list. If you really love sausages, then at least eat them in moderation and with a fresh side dish. Only not with mayonnaise or butter dough!

Another useful feature of sausages is the release from long standing at the stove. After all, not everyone can spend a few hours to prepare a full 3-course dinner, and with a daily change of menu. People just don't have enough:

  • of money
  • of time
  • health
  • desires

That's where sausages help out! Cook for a few minutes and serve. And some species do not even need to cook, they can eat just like that.

At the same time, not all people can overeat sausages. If the product is suspiciously cheap, then there is no meat under the shell. But full of various synthetic additives that can cause a person the strongest harm. And well, if the case ends with an upset stomach or light urticaria. And after all there were cases that business reached anaphylactic shock, and even to a lethal outcome.

Therefore, never be lazy to read information on the composition of the package. As they say, that there was no trouble.

Sometimes sausages on the counter are very decent in composition. But their color leaves much to be desired: a faint gray-pink hue does not cause appetite and abundant salivation. And in vain. After all, beautiful bright pink or red sausages are 100% pumped with artificial colors. Choose a light product. There is at least a minimum amount of coloring matter.

Such adorable sausages ... The benefits and harm of them are now known to you. Therefore, always think that today will lie on your plate and be objective. Do not be ill!

Video: the sausages and sausages are harmful

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