Dried fish - the benefits and harm to health

Dried fish in the views of the vast majority of citizens is an indispensable and ideal snack for beer. But not everyone knows that this ancient product is very useful, because it contains all the useful components, including fatty acids, which are necessary for the body.

 The benefits and harm of dried fish

Dried fish, what can it be

As a snack for beer can be almost any fish. Fortunately, modern manufacturers offer a wide variety of this product on the market. But the dried product can be prepared by yourself, at home, if you know all the details of production.

Depending on how this delicacy will be prepared, there are two types of it:

  • Hot cooked
  • Performed by the cold method.

For the first method, the fish is dried in conditions of high temperature (more than 200 degrees).But this method has a significant drawback: the result of the process is the original product, in which all useful components are destroyed.

The cold method of drying involves the use of natural or artificially created conditions in which the temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. In this case, you can count on the fact that most of the useful components can be saved.

If desired, the fish can be salted in advance, or used unsalted. Depends on this, you get a salted-dried or freshly-dried product.

What is useful dried fish

The benefits of dried fish should be discussed, referring to the composition of this product.

  1. It must be noted that this product is a rich source of calcium. Particularly useful small fish size, which is necessary to use along with the bones.
  2. Dried fish can boast a sufficient content of fluorine and phosphorus, which for the body is certainly valuable.
  3. There is an opinion about the use of dried delicacy as an auxiliary component used to combat cancer.According to the results of studies conducted by Norwegian scientists, it turned out that polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3) are capable of destroying cancer cells.
  4. Dried fish can prevent depressive manifestations in women in position. The main role in this belongs to all the same omega-3 fatty acids. Most of this component is found in salmon, mackerel, herring.
  5. French scientists have concluded that the valuable product can be used as a preventive component to combat senile dementia.
  6. Due to the omega-3 fats in the vessels, there is no accumulation of fat deposits, and this means that many cardiovascular diseases can be avoided.
  7. Dried fish - a means of struggling with the appearance of wrinkles. This is due to the presence of omega-3 fats, which compensate for the lack of protein in the body. And the aging process happens faster when the body lacks this particular element.
  8. If a pregnant woman consumed a delicacy rich in fatty acids, prepared by the method of drying, in the period of carrying the baby in the required volume, then her baby will sleep better for the first time after birth.This is explained by the fact that omega-3 fats are actively involved in the development of the brain crumbs.

Thus, there is no doubt about the beneficial properties of dried fish, scientists from all over the world are trying to convince us of this through research.

Harm of dried fish

Despite the wide range of benefits of a unique product, in some cases this delicacy can cause harm.

 Harm of dried fish

  1. It is necessary to carefully select the place of purchase of dried and, especially, dried product. By acquiring it in an unfamiliar place, it is highly likely to be infected by diphyllobothriasis or other parasites, intestinal sticks. That is why you should buy only the fish that is produced at the factory, because in this case it goes through all the required processing steps. Important! Freshwater fish is especially dangerous in this respect. If the product is prepared by means of drying and smoking, then you cannot be completely sure that you managed to cope with the parasites. This product is better to boil or fry.
  2. The use of dried fish in large quantities is contraindicated for patients suffering from heart and kidney disease.
  3. Such an unusual delicacy for our stomach is very tough. In this regard, irritation of the gastric walls and, as a result, malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract may occur.
  4. Bones that are very difficult to separate from the meat, you can choke.
  5. Harmful dried fish hypotensive, since the high salt content can provoke the outflow of fluid from the blood, and therefore the situation with blood pressure will only worsen.

It is important to know where the fish was caught. If the catch was made in heavily polluted reservoirs, then this product is not surprising to poison.

Terms of storage of dried fish

Dried fish need to be able to properly store. Ideally suited for this cool room with a humidity level of about 70%. Cellar - perfect.

Important! You should not wrap a product in a newspaper because of poisonous typographical paint.

The product is suspended from the ceiling so that air can freely circulate around it. Excessive dryness of the room will result in overdrying of the fish, which will become very hard. Due to high humidity, the product may become moldy.
Fishermen for storage use special boxes that are knocked together from boards or pieces of plywood. The whole fish is hung from the ceiling of such a structure. The box is determined in the attic, in the cellar or basement.

Dried fish is a very popular product not only because of its taste, but also because of the large amount of nutrients it contains. However, one must remember the immutable rule: everything is good in moderation. Excessive use of this product can harm the body.

Video: how to dry and salt fish

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