Dried bananas - the benefits and harm to the body

In countries where bananas are growing, like apples, chips will not surprise anyone with chips (salty or sweet). Recently, dried bananas and conquer our market. Maybe this is because they are like seeds? You eat until you run out. And it does not bother! As you already understood, today we are discussing dried bananas, the benefits and harms of which will also be considered.

 The benefits and harms of dried bananas

The harmful dried bananas

Probably, only the laziest does not know that dried fruits always surpass their progenitor in calories. Bananas are no exception. Chips of them are 5-6 times more nutritious than fresh fruit. So, people who are on a diet and watching the figure, it is necessary to significantly limit them in their diet. Especially since they are cooked with caramel.

For the same reason, pregnant women should not be abused with dried bananas. No doubt, the insidious delicacy significantly increases the level of endorphins and serotonin in the blood, which contributes to a rapid increase in mood.After all, future moms, like no one, are prone to drops. But such a "happy" therapy can go sideways. Namely, a quick set of excess weight, stretch marks, increased blood sugar levels.

By the way, sweet dried bananas always contain a huge amount of sugar. Therefore, diabetics are prohibited. From the word at all. People from the diabetic risk group should also avoid this contagious delicacy.

Independent laboratory studies have shown that dried bananas significantly increase blood clotting. Therefore, they are categorically impossible for people with:

  • thrombosis
  • atherosclerosis
  • after stroke
  • after a heart attack

And also to those who have a genetic predisposition to these diseases.

Banana chips are a type of dried banana. They are very dangerous for the body. As they cook in boiling oil. So, they contain a huge amount of carcinogens. When buying, be sure to read the packaging. It should be written dried or dried, but not fried.

How are dried bananas useful?

However, let's and about the good. After all, the positive qualities of banana candied fruit is incomparably greater.For example, they are practically champions in potassium content. So, smokers and people with heart disease, a competent dose will bring considerable benefits. After all, without potassium, the heart muscle begins to work intermittently, right up to convulsive spasms.

One dried banana contains a daily dose of vitamins of group B. That is, the regular use of banana candied fruits helps to normalize the metabolism. It also helps the brain and nervous system as a whole to work properly.

Plus, the same group of vitamins is responsible for the beauty of nails and hair. Women, take note: a couple of dried bananas per day and in a month you will not recognize your hair!

By the way, despite the absence of a characteristic sour taste, banana candied fruits contain a decent amount of vitamin C. This is about 10 mg per 100 g of the finished product. Therefore, they may well be used as an adjunct in the treatment of colds. Dried bananas are not an independent medicine. But in combination with traditional therapy - very much so.

In the cold season for the prevention of colds, you can sometimes eat dried bananas as well.This greatly increases your own immunity.

Dried bananas with milk are strongly recommended by doctors for patients with weight deficit. Such food helps to quickly gain the desired weight. But do not prescribe such a diet yourself. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting obesity. The dosage of dried bananas must be calculated by a specialist.

By the way, for people suffering from constipation, we strongly recommend eating dried bananas. They contain a large amount of soft fiber. Therefore, gently relieve the problem. It does not cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestinal tract.

Dried bananas are one of the few candied fruits that can be safely given to children under 3 years old. Their hypoallergenicity has been proven by multiple experiments and research. Just do not feed the baby insidious dried fruit. He quickly feels satiety and abandons the main course. 1-2 dried bananas for dessert - this is the optimal rate for a child.

Interesting facts about dried bananas

Some sources claim that dried bananas perfectly remove puffiness. Scientific research on this topic was not conducted.But according to reviews, banana chips do a good job with this problem. In turn, we highly recommend not to put on ourselves experiments and self-medicate. There are more traditional and effective methods for getting rid of edema.

 Dried bananas

And also banana chips contain a lot of vitamin E. It is incredibly good for the skin. It is enough to put a simple experiment to verify this. Just need to eat 2 dried bananas a day. And compare the condition of the skin before and after about a month. Many women will be surprised by the result. The skin becomes velvety, smooth, radiance appears. Small wrinkles disappear, deep folds are slightly smoothed. Try, you will not regret.

If you are facing severe physical exertion or heavy sports, then doctors recommend eating dried bananas. They are a powerful source of energy, moreover, they are not considered doping. Many athletes have long known this feature, so feel free to use banana chips before workouts.

By the way, dried bananas are very indicated for use by smokers. It is proved that they significantly reduce the harm of nicotine and harmful resins.Of course, completely neutralize cigarette poisons will not work, but at least that’s what is nothing at all. And it's better not to smoke at all. Then candied fruits will be just as a nice addition to the main meal.

Here they are, dried bananas. The benefits and harm of them are now known to you. As the saying goes: forewarned is forearmed. Eat this incredible delicacy without fanaticism and be healthy!

Video: how to make dried bananas at home

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