Beet tops - benefits and harm to the body

Most people are accustomed to use only beets, in rare cases in the course goes tops. And in vain, the green part of the root has a positive effect on human health, increasing immune activity and other equally important functions. Not to be unfounded, we consider the main aspects in order. So let's get started.

 The benefits and harm of beet tops

The composition of the tops of beets

Green leaves are rich in ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, retinol (vitamin A). Particularly noteworthy vitamins of group B, which have a positive effect on the human psyche. Riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, vitamin B3 — B5, folic acid, and others are isolated from this section.

The composition contains bioflavonoids and essential amino acids that do not have the ability to be developed independently.The following are considered the most valuable of the latter: valine, lysine, histidine, betaine, arginine.

Many in the tops of organic acids such as malic, citric, oxalic. Green leaflets are not deprived of proteins and natural sugars, fiber and vegetable fibers.

As for mineral compounds, sulfur, rubidium, sodium, manganese, copper, zinc, cesium, magnesium, cobalt, phosphorus, potassium, iron, iodine, calcium are especially popular.

With all this impressive list of the green part of the beet, its caloric content does not exceed the figure of 20 Kcal. Thanks to this feature, many people use tops to reduce weight and fight obesity.

Useful properties of beet tops

  1. Due to the high accumulation of ascorbic in the plant, the human body is better able to resist viruses. It is advised to eat the botany during seasonal spread of viral infections and with a weakened immunity.
  2. The product includes a lot of retinol, which is required for the health of the skin and the elasticity of the blood channels. This natural antioxidant facilitates the work of the liver, freeing the cavity of an internal organ from toxic substances and potent poisons.
  3. It is useful to eat the tops only because it contains vitamin K.This valuable compound supports the work of the heart muscle and the entire vascular system as a whole. Thanks to him, responsible prevention of stroke, heart attack, ischemia, bradycardia.
  4. Beet tops concentrate many mineral compounds that regulate blood viscosity and prevent Alzheimer's disease. Also, the bones are compacted due to the available calcium. Beetroot leaves treat osteoporosis.
  5. Beta-carotene supports the functioning of the eye muscles. This essential connection is required for people with fallen and extremely poor eyesight. In combination with special exercises, drops and recommendations of doctors you can decently strengthen the vision and prevent its decline in the future.
  6. Provitamins of group B are reflected favorably on the human psycho-emotional environment. So, regular consumption of tops normalizes sleep, struggles with mood swings and general exhaustion, eliminates chronic fatigue. Folic acid in particular has a good effect on the health of the expectant mother and fetus.
  7. In the green leaves there is much more iron than in the notorious spinach or buckwheat.Thanks to this valuable element, it is possible to conduct a serious prevention of anemia. Otherwise, this disease is called anemia, iron deficiency. The plant is shown to receive categories of persons suffering from dizziness and low hemoglobin.
  8. The product has a positive effect on the water-salt balance of the body. This is made possible by choline and potassium. In combination, these elements form a powerful duet that regulates (more precisely lowers) blood pressure, prevents liver cancer and general slagging of the body.
  9. As part of the tops of many amino acids that do not have the ability to be produced in the background. They must be delivered with food, it can organize beets. Amino acids reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis and other illnesses associated with thrombus formation. Against this background, the heart begins to work better, reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack.
  10. Not deprived of the plant dietary fibers of the coarse type. Cellulose acts as a brush. It thoroughly cleans the intestinal cavity from stagnation, enhances the absorption of food and prevents its fermentation.The plant is necessary for bloating and constipation (in the number of chronic).
  11. Incoming pectin is necessary for people to lose weight, it accelerates all metabolic processes, blood circulation, cell enrichment with oxygen. This feature allows the body to quickly break down body fat. The beet plant is responsible for the normalization of blood glucose levels, so it can be eaten by diabetics.
  12. Carotenoids coupled with flavonoids have a good antioxidant effect. First of all, it affects the respiratory tract, clearing them from mucus and tar (important for smokers). Xanine (amino acid) protects the retina by preventing possible cataracts in people at risk.

The benefits of beet tops

 The benefits of beet tops

  1. The plant contains a lot of magnesium, which is needed to seal the walls of the blood channels and enhance blood circulation. In addition, green leaves accelerate the production of red blood cells, improving the quality of lymph. The foliage should be eaten to increase hemoglobin levels and break up blood clots. The green part of the beet is shown to be consumed by girls during the menstrual cycle in order to relieve painful spasms.
  2. A large amount of iodine, which is available in the leaves, carries out prevention of this element in all categories of citizens. From here, the whole thyroid gland and the endocrine system in particular starts to work better, the balance of hormones is regulated.
  3. The plant supports the male and female reproductive system. Representatives of the strong half of humanity is useful to take the leaves for the prevention of impotence and problems with conception. The ladies green part of the beet will help smooth out the symptoms of menopause and the menstrual cycle.
  4. Laxative properties of the product allow the use of tops in the fight against delayed stools, including the chronic type. For constipation, you can combine the juice of fresh beets with the consumption of stewed or steamed leaves. Foliage kills pathogens in the intestines, eliminates slagging, prevents food fermentation.
  5. The plant has a feature to regulate the balance of fats in the body. This leads to their complete splitting and withdrawal. Also, tops control carbohydrates, turning them into energy, not the hated layers at the waist and cellulite on the thighs.
  6. Experts prescribe tops to use for categories of persons who suffer from high blood pressure. The product gently reduces performance and controls them in the future.It is also necessary for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, varicose veins, coronary artery disease. In this case, it is frayed and taken with honey.
  7. The leaves of the beet improves brain activity by accelerating the stimulation of neurons. With a regular reception, your memory will increase, the apathetic state will disappear, sleep will be normalized and nightmare will be lost. In general, tops increases the overall vitality of the body.
  8. In the cold season, in particular in winter, it is necessary to eat green leaves of beet. They can be pre-frozen, then used as needed. So you saturate the body with vitamins and increase resistance to colds. The same quality is appreciated by people with low on the nature of the immune system.
  9. Antihistamine compounds are also present in the composition of the tops. They can suppress the symptoms of food allergies, pollen, sun and other factors. Folic acid, or vitamin B9, has a positive effect on the health of a pregnant woman and her fetus.
  10. Such a wide range of useful properties and a rich chemical composition does not imply a high caloric content of tops.It does not exceed 20 Kcal., Therefore the leaves are used in many diets for weight loss. A systematic technique ensures quick weight loss without stress for the body.

The benefits of beet tops for diseases

  1. Beet greens showed itself well in the fight against fairly serious diseases. The product will be especially useful for the body if you suffer from hypertension, chronic constipation, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and anemia.
  2. Nutritionists actively recommend including beet tops in various diets for weight loss. Calorie product per 100 gr. makes only 20 Kcal. The plant perfectly stabilizes the metabolism. Root leaves have proven themselves in the fight against obesity.

Beet plant for weight loss

 Beet plant for weight loss

  1. Beet leaves are an excellent ingredient in vegetable and fruit salads. The raw material contains a large amount of fiber necessary for health. Active enzymes help the body to say goodbye to unwanted pounds without undue stress.
  2. If you are trying to follow the figure, beet tops will have to taste.Leaves can also be included in the recipes of various salads. It is highly recommended to season salads with olive oil or lemon juice. In this case, you can achieve maximum results.

Harm of beet tops

  1. How useful would not be the leaves of beets, yet there is a list of diseases in which raw materials can cause significant harm. It is forbidden to eat raw materials with a tendency to diarrhea. Remember, tops have a laxative effect.
  2. Unacceptable consumption of leaves in pathologies of the bladder and kidneys during the period of exacerbation. Active ingredients can cause movement of the stones or worsening of the course of the disease. Plant stimulates increased urination.
  3. It is forbidden to consume beet tops for hepatitis. Root leaves during processing by the body exert an additional load on the liver. As a result, the patient's condition may deteriorate significantly.
  4. Do not even think about eating leaves for gout, hypotension, type 2 diabetes. Individual intolerance to raw materials is rarely observed. In other cases, beet leaves will bring undoubted benefits to the body.

As part of the beet tops a lot of vitamins, mineral compounds, organic acids, natural sugars, proteins, dietary fiber. All these substances are necessary for the human body for the full functioning of systems and organs. Thus, digestion, metabolism, cell regeneration, etc., are normalized.

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