Fig jam - the benefits and harm to the body

None of the sweet tooth will not refuse surprisingly tasty, fragrant and incredibly useful fig jam. It used to be jam cooked from the remnants of the garden crop in order to preserve fruits and berries for the winter. Today this sweet delicacy is made from exotic and sometimes very rare fruits. Figs - is the fruit of the fig tree, grown mainly in Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Crimea, the Carpathians. This is one of the oldest fruit plants, according to legend, Adam and Eve covered a fig leaf with their naked body. Fig tree unpretentious - grows in arid areas, on rocky shores. Figs are incredibly useful, they are eaten fresh, dried and canned. From the fruits of the date tree are actively preparing all kinds of jams, preserves, candied fruits.Treats from figs have a surprisingly delicate and rich taste, the jam is very sweet. But in what its advantage, we will try to understand.

 The benefits and harm of fig jam

Useful properties of fig jam

First, figs are very sweet, fresh fruit can contain 20-30% glucose and fructose, and dried fruit is even sweeter, sometimes even with a cloying aftertaste. This suggests that figs - a source of fast carbohydrates, a pair of fruits can save a person from hunger. Dried figs were always in the bag of merchants who crossed the desert on camels. A small dried fruit did not take up much space, gave energy, had a high calorie content, was stored for a long time and did not deteriorate. Despite the fact that the fruit is sweet, it perfectly quenches thirst. Figs helped caravans survive.

In addition to sugar, there are proteins in the fig, carbohydrates, tannins, acids. There are many vitamins in fruits - potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. Fig since ancient times is considered a source of nutrients.

  1. For colds. Asians in ancient times, many diseases were treated with figs. The fruits have anti-inflammatory effects, they are very effective for colds, figs can cope with a sore throat.To do this, knead the ripe fruit in a glass, pour boiling water or hot milk, let it brew and drink. Fig has a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, it allows you to get rid of the high temperature. Be sure to add dried figs to the kettle in the cold season - this is an excellent prevention of flu and colds.
  2. From cough. Another property of figs - fruits have a powerful expectorant effect. They effectively dilute phlegm, facilitate the removal of mucus. Figs are useful for bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, and fig jam is recommended for asthma.
  3. For high hemoglobin. Figs contain a huge amount of iron, which is perfectly absorbed. In fig fruits there is more iron than in green apples. Therefore, fig jam is an excellent prevention of anemia. This tasty medicine is especially liked by children and pregnant women - it’s not only effective, but also a safe way to increase hemoglobin.
  4. Diuretic action. The fruit has a pronounced diuretic effect, due to which the fruits of figs are used in the fight against swelling and swelling.Fig jam must be in the diet of cores and patients with kidney disease. Course taking figs helps get rid of kidney stones and gall bladder. The diuretic property allows you to clear the body of toxins and slags, because it has a large amount of coumarin. This substance is the body’s natural defense against radiation.
  5. Slimming Despite the fact that figs are sufficiently high-calorie (more than 200 kcal per 100 grams of product), you can satisfy your hunger with literally two pieces of this fruit. This is a healthy and healthy snack that will help pass the time between major meals.
  6. Laxative. Fig extract is a part of the laxative drug Kafiol. This is a preparation for a gentle and effective bowel cleansing. Jam and jam from this fruit have a similar effect. Figs are not addictive, so you can safely use them in the fight against constipation, even chronic.
  7. For heart. Figs contain a huge amount of potassium, which is useful for the cardiovascular system. Regular intake of figs in food will protect you from heart attack and stroke, normalizes pressure, stabilizes the work of blood vessels.
  8. For vitality. Figs - is a powerful energetic, able to quickly restore vitality, get rid of the blues and bad mood. Add syrup of fig jam to tea for a child - this will strengthen his immunity, improve appetite and digestion.

Syrup of jam is consumed not only inside. This is an excellent remedy for skin inflammation, muscle pain, sprains. The leaves of the fig tree also have medicinal properties - on the basis of their extract is prepared pharmaceutical ointment Psoberan, which is used in the fight against psoriasis and vitiligo.

Contraindications for eating fig jam

No product can be unambiguously useful, figs are no exception. Here are a few cautions you should be aware of even before using a tasty treat.

 Contraindications for eating fig jam

As it was noted, figs have a high calorie content, so it is dangerous to eat it in large quantities, especially for diabetics and those who watch their weight.

In fig and jam it contains tiny bones that can get stuck between the teeth, in the tooth holes, etc. In combination with an incredible amount of sugar in the composition of the product figs can trigger the development of caries.and other dental problems. Therefore, after eating fig sweetness, you need to thoroughly brush your teeth.

Like any sweet product, and especially if it is an unfamiliar delicacy, figs can be the cause of an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the urticaria. If you eat fruit or jam for the first time, start with small portions.

Do not consume the fruit in the period of poisoning and with a weak intestine. Unfortunately, the laxative properties of figs can cause diarrhea.

Another great Swiss doctor Paracelsus argued that any product can be a medicine or poison, the whole thing is only in its dose. Eat fig jam in moderation, and it will bring you only benefits.

How to cook fig jam

Cooking jam from figs is no different from similar delicacies from other fruits. Peeled fruits of figs should be cut into two or four parts, covered with sugar, leave for a few hours. Then you need to bring the composition to a boil, remove from heat, cool - so three times. After caramelization, pieces of figs will become like marmalade. For the third time, pour boiling jam into sterilized jars, roll up.Jam is cooked in the same way, except that the fruits must first be ground to a homogeneous mass. In order for the jam to preserve more nutrients, it is better to pour figs with sugar, put them in plastic containers and freeze them. In winter, the jam will delight you with not only the preserved benefits, but also an incredible aroma!

Figs - is an amazing fruit, which has more than a hundred species. Figs are widely used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Boil fig jam and always be healthy!

Video: how to make healing fig jam

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