Viburnum preserves - health benefits

For a long time viburnum is considered a berry, which can cure a large number of various diseases due to its rich composition. Its scarlet berries have a bitterish, slightly sour taste - it is impossible to confuse the taste of viburnum with anything else. The berries contain a large amount of all kinds of vitamins and minerals, as well as trace elements, so viburnum is highly valued by traditional healers. At home, many cook jam from viburnum - it is not only tasty, but also incredibly useful. Consider the benefits and harm of such a sweet dish.

 The benefits and harm of viburnum jam

What is the chemical composition?

Kalina bypasses most fruits and fruits by the content of useful elements in it. Long since our grandmothers rolled up jars of viburnum jam for the winter - and they definitely gave us for colds, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other ailments.

So, consider what is in the composition of this miraculous berry:

  1. Vitamin C. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system. An interesting fact is that in Kalina vitamin C is more than in citrus - almost twice. Also in the composition of viburnum there are vitamins K, PP, A, E. All of them are needed to strengthen the body.
  2. Tannins. They allow you to release the body from toxins, strengthen blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  3. Phytoncides. These substances are indispensable in the fight against harmful microorganisms, as well as microbes.
  4. Pectin. An extremely useful substance that literally cleanses the body from the inside. Removes toxins, promotes the release of free radicals, which means that pectin gives youth and beauty.
  5. Acetic, formic, coffee, citric amino acids. They contribute to the enrichment of the body with beneficial substances - especially during periods when a viral infection is walking everywhere. Amino acids have the ability to improve immunity, therefore, the flu, ORVI you will not be afraid if you regularly use jam from viburnum.
  6. Essential oils. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, help to improve sleep.
  7. Minerals Potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, boron, iodine, zinc.All of them are necessary for the correct operation of the human body and are indispensable.

What is the use?

It can be immediately noted that the dessert has a very pleasant taste - and this means that it is not only healthy, but also will be a great addition to the evening tea. But not only for its taste, viburnum jam is popular. It is incredibly useful - consider all its qualities in detail:

  1. Enhance immunity. Due to the high content of vitamin C, you can significantly reduce the number of colds.
  2. Liver cell regeneration. Many say with confidence that viburnum is a wonderful hepatoprotector. This is due to the fact that the active substances contained in Kalina effectively remove toxins from the body.
  3. Therapy of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With an ulcer, you can use jam from viburnum - it soothes the pain, with this berry it is easier to get rid of exacerbations, heartburn. In addition, many experts recommend taking Kalina during therapy with the use of medicines - so that medicines do not harm the body.
  4. With a reasonable consumption of viburnum berries (namely, jam), you can improve the condition of the skin. Inflammatory processes on the epidermis, all kinds of pustules and pimples will quickly pass if you use at least a spoonful of viburnum jam every day.
  5. Very beneficial berry affects the nervous system. With regular consumption, you can get rid of depression, insomnia, strengthen the nervous system as a whole.
  6. You can prevent the formation of kidney stones. This recommendation will be relevant for people who already have sand in the kidneys - it can be quickly and painlessly extracted using jam from viburnum. But here it is important to take into account the nuance: in this case it is necessary to cook the dessert together with the bones.

What harm can bring viburnum?

When excessive consumption of viburnum can cause harm, so you need to consider that everything is good in moderation.

 The harm of jam from viburnum

  1. You cannot use viburnum jam for people who have lowered blood pressure, because the berry has a slight diuretic property - and this can reduce the pressure even more.
  2. If a person has atherosclerosis, then there is the likelihood of blood clots - in this case, jam from viburnum can also be harmful.
  3. If you use the product excessively, it is possible that allergic reactions develop - a rash forms on the skin, and in general a person will feel unwell.

Is it possible to jam nursing and pregnant mothers?

Not only possible, but necessary. It was during this period that the organism of the future mother is most susceptible to the action of various viruses and other harmful microorganisms, therefore all traditional healers recommend including a sweet dish in your diet. Natural, absolutely safe (if taken in reasonable quantities) jam will give strength, improve the general condition and allow you to avoid colds, which can negatively reflect on the health of both mother and child.

With bronchitis - even in the chronic form viburnum will be the perfect solution. The natural immunity stimulator activates all processes in the body, due to which it will be much easier for it to resist viruses and bacteria.

Important: before taking the viburnum jam, the mother should always consult with your doctor. He will be able to evaluate all the risks, to eliminate the possible individual intolerance - only after that the woman can begin therapy.

As you can see, the berry is really very useful, it allows you to get rid of a large number of diseases, but immunomodulating properties are still in the first place. Savor a jar of delicious jam for the winter - and no diseases will be scary to you.

Video: recipe of viburnum jam

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