Dandelion Jam - Health Benefits and Harm

From dandelions do not only beautiful wreaths on his head, but, oddly enough, jam. In the end, it turns out a delicious delicacy, which has a lot of useful qualities. Dandelion jam is used for therapeutic purposes for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. On this basis, people are interested in the benefits and harm of dandelion jam. Let's talk about them in order.

 The benefits and harm of dandelion jam

The composition of dandelion jam

After eating delicacy you will feel a pleasant aftertaste. Dandelions are characterized by bitterness, but it does not feel in the jam.

Iodine, selenium, manganese, copper, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and zinc are found in the treats. Of course, dandelions have an extensive mineral complex, but we have named the most useful elements.

Among vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamin K, vitamin PP, beta-carotene, and B-group vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine, folic acid, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and others) are of the greatest value.

Dandelion jam is not deprived of dietary fiber, in particular fiber, in a small amount of fat, carbohydrates.

How to make dandelion jam

  • drinking water - 0.25 l.
  • granulated sugar - 320 gr.
  • Dandelion (flowers) - 100 pcs.
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.

  1. Inflorescences for making jam should be collected in the daytime, when the dandelion is as open as possible. You can rip 100, 200, 300 pieces in proportion to the number of other components.
  2. Wash the flowers under the tap, shake them so that the glass has excess moisture. Pour clean water into the basin and send a dandelion for soaking for a day. Some steep inflorescences 1-2 hours, this is wrong.
  3. After a specified time, arm yourself with a knife, separate the green part from the yellow one. Send in the trash greenish "ass", they are not required. Jam is made from yellow petals.
  4. Send the inflorescences into the water, place the container with the contents on the stove and wait for the start of bubbling. After this, note the time, boil the treat 10-12 minutes.
  5. Remove the dandelion jam from the stove, let cool to room temperature. Drain the water in a separate container, squeeze the inflorescences by hand. Pour the sugar into the liquid, mix.
  6. Now wash and chop the citrus fruits into slices, getting rid of the seeds. Send in a bowl with sugar and water. Place on the burner and boil for a quarter of an hour after the start of boiling.
  7. Be sure to pre-sterilize all containers for dispensing treats. Immediately pack a hot treat on them, roll up the lids and turn them over to cool.

The benefits of dandelion jam

 The benefits of dandelion jam

  1. It is used for colds and in the period of beriberi, because it perfectly strengthens the immune system. Dandelion jam increases resistance to viruses, replenishes missing vitamins, helps to recover from an illness or surgery.
  2. Due to anti-inflammatory properties, it is useful to use jam in case of sore throat, pneumonia, bronchitis and even joint diseases.
  3. The benefits of treating for people with liver diseases are invaluable; refreshing restores the function of an internal organ and contributes to the accelerated outflow of bile.
  4. Delicacy is useful for people with low immunity from nature. It's all about the ability of dandelion jam to protect the body from viruses and fight infectious diseases of various nature.
  5. Thanks to the accumulation of vitamin C, which is a natural antioxidant, the whole body is cleansed. It is useful to eat jam in small portions to remove slagging and toxins.
  6. Due to the fact that the delicacy contains many vitamins of group B, the state of the nervous system improves. It is easier for a person to endure stressful situations, insomnia and chronic fatigue syndrome disappear.
  7. Delicacy stimulates brain activity, enhancing the activity of neurons. On this basis, concentration, memory, and fine motor skills increase. Valuable treat for the elderly who are at risk of developing dementia.
  8. Jam perfectly affects the gastrointestinal tract. A treat enhances the absorption of food and does not allow it to roam in the esophagus. In addition, the use of jam on the oral cavity is noticed, and disinfection and prevention of bleeding of the gums is carried out.
  9. Experts advise to eat delicacy in the treatment of hemorrhoids and to prevent its further manifestation. This is useful for those who spend a lot of time sitting.
  10. The undoubted advantage of the treat is its ability to increase physical endurance. For this reason, the jam should be included in the diet of schoolchildren, students and those who work physically.

Properties of dandelion jam

 Properties of dandelion jam

  1. Regular intake of dandelion delicacies will help prevent the development of gout, rheumatism and other ailments associated with joints. The product eliminates various forms of inflammatory processes. You should not pin high hopes on raw materials, the composition will not be able to completely cure the disease, but it will completely relieve tangible pain.
  2. Jam perfectly cleanses the body of toxic substances, in particular the liver. The composition neutralizes the particles completely and removes them from the tissues. If you do not clear the body of toxins in time, you can provoke the development of serious pathologies. In this case, you should not resort to pharmaceutical preparations, it is enough to include a delicacy in the daily diet.
  3. The unique healing properties of the plant help to easily cope with chronic constipation. Raw materials are famous for their mild laxative effect. Do not once again take medicines and injure the body, it is enough to regularly eat a small amount of jam. Also, the consumption of delicacy is reflected in the appearance. The product helps to find an even and beautiful tone of the skin.
  4. Dandelion jam has a pronounced choleretic effect. Similar effects can also be achieved with infusion or tea from the leaves and flowers of the plant. If you suffer from stagnation of bile, you need to systematically take a treat. Before the course, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor. The specialist will write out the exact course and may appoint a welcome broth or tea based on dandelions.
  5. Traditional medicine has proven that jam effectively cleanses the body of intestinal parasites. According to statistics, every 3 people on the planet has a similar ailment. You can even not suspect this, acting as a carrier. From this it can be concluded that dandelion jam must be consumed even for the prevention of various ailments.In this case, it is necessary to take into account only possible contraindications.
  6. Often a treat is prescribed as a means to prevent anemia. Raw materials have a high concentration of iron, which is necessary for the body. In general, the jam is in the form of a vitamin-mineral complex. The product perfectly prevents avitaminosis and suppresses the development of seasonal diseases. Thus, the depletion of the body with the necessary elements does not threaten you.

Damage to dandelion jam

  1. Unfortunately, not every person can use a treat as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for beriberi and various ailments. Harm from raw materials can be in the presence of an allergic reaction or idiosyncrasy.
  2. In addition, jam due to the high concentration of active substances is forbidden to receive if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, acute gastritis, duodenal ulcer and gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Dandelion jam is contraindicated in cholelithiasis, intestinal upset and acidity in the stomach. It is not recommended to give a treat to small children if they have not yet formed an immune system.Kids are allowed to try the dessert no earlier than 5 years.

Treats based on dandelions - a useful product that can get rid of ailments. Jam in the absence of contraindications can be used as a prophylactic agent in the presence of articular diseases and seasonal beriberi.

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