Rhubarb jam - the benefits and harm to health

Many are aware of the unique and healing properties of rhubarb. With the help of plants you can significantly improve health and get rid of some ailments. As for jam based on it, at any time of the year you can maintain the protective functions of the body at the proper level.

 The benefits and harm of rhubarb jam

The benefits of rhubarb jam

  1. Not one century proved the enormous benefits of the plant. Such properties are achieved due to the rich composition and active enzymes. Rhubarb contains an abundance of vitamins and microelements. Among them is a high concentration of folic acid and carotene.
  2. The plant is saturated with phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium. In addition to macronutrients in the plant there are various organic acids: oxalic, malic, citric.If you consume the product in its pure form, in a short time you will strengthen the body well.
  3. The unique components of rhubarb have a positive effect on the circulatory system, increases the regeneration of the skin. Raw materials perfectly prevents the development of diseases associated with the heart and respiratory organs.
  4. The healing properties of plants have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, with regular eating the product you will improve the natural metabolism. Processes in the nervous system are also being established.
  5. Systematic eating jams from plants promotes better development of bone and muscle tissue. Rhubarb is especially recommended for athletes. The active ingredients have a beneficial effect on the activity of the gallbladder, cardiovascular system and liver.
  6. Rhubarb enhances the breakdown of adipose tissue and improves blood quality. Plant jam is often used to treat psoriasis, arthritis, sclerosis, tuberculosis and anemia.

The use of rhubarb in traditional medicine

  1. Due to the rich composition, rhubarb began to be used in traditional medicine from ancient times.For the treatment of diseases of raw materials are used in the form of tinctures and decoctions. Powder is made from the root of the plant; it can also be purchased at the pharmacy. This extract is often included in the drugs.
  2. To prepare an effective infusion, you need to take 40 grams. rhubarb powder. Connect the raw materials with 250 ml. boiling water. Insist means for several hours. Drink you need to drink for half an hour before bedtime for 90-110 ml. This tool acts as a diuretic, hepatoprotector and anti-inflammatory composition.
  3. Regular intake of the drink will help people who suffer from anemia, low acidity in the stomach, hepatitis, colitis, tuberculosis, enterocolitis and constipation. Also, the powder will help eliminate diseases associated with inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Small doses of raw materials perfectly stimulate appetite and improve digestion. A large portion of the drink will help to cope with constipation. In order not to harm the body with traditional medicine recipes, it is strongly recommended to visit a specialist for detailed instructions.

The benefits of rhubarb jam in hepatitis

 The benefits of rhubarb jam in hepatitis

  1. If you are undergoing the main course of treatment for hepatitis, a delicacy based on rhubarb will act as an additional component to alleviate the course of the illness.Use of the plant is confirmed by official medicine and numerous studies.
  2. No less effective will be a decoction of raw materials. To cook it, you need 50 grams. rhubarb root powder and 300 ml. clean water. Send the components to a stewpot; after boiling, reduce the heat to minimum power. Tomit components for half an hour. Cool the composition and strain.
  3. Take the drug in 40 ml. 3 times a day for 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is about 1 month. It is not necessary to self-medicate, it is mandatory to consult a professional before the procedure. The course of the disease must take place under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Harm of rhubarb jam

  1. Harm from such a delicacy can be if you abuse the product. In some cases, should take into account the characteristics of the organism. It is not necessary to exclude possible individual intolerance.
  2. All sweet preparations do not do without sugar. Therefore, rhubarb jam will harm people who have diabetes and are prone to obesity.
  3. Also, the composition is contraindicated in the formation of kidney stones, diseases of the genitourinary system, rheumatism, peritonitis and gout.
  4. Delicacy can be harmful to health with increased acidity in the stomach, gastritis and ulcers.
  5. The product is forbidden to eat with inflammation of appendicitis, hemorrhoids and gastrointestinal bleeding. It is wise to treat the dainty girls during the carrying of the fetus.

Strawberry and Rhubarb Jam Recipe

  • sugar - 0.5 kg.
  • rhubarb (petioles) - 530 gr.
  • fresh strawberries - 480 gr.

  1. Wash the raw materials thoroughly and remove any excess. Drain, remove streaks from the stalks. Chop the rhubarb with small pieces of arbitrary shape. Put the ingredients in a bowl of suitable size alternately with sugar.
  2. Cover with a gauze cloth over the bowl, leave the food to infuse for a day. Over the allotted composition will give the required amount of juice. Keep the ingredients on low heat, do not forget to stir.
  3. In time, remove the foam, set aside the container with a delicacy to the side, cool a little. Pack up raw materials on sterile banks. Keep the usual way. Rhubarb is recommended to be collected at the end of summer, the plant will concentrate the greatest amount of nutrients.

Rhubarb jam can be beneficial to a person if they are not abused.In other cases, to improve health, it is strongly recommended to use fresh raw materials or powder from the roots. Do not forget that before self-treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Video: rhubarb jam - useful and extravagant

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