Cherry Juice - Health Benefits and Harm

If you do not like this unique drink, then it remains only to hug you and cry. If you like, then one well-known Internet meme says: “Omagat! What happiness! "

 The benefits and harm of cherry juice

So, cherry juice. Its benefits and harms are the topic of our article. We read and marvel.

What is harmful cherry juice

In fact, all the harm from the drink is contained in the acid. Organic origin, it actively irritates the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. Therefore, cherry juice is contraindicated for people with:

  • gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer
  • gastritis (high acidity)
  • kidney disease
  • liver diseases

By the way, there are two other categories of people who can not drink cherry juice. These are small children (age up to 12 months).Because an allergic reaction can occur and, as a result, diathesis. And people with individual intolerance.

All other people can drink juice from cherries and even need it. Read below why.

What is the use of cherry juice

The composition of this drink is so saturated with vitamins, minerals and trace elements that it can rightly be called a miracle. With regular use, it has a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

Any stone fruit cultures contain pectins. These are such mysterious substances that can be safely called body attendants. They perfectly clean:

  • vessels from atherosclerotic plaques
  • muscle toxins
  • the whole body of free radicals
  • intestines from toxins
  • skin from exposure to harmful substances

By the way, these substances are the main component in the production of drugs for toxication. Actually, therefore, it is recommended to drink cherry juice to athletes before a grueling workout. It also helps the muscles recover.

Diabetes Cherry Juice

Forbidden! Categorically. The drink contains a huge amount of sugar, so the glycemic index is considered absolutely unacceptable for those who already suffer from the disease.

At the same time, it is precisely as a prophylactic agent for diabetes for people at risk - it is considered an ideal remedy. Inulin, contained in juice in large quantities, intelligently normalizes metabolic processes in the body. Thanks to this prevention, the risk of diabetes is reduced by 30%. Agree, this is a very good indicator, not taking into account the drug.

Cherry on the protection of joints

Dry statistics cites evidence that arthritis, gout and arthrosis have recently become much younger. We will not find out the reasons, this is a different conversation. But we hurry to please the lovers of cherry juice. First, it has the preventive ability to prevent these diseases. Secondly, if the disease still managed to get you, do not worry. Only 2 cups of cherry juice per day - and pain in the inflamed joints will disappear.

Of course, the drink is not a 100% panacea for the disease. This is not a cure. But as an adjunct in the complex therapy - it is quite a drug.

Important! Cherry juice reduces uric acid levels and removes it from the body.So is the prevention of renal stone disease.

Oh, those antioxidants!

As you know, cherry is not in last place on the content of antioxidants. The word is a long time all on hearing. Almost every commercials sounds. What is it all about? And the usefulness of cherry juice in this regard?

Antioxidants are very useful companions. They:

  • Toxins and free radicals are eliminated from the body.
  • Clear the vessels of atherosclerotic plaques and prevent ischemia and hypertension.
  • Rejuvenate the skin from the inside.
  • Inhibit aging.

As you can see, very useful comrades, these antioxidants.

Cherry juice for beauty

Who's what, and we're all about pectins. Every year, research reveals more and more useful properties of these substances. For example, quite recently a link was found between pectins and the body’s own synthesis of B vitamins.

 Cherry juice for beauty

But these vitamins are responsible for the condition of the hair, nails and skin of a person. Therefore, dear ladies! Pay close attention to cherry juice. Start to use it daily in small portions. Drink in season and harvest for future use.

Because the time that nature has set aside to collect cherries is too short. And you want to be beautiful all year round.

Interesting. Vitamins B are given to women not only external beauty. Inner peace and harmony also depend on them. Because for the correct functioning of the nervous system, a combination of phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins of group B is necessary. All this is contained in cherry juice in almost perfect proportions.

Is it possible to cherry juice pregnant

Very much possible and necessary! There is such a substance - folic acid. Future moms need it. Indeed, without it, the normal formation of the fetus is impossible.

In addition, it is folic acid that is responsible for the competent work of the blood-forming organs. The amount of hemoglobin in the blood and the quality of the red blood cells directly depend on it.

Some doctors even recommend taking a certain amount of cherry juice on a daily basis in order to quickly recover from difficult births with large blood loss.

Council Nursing moms need to choose the cherry juice. To raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood, a natural product of its own production is recommended. Or at least from trusted sources.Packaged and bottled forms of the drink, as a rule, are not juice. Often it is just restored nectar or even flavored water.

Blood cherry

More precisely, for the circulatory system. Traditional medicine since ancient times used cherry juice for excessively heavy menstrual and uterine bleeding. But not only. Laboratory studies have shown that the content of vitamins of the PP group in the drink just goes off scale. This substance is responsible for the strength of blood vessels and the normalization of blood clotting.

By the way, this feature allows you to use cherry juice as a strong wound-healing agent. This fact will be interesting to mothers of small children. They often fall and injure knees with elbows. Smearing a screaming child with a healing ointment is always problematic. But to drink the cherry juice of any work does not make.

Interesting Facts

Did you know that one portion of cherry juice replaces 19 portions of any other juice in its composition? Now you know.

In the old days of warriors, after a hard battle, it was otpivali with cherry juice.He gave the body strength for a speedy recovery and regained strength in case of decline.

For gastritis with low acidity, cherry juice will eliminate the need to use hydrochloric acid or pharmaceutical gastric juice. Just do not take it concentrated. For the best effect, cherry juice is diluted with spring or boiled water. And it is also undesirable to mix the drink with other juices. It will be a waste. After all, the cherry composition is many times stronger and more active than any other.

Well, how? Cherry juice surprised you? Benefit and harm hit? And you did not know about his miraculous properties. Saw on a mustache, water your family and just enjoy the great taste.

Video: how to make cherry juice

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