Apple peel - useful properties and application

Many people know that the main benefit of such a product as an apple is contained in its peel, but recently they try to get rid of the peel before eating an apple, because there is too much risk of poisoning with chemicals. But this is only necessary in cases where an apple is brought directly from the supermarket. Grown in nature in their own garden, the fruit is completely safe and does not harm health.

 Useful properties and use of apple peel

Composition and nutritional value

As part of the apple peel contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, as well as ascorbic acid, carbohydrates, necessary for the health of vitamin A, calcium and phosphorus.

Apple peelings contain special substances that can prevent breast and liver cancer, and some apple varieties are saturated with antioxidants.

The benefits of apples for the human body

  1. Quercetin and rutin are special antioxidants that are also present in the peel. They have a very strong effect and help the body to protect against various damage at the cellular level, as well as from inflammation, and eliminate problems with blood circulation. According to scientists at Cornell University, the systematic consumption of apple peel significantly reduces the risk of asthma, hypertension and cancer.
  2. Canadian scientists have concluded that due to the content in the apple peel of the most useful substances, this product can cure even the most serious diseases that pose a threat to life.
  3. Due to the large amount of insoluble fiber, as well as vitamin C, excess fat is removed without problems. It was noticed that lovers of fatty foods sometimes want to eat an apple. Many do not realize that the body asks for help.
  4. Eating apple peel helps to maintain the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and this is a merit of the pectin component that makes up this product. It normalizes the work of the intestinal microflora, favors the activity of probiotics, which actively influence the state of human immunity and keep the body in working condition.
  5. Antioxidants, which make up most of the apples, have the ability to resist duodenal cancer. Such a conclusion was made by scientists from America.
  6. Scientists from the University of Iowa, it was found that the contained ursolic acid in the product helps build muscle mass, and reduces muscle atrophy. As a result of research by endocrinologists, conclusions were made about the benefits of this product for muscle fibers. Ursulov acid actively interacts with many hormones, such as insulin, and acid helps receptors to get used to these substances, developing muscle in people.
  7. Due to the content of ursulova acid, there is a decrease in the content of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, as well as fat deposits.

If we talk about the dangers of apple peel, then it is present only in products treated with pesticides. To preserve the presentation of the surface of the apple, as a rule, treated with wax. These fruits are beautiful in appearance, but very harmful to the human body.

Recipes of traditional medicine with apple peel

  1. Tea with the addition of apple peel helps treat rheumatism and gout. Need 3 tbsp. lPour 500 ml of boiled water. You can drink almost immediately. Drink systematically.
  2. Also from rheumatism make a special decoction of dried apples. You need to add licorice syrup, two hundred grams of dried dried product and one liter of water. Add water to the apples and boil everything for 15 minutes, then allow to cool and add syrup (a teaspoon to a glass of solution). You need to use two hundred milliliters twice a day for more than one month. Due to the systematic, you can get rid of the disease.
  3. 100 grams of apples should be poured with one liter of boiled water, boiled for 5 minutes. Cool and drink. This solution should be eaten in 200-300 ml. Drink this solution with a sore throat.
  4. Tincture of apples on alcohol. You need 2.5 kilograms of sliced ​​apples pour 1.5 liters of vodka. Put the container with the contents for 3 weeks into the light, then strain and keep the resulting solution for another 10 days in the refrigerator.
  5. Apples with pumpkin for anemia. Green apples with pumpkin pulp need to be boiled, so that the ingredients are softened. After that, the mixture must be removed from the heat, cool, strain and then cook for another 15 minutes. This dish can be eaten to both kids and adults.

Apple peel is a very useful product that helps with many diseases. By eating it, you can prevent many diseases and conditions.

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