Guinea fowl eggs - health benefits and harm

Guinea fowl is an African bird of unusual coloring. It is characteristic that this representative of the feathered kingdom can normally exist in conditions of very different climates. It survives in conditions of heat, and with significant frosts. Guinea fowl is connected by related roots with chickens, turkeys, quails. The bird is quite rare and many have never even heard of it. For food, it is not demanding. Being in the garden, it brings certain benefits. She gladly eats plants harmful to the Colorado beetles. Do not mind to hunt for ants, ticks, flies. But the plants themselves, they do not damage.

 The benefits and harm of guinea fowl eggs

The bird is well accustomed to home conditions, which was successfully used in its time. Having acquired a home character, she, however, has not lost the authoritarianism that was so characteristic of her ancestors.The bird runs pretty fast, and has not lost its ability to fly. By virtue of her character, she does not tolerate the presence of cats and dogs. Maybe for this reason, it can be seen much less frequently in backyard gardens than in chickens and geese. But not so long ago they were permanent inhabitants in the territory of exemplary subsidiary farms.

Fact! This bird is extremely rarely exposed to salmonella disease. For this reason, her eggs can be safely eaten raw, without worrying about the fact that you can get an infection caused by certain representatives of the vast army of Salmonella.

Breeding Guinea fowls are engaged in order to obtain dietary meat and eggs, which have a huge undeniable benefit. The bird is capable of rushing for half a year. During its productivity, it is able to lay up to 120 eggs.

In some countries, guinea fowl meat can be tasted exclusively in respectable elite restaurant outlets. On an industrial scale, several regions of our country are engaged in growing this bird. These include, for example, the Moscow Region.

Description of guinea fowl eggs

If you touch such an egg by touch, then you can note some roughness. The shape resembles a pear, and the surface has brown specks. By mass, they are smaller than chicken eggs, and their weight is about 40 g. They are shown an increased interest by those who have to be away from home for a long time. The reason for this lies not only in their nutritional value, but also in the fact that they have a long shelf life. In distant hikes this quality is very valuable.

Useful properties can be represented by the following positions:

  1. Eggshell has several unusual properties. It is so strong that it can withstand a drop from a height of two meters without any problems.
  2. The strength of the shell determines the duration of storage. At a temperature of + 10 degrees eggs can maintain their freshness up to six months.
  3. The bulk of the shell is associated with a small number of pores. Moisture evaporates minimally and is an obstacle to infection.

But the benefits of guinea fowl eggs do not end there. There are other positive points:

  1. The content of vitamin substances from group A is 50% higher than the amount found in chicken eggs.
  2. Allergens are almost completely absent.
  3. Allowed to use raw.
  4. The yolk with a minimum moisture content, large size and excellent taste.
  5. The yolk part of the egg is bright orange. This confirms the high content of carotenoids in it, which are so necessary for the prevention of many diseases.

The uniqueness of the shell

The shell of the egg is rich in organic calcium, which in comparison with the synthetic analogue is absorbed by the body by 100%. Besides it, there are other minerals in the shell. Especially a lot of iron, phosphorus and sulfur.

From the shell you can prepare medicinal powder using the following recipe. Algorithm of actions:

  • eggs are boiled and cleaned from the shell;
  • it is necessary to boil using two waters. The exposure in each of them is 5 minutes;
  • the shell is dried;
  • the shells should be ground using a coffee grinder;
  • One teaspoon is shown at the reception (the powder is washed down with a sufficient amount of water).

With age, calcium is “washed out” of the bones. Therefore, it is the elderly who are recommended to take such a powder. But you should not abuse them.Techniques should be accompanied by interruptions, since excess calcium is just as harmful as its deficiency.

Medicinal properties

The product has pronounced dietary properties. In terms of 100 g of the product contains only 43 kcal. This suggests that, after consuming 2 eggs, the body receives a good portion of protein at the very minimum of the fat fraction.

 Medicinal properties of guinea fowl eggs

Guinea fowl eggs are useful in the following situations:

  • Anemia of various origins.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Pathology of the digestive tract.
  • Eggs are good for losing weight.
  • During pregnancy and lactation woman.
  • States associated with metabolic disorders.
  • General malaise, accompanied by a breakdown.
  • The period of rehabilitation after serious surgery.
  • For feeding children.


Limit or completely eliminate the eggs of guinea fowl is necessary in the presence of the following situations:

  • Pathology of the kidneys and liver.
  • Do not give to children in the first few days after vaccination.
  • Cases of individual intolerance.

How to use?

If there are concerns about eating raw eggs, they must be boiled. But they should be cooked a little longer than chicken eggs, at least 5-6 minutes.This is because their shells are much thicker.

Application in cosmetology

Eggs of this species are widely used for cosmetic purposes. They go for the manufacture of various cosmetics. In some beauty salons, the employees themselves prepare cosmetics using these eggs. They perfectly find a combination with many preparations intended for cosmetics. The positive point is that the guinea fowl eggs do not practically cause allergic reactions.

  1. With their use, you can make a mask to moisturize hair. The use of eggs can strengthen the hair. To do this, the contents of two eggs mixed with water. On the hair mixture is half an hour. Then the hair should be rinsed with ordinary cold water.
  2. Many women use eggs for wrapping.
  3. With the help of them you can prepare a mask for cleaning the face.
  4. Applying a body scrub based on guinea fowl eggs, you can achieve a significant improvement in its appearance. To do this, crushed eggshell is added to the usual shower gel. But this composition is not applicable to the skin around the eyes, because the skin in these areas is very thin.

The one who wants to buy a similar product is concerned with the price of the issue. Unfortunately, guinea fowl eggs in the store can not be bought. But you can do it on the market or from farmers. As a rule, the price of such eggs is about three times higher than that of chicken eggs.

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