Biscuit - health benefits and harm

When a person is on a diet, he necessarily has a strong desire to eat something tasty. Often for this reason, there are breakdowns and a return to the former "harmful" diet. I especially want to eat something forbidden. These are pastries or sweets, which are simply contraindicated in the diet. In this situation, the biscuit will save. This is a fairly low-calorie product, in which, in addition, a lot of good. Let us consider in more detail what is the use of this product.

 The benefits and harm of galetny cookies

This type of cookies belong to the diet option. But still it remains a flour product. Let's figure out what its benefits, and what harm.

The use of galetny cookies

If the cookie was prepared according to the correct traditional recipe, then it will practically have no contraindications. It can be used by women during lactation and give even the smallest children.

Useful qualities of galetny cookies:

  1. The product contains vitamins that improve the immune system. Also, doctors allow it to people who have problems with the work of the digestive system.
  2. The main plus is the low calorie content and excellent taste. These cookies are very satisfying, and you will not eat much of it. This is very popular with those who want to lose weight or have to diet on an illness. Biscuit biscuits less calorie than galetny, but it is not so nourishing. You can eat it much more.
  3. The composition of galetny cookies makes it almost harmless to the body. After all, it consists of very simple components that are present in the diet of each person. This water, salt, flour, as well as sugar and yeast. There are no preservatives in its composition. It does not add baking powder and various flavors. This composition makes this product the best option when you want sweet. The best snack will be only berries and fruits. It is convenient to take it with you on the road or for a walk, since such cookies almost do not crumble.

But the benefit of this product is not only that it is low-calorie and does not cause negative consequences. It contains a number of useful components and vitamins.Flour from which galetny cookies are made, incorporates the food fibers necessary for maintenance of normal work of the alimentary system. It contains a number of trace elements essential for the body, such as iodine, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. The use of these components is essential for human health.

From the foregoing, it follows that this product is more good than harm. But still he has a number of contraindications. For those who like to eat this product, it is very important to know about its beneficial and dangerous properties.

What is the harm?

No matter how useful this or that product is, it is very important to know in all the measure. Of course, this product in moderation will not be harmful. But they should not get too carried away. This is especially true of people who are prone to corpulence. After all, after all, the product is a flour product and has a lot of fats and carbohydrates. Excessive consumption can lead to excess weight.

Despite the benefits and rich composition, this product should not replace a full breakfast or lunch. If you use it in too large quantities, instead of good digestion, this can lead to the opposite effect.Abdominal distension and other unpleasant problems in the gastrointestinal tract may occur. Therefore, eat biscuits gradually in the form of a quick snack.

Tips for choosing

When you buy biscuits in the store, be sure to carefully read its composition, which the manufacturer must indicate on the packaging. Many unscrupulous manufacturers can add harmful components to cookies to save or extend shelf life. It may be poor quality palm oil and other ingredients. Watch out for what you buy, because regular intake of trans fats can lead to very dangerous health effects.

To be completely confident in the safety and naturalness of food, it is best to cook them at home, if possible. The same applies to the galetny cookies. So you will be sure that there is nothing dangerous in cookies. In addition, homemade pastries are always tastier. It also provides many opportunities for the manifestation of fantasy. In the process of making cookies with your own hands, you can add nuts, berries and other additives that will make the product healthier and tastier.But do not forget that supplements can change the caloric content of the product in both large and smaller strontium. If you are dieting because of illness, consult your doctor before consuming the product.

Video: recipe dietary biscuits

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